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Transnational Land Deals for Agriculture in the Global South, Analytical Report based on the Land Matrix Database

Reports & Research
Avril, 2012

The Land Matrix, from which this report was produced, is an online public database of large-scale land deals. Report covers global overview – the rush for land for agriculture, where are investments targeted?, investors and investor countries, learning more about the drivers, processes and impacts: how land deals are implemented, bibliography.

Land Grabs or Large Scale Land Investments? Protecting Farmers’ Rights to Land

Policy Papers & Briefs
Février, 2012

“Large scale land investments” and “land grabbing” are the terms most commonly used to describe the rising global trend where foreign and local agribusinesses, mining corporations, governments, and investment houses obtain long term rights over large areas of land. Perhaps the most famous of these is the attempt by the Daewoo Group of South Korea to lease 1.3 million hectares, or more than half of the productive agricultural lands of Madagascar, in Africa.

Understanding Land Investment Deals in Africa. Country Report: Tanzania

Reports & Research
Décembre, 2011

Includes introduction, context, land deals (extent, nature and origins), key issues (land availability, consultations, compensation, agrofuels), impacts (food security, water, social and political effects), conclusions – major challenges include lack of information and coordination, secrecy and flaws in the investment processes, need for transparency and open debate.

Understanding Land Investment Deals in Africa. Country Report: South Sudan

Reports & Research
Décembre, 2011
Soudan du Sud

Includes country context, legal and institutional frameworks, 4 case studies. The new government of South Sudan has begun promoting large-scale private investments as a shortcut to rapid economic development. Recent major land deals threaten to undermine the land rights of local communities. Lack of a regulatory framework encourages opportunistic companies and is a potential source of future conflicts. Need to place limits on land-based investment until an appropriate regulatory framework is in place.

Are land deals driving ‘water grabs’?

Reports & Research
Novembre, 2011

Investors often look for land with a high growing potential, which means land with lots of rainfall or land that can be irrigated. In multimillion dollar investments involving irrigation, investors typically want to secure water rights as part of the deal. Motivated by potential revenues from water fees and the prospect of improved agricultural productivity, many African governments are signing away water rights for decades to large investors. But they are doing so with little regard for how this will impact the millions of other users whose livelihoods depend on customary access to water.

Understanding Land Investment Deals in Africa. Country Report: Ethiopia

Reports & Research
Mai, 2011

Contains country context, study of land investment, benefits and impacts. Finds wide discrepancies between public positions and laws and what is happening on the ground, an absence of environmental controls, widespread displacement from farmland without compensation, little local benefit, many land deals involve small-scale investors with limited agricultural experience.

Understanding Land Investment Deals in Africa. Country Report: Sierra Leone

Reports & Research
Mai, 2011
Sierra Leone

Includes Sierra Leone: open for business, land use and land tenure in Sierra Leone, land deal in Sierra Leone: four case studies, responsible agro-investment? Found a lack of transparency and public disclosure in all aspects of the four land deals, an extremely weak regulatory framework, confusion around ‘availability’ of land, lack of environmental protection, conditions ripe for exploitation and conflict.

Understanding Land Investment Deals in Africa. Country Report: Mali

Reports & Research
Mai, 2011

Includes Mali – a welcoming climate for investors, the regulatory framework – bending it to suit investors?, the Office du Niger, case studies of four investments, large land deals in Mali. Found more than 40% of land deals involve crops for agrofuels, violent and flagrant abuses of human rights in the agricultural zones of the Office du Niger, a serious lack of public disclosure and transparency from government, an alarming lack of environmental protection.