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Participatory and Community-Driven Development in Urban Areas

Avril, 2016

This paper aims to contribute to
learning on community engagement and community driven
development (CDD) in urban areas. Specifically, the review
describes the World Bank’s use of participatory and CDD
approaches in urban areas between 2003 and 2013; identifies
the challenges of using participatory and CDD approaches in
the urban context; assesses lessons from the application of
CDD in urban areas through case studies; and makes

A Conceptual Framework for a Training Curriculum on Natural Disaster Risk Reduction and Management for Agriculture and the Rural Space

Avril, 2016

This paper presents the conceptual framework for a training program on
integrating disaster risk reduction and climate-change mitigation into
Agriculture and Rural Development Department (ARD) programming. Its
target audience consists of World Bank task team leaders and their national
counterparts and partners working in agriculture and rural settings.

Ice melt, sea level rise and superstorms: evidence from paleoclimate data, climate modeling, and modern observations that 2 °C global warming could be dangerous

Reports & Research
Mars, 2016

Abstract. "We use numerical climate simulations, paleoclimate data, and modern observations to study the effect of growing ice melt from Antarctica and Greenland. Meltwater tends to stabilize the ocean column, inducing amplifying feedbacks that increase subsurface ocean warming and ice shelf melting. Cold meltwater and induced dynamical effects cause ocean surface cooling in the Southern Ocean and North Atlantic, thus increasing Earth's energy imbalance and heat flux into most of the global ocean's surface.

Environment (Wales) Act 2016 (2016 anaw 3).

Mars, 2016

This Act makes provision with respect to a wide variety of matters regarding the environment in Wales including: the sustainable management of natural resources (includes animals, plants and other organisms, air, water and soil) climate change and targets for reducing emissions of greenhouse gases from Wales; collection and disposal of waste; shellfish fisheries; marine licensing; land drainage.

Ordonnance n° 2016-011 P-RM du 17 mars 2016 portant création de l’unité de gestion de la grande muraille verte.

Mars, 2016

La présente Ordonnance crée l’unité de Gestion de la Grande Muraille Verte (UGMV), rattachée au Secrétariat général du Ministère chargé de l’Environnement, ayant pour mission d’assurer la réalisation et la gestion du segment malien de la barrière verte de protection contre l’avancée du désert dans la bande sahélienne comprise entre les isohyètes 100 et 400 mm sur une distance de 2.600 km de long et 215 km de large.A cet effet, elle est chargée: de coordonner, de suivre et d’évaluer la mise en œuvre des activés sur le terrain ; d’appuyer l’élaboration des projets et des programmes de faire l


Reports & Research
Mars, 2016


Cyclone Komen made landfall in Myanmar at the end of July 2015
causing extensive flooding to
agricultural land, which remained
in some areas until September. This caused severe
localized losses to the 2015 monsoon season crops, especially p
addy, in Chin, Rakhine,
Ayeyarwaddy, Yangon, Sagaing
and parts of Bago. However, once the water receded, a large portion
of the flooded areas with paddy was replanted. Overall, the amount of irreversible damage was

Acuerdo Nº 48 - Instructivo para la Obtención de Certificaciones de Exoneración del Impuesto a las Tierras Rurales Emitidas por el Ministerio de Agricultura, Ganadería, Acuacultura y Pesca (MAGAP).

Mars, 2016

El presente Acuerdo expide el Instructivo para la Obtención de Certificaciones de Exoneración del Impuesto a las Tierras Rurales Emitidas por el Ministerio de Agricultura, Ganadería, Acuacultura y Pesca (MAGAP), que establece el procedimiento para que los sujetos pasivos obtengan de forma gratuita la certificación expedida por el Ministerio de Agricultura, Ganadería, Acuacultura y Pesca (MAGAP), a fin de acceder a las exoneraciones al impuesto a las tierras rurales.

Myanmar - Flood and Landslide Emergency Recovery Project : indigenous peoples plan : Environmental and social management framework (English)

Reports & Research
Mars, 2016

Abstract: "The objective of the Flood and Landslide Emergency Recovery Project for Myanmar is to support recovery in priority disaster-affected areas and, in the event of another eligible crisis or emergency, to provide immediate and effective response to said eligible crisis or emergency. Some of the negative impacts and mitigation measures include: for all projects that are proposed for Bank financing and affect Indigenous Peoples, the Bank requires the borrower to engage in a process of free, prior, and informed consultation.

Rising Tempers, Rising Temperatures

Mars, 2016

Section one of the papers provides a
brief overview of the relationship between the Sahel region
of Africa and climate variability trends and predictions,
ultimately posing the primary research question of the
study: Is the Sahel region more likely to have a higher
probability of conflict and migration as a result of climate
change and climate change-related events? In section two,
research and analysis aim to identify causal paths between

City Risk Diagnostic for Urban Resilience in Indonesia

Février, 2016

In 2012, the World Bank initiated the
building urban resilience in East Asia program, aimed at
increasing the resilience of cities to disasters and the
impact of climate change by using a risk-based approach to
making public investment decisions. The objective is to
demonstrate a scalable methodology and practical tools for
risk assessment that can be used for city-level investment
decisions. This activity started with engaging selected