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Regional Law No 316-Z “On regulation of land relations”.

Fédération de Russie
Europe orientale

This Regional Law regulates the issues of allotment once-only free of charge of agricultural land plots out of stock of public and municipal land in ownership to some categories of citizens, including multiple children (three and more) families, for peasant farming, subsidiary smallholding, horticulture, gardening and suburban individual housing construction. Order on allotment of land shall be issued and legalized by local government.

Regional Law No. 1775-OZ amending Regional Law No. 1005-OZ “On allotment of land plots free of charge to citizens”.

Fédération de Russie
Europe orientale

Article 1 shall be amended to add the following wording: “allotment of plots of land for individual housing construction, subsidiary smallholding, gardening and horticulture to families with disabled children”.

Amends: Regional Law No. 1005-OZ “On allotment of land plots free of charge to citizens”. (2008-06-06)

Regional Law No. 98-OZ amending Regional Law No. 8-OZ “On allotment of land parcels in ownership free of charge”.

Fédération de Russie
Europe orientale

Article 2 shall be amended to add the following wording: “Plots of agricultural land shall be allotted to specific categories of citizens for agricultural production, other purposes related to agricultural production, for suburban farming and for individual housing construction”.

Amends: Regional Law No. 8-OZ “On allotment of land parcels in ownership free of charge”. (2009-10-07)
Repealed by: Regional Law No. 146-OZ “On allotment of plots of land in ownership to citizens free of charge”. (2015-12-28)

Farmland Law (Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Law No. ll of 2012).

Asia du sud-est

This Farmland Law, consisting of XIII Chapters, establishes the requirements for benefitting from the Right for Farming as follows: A person who has the permission of right to use farmland shall have to apply for getting the Land Use Certificate to the Township Land Records Department Office passing it through the relevant Ward or Village Tract Farmland Management Body. With respect to Section 4 of this law, the Office of Township Land Records Department shall scrutinize and submit the cases of right to use farmland to the relevant Township Farmland Management Body.

Law No. 131 amending Land Code of the Kyrgyz Republic.

Fédération de Russie
Asie central

Article 7 shall be amended to add the following wording: “Agricultural land out of Public fund of agricultural land as a general rule shall be allotted on lease for the periof of five years except for land plots allotted for the period of 20 years for seed growing, pedigree stockbreeding, experimental farming, scientific research, experimental selection and plant variety testing and to agricultural cooperatives”.

Amends: Land Code of the Kyrgyz Republic. (2013-11-15)

Law “On daihan (peasant) farm”.

Fédération de Russie
Asie central

This Law establishes basic principles of organization of a daihan (peasant) farm and legal grounds for the functioning thereof. Daihan (peasant) farm shall be considered agricultural enterprise set up by one o several families with a scope of performing agricultural production. Daihan (peasant) farm shall be considered autonomous production unit. Daihan (peasant) farm shall be constituted in accordance with contract and its activity shall be regulated by Statute.

Resolución Nº 1/12 - Procedimiento para la construcción, reconstrucción, remodelación y legalización de las bienhechurías en tierras entregadas en usufructo.


La presente Resolución aprueba el Procedimiento que tiene por objeto regular la construcción, reconstrucción, remodelación, ampliación y legalización de las edificaciones, instalaciones y obras para el adecuado mantenimiento, conservación y aprovechamiento de las tierras entregadas en usufructo a personas naturales y jurídicas, así como las viviendas del usufructuario y sus familiares, consideradas como bienhechurías.

Nitrates Action Programme (Amendment) Regulations, 2013 (L.N. 77 of 2013).

Europe méridionale

These provisions lay down some amendments to the Nitrates Action Programme Regulations as regards slurry and requirements relating to the manner of land application of fertilizers. New provisions concerning penalties are laid down as well.

Amends: Nitrates Action Programme Regulations, 2011 (L.N. 321 of 2011). (2011)

Acuerdo Nº 349 - Reglamento de selección de beneficiarios, adjudicación y regularización de la tenencia de los bienes ingresados al Fondo Nacional Agrario.

Amérique du Sud

El presente Acuerdo tiene por objeto reglamentar el procedimiento de adjudicación de predios ocupados de manera regular y lícita, el procedimiento ordinario para la selección de beneficiarios y adjudicación, el procedimiento especial en caso de ocupación de hecho de parcelas, la caducidad administrativa de la adjudicación, la enajenación y fraccionamiento de parcelas, la remisión de expedientes a la unidad de restitución, la dotación y adjudicación de tierras en favor de personas reincorporadas a la vida civil, las destinaciones especiales y la normalización de los predios y parcelas ingres

Common Agricultural Policy Single Payment and Support Schemes (Cross Compliance) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2014 (S.R. No. 291 of 2014).

Europe septentrionale

These Regulations make provision in Northern Ireland for the administration and enforcement of compliance of farmers with standards regarding "good agricultural and environmental condition" as expressed by Regulation (EU) No. 1306/2013, Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) No 640/2014 and Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 809/2014. These Regulations concern a direct support schemes under the Common Agricultural Policy.

Common Agricultural Policy Direct Payments and Support Schemes (Cross Compliance) (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2015 (S.I. No. 286 of 2015).

Europe septentrionale

These Regulations amend the Common Agricultural Policy Single Payment and Support Schemes (Cross Compliance) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2014 by: (a) permitting a farmer to put measures in place to limit soil erosion where soil or weather conditions prevent a crop being sown; (b) removing the requirement that residues of crops harvested after 1st November are not disturbed until just before sowing the spring crop on the land; (c) extending the period during which a derogation may be obtained for a ploughing match, providing for the derogation to be obtained by the farmer rather than by t

Order IDARON/GAB No. 392 regulating land cadastre management of rural farms, farmers and farms.

Amérique du Sud

This Order, consisting of 14 articles and 5 Annexes, regulates land cadastre management of rural farms, farmers and farms. It establishes that management of rural land cadastre in locations subject to the action of IDARON Agency, including as a result of cooperative arrangements or agreements, shall be governed by the provisions of this Regulation. The registration of rural farm and farmer will be issued upon request of the Company, directly or through its authorized representative, and will be accompanied by specific documents.