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Decreto Nº 2.368 - Crea el Consejo Superior de la Administración para la Restitución de Tierras.

Amérique du Sud

El presente Decreto crea el Consejo Superior de la Administración para la Restitución de Tierras, como un organismo del Gobierno nacional encargado de formular lineamientos generales, coordinar y articular la implementación de políticas públicas en materia de restitución de tierras de los despojados en los términos establecidos en la Ley Nº 1.448 de 2011.Son funciones del Consejo Superior de Restitución de Tierras: 1) actuar como instancia máxima en asesoría y coordinación en materias relacionadas con la restitución de tierras de los despojados; 2) servir de organismo coordinador de las acc

Décret n° 2010-2974 du 15 novembre 2010, portant création du pôle technologique pour la valorisation des richesses sahariennes et pour le perfectionnement de l'exploitation des capacités qui s’y trouvent fixant son organisation administrative et financ...

Afrique septentrionale

Est créée l'entreprise du pôle technologique pour la valorisation des richesses sahariennes et pour le perfectionnement de l'exploitation des capacités qui s'y trouvent. Le pôle technologique est placé sous la tutelle du ministre de l'agriculture, des ressources hydrauliques et de la pêche, son siège est fixé à Médenine.

Plan Estratégico Institucional 2014-2018, “Hacia el 2025”.

National Policies
Amérique du Sud

El presente documento contiene el Plan Estratégico Institucional, un instrumento multisectorial de planificación adoptado por el Ministerio de Desarrollo Rural de Tierras, de alcance nacional y relativo al período 2014-2018. El Plan contiene una visión de horizonte al 2025 y establece 10 políticas con sus correspondientes objetivos estratégicos.

Resolución Nº 112 - Requisitos fitosanitarios para la importación de mantas de fibra de coco y trigo para el control de la erosión procedentes de Estados Unidos de América.

Amérique du Sud

La presente Resolución establece los requisitos fitosanitarios para la importación de mantas de fibra de coco (Cocos nucifera) y trigo (Triticum aestivum) para el control de erosión, procedentes de los Estados Unidos de América, y deben estar libres de suelo y cualquier material extraño y estarán contenidas en empaques nuevos de primer uso.

Farms Act (No. 424 of 1986).

Europe septentrionale

The scope of this Act is to protect and develop cultivation of arable lands with specific regard to requirements of environment protection and to safeguard and enhance profitable farming.Agricultural properties shall be subject to conditions of farming as specified in the present Act. Agricultural properties shall be real property registered as such in the register ("matrikle").

Farms Act (No. 504 of 1989).

Europe septentrionale

The scope of this Act is to protect and develop cultivation of arable lands with specific regard to requirements of environment protection and to safeguard and enhance profitable farming.Agricultural properties shall be subject to conditions of farming as specified in the present Act. Agricultural properties shall be real property registered as such in the register ("matrikle").

Farms Act (No. 1202 of 2007).

Europe septentrionale

This Act ensures sound and diversified use of agricultural property for agricultural production, sustainable development of agricultural industries and improving the competitiveness of these industries; accommodates development in rural areas requiring these properties to be registered as a farm in Survey and Cadastre Authority's land register.The Act consists of 20 Chapters: Purpose (1); Definitions (2); Planning (3); Listed as farm (4); Termination or cancellation of farm duty (5); Residency requirement, residential buildings, vacant agricultural properties, operations, etc.

Farms Act (No. 947 of 2006).

Europe septentrionale

This Act ensures sound and diversified use of agricultural property for agricultural production, sustainable development of agricultural industries and improving the competitiveness of these industries; accommodates development in rural areas requiring these properties to be registered as a farm in Survey and Cadastre Authority's land register.The Act consists of 20 Chapters: Purpose (1); Definitions (2); Planning (3); Listed as farm (4); Termination or cancellation of farm duty (5); Residency requirement, residential buildings, vacant agricultural properties, operations, etc.

Common Agricultural Policy Single Payment and Support Schemes (Cross Compliance) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2005 (S.R. No. 6 of 2005).

Europe septentrionale

These Regulations make provision in Northern Ireland for the administration and enforcement of compliance of farmers with a range of laws and standards regarding "good agricultural and environmental condition". The Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, as the competent national authority, shall be responsible for providing farmers with a list of the statutory management requirements and standards of good agricultural and environmental condition on their land.

Regional Law No. 94-z “On some issues of allotment in ownership of public or municipal land plots”.

Fédération de Russie
Europe orientale

This Regional Law establishes that public or municipal land plot can be allotted free of charge on condition of tenancy for maximum period of six year for residential housing construction or family farming to certain categories of agricultural specialists (list of professions included).

Regional Law No. 605-OZ “On some issues of allotment in ownership of public or municipal land plots”.

Fédération de Russie
Europe orientale

This Regional Law establishes that public or municipal land plot can be allotted free of charge on condition of tenancy for maximum period of six year for residential housing construction or family farming to certain categories of agricultural specialists (list of professions included).

Zimbabwe Agriculture Investment Plan (ZAIP) 2013-2017.

National Policies
Afrique orientale

Given the provision of the Medium Term Plan (MTP 2011-2015), the ZAIP recognizes that the Zimbabwean agricultural sector has undergone massive changes in the farm size leading to increased number of farmers and relatively smaller sizes of farms.The overall goal of ZAIP is to facilitate sustainable increase in production, productivity and competitiveness of Zimbabwean agriculture through building capacity of farmers and institutions, and improving the quantity and quality of public, private and development partner investment and policy alignment’’.The overall programme objective of ZAIP is t