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characterization of the drivers, pressures, ecosystem functions and services of Namatala wetland, Uganda

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2013

Namatala wetland near the town of Mbale in the Eastern region of Uganda is a papyrus wetland that is subject to conversion for agriculture (mainly rice farming) and pollution by wastewater. The main goal of this study was to analyze the ecosystem functions and services of Namatala wetland and their drivers of change, and to suggest directions for sustainable use. Data on climate, hydrology, water quality, population and land use were collected. Stakeholder workshops were organized at national and local levels to identify stakeholder interests in the wetland and conflicts.

Conservation begins after breakfast: The relative importance of opportunity cost and identity in shaping private landholder participation in conservation

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2013

The conservation opportunity literature increasingly emphasises opportunity cost as an important determinant of willingness to engage in conservation on private land. We investigated the explanatory power of a group of opportunity cost variables in the decision to participate in a landscape-level conservation initiative on the Agulhas Plain, Cape Floristic Region. Opportunity cost variables outperformed affiliation and demographic variables when used in one model and had almost as much explanatory power as the combined model when used on their own.

Driving forces behind vineyard abandonment in Slovakia following the move to a market-oriented economy

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2013

The abandonment of farmland has become a widespread phenomenon in post-socialist countries that have seen revolutionary changes in their economic systems. The phenomenon is notable in vineyard areas, where abandonment leads to the loss of the unique character of vineyard landscapes. This paper assesses the extent of vineyard abandonment in Slovakia and analyses the driving forces behind it. We used statistical and Corine Land Cover data to map the change in vineyard areas in Slovakia and analyse the pressure of underlying driving forces.

Reduciing Risk Mekong Improving Yield in the Drawdown Area of Yali Reservoir, Vietnam

Décembre, 2013
Viet Nam
Asia du sud-est

Under the MK1 project Soils and Fertilizers Research Institute (SFRI) and Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (DARD) introduced a short term variety of cassava (KM 98-7) that can reach maturity after 7 months and give better yield and starch content. The on-farm pilot started with 3 farmers in 2012 (1.5 ha) in 1 commune and thereafter expanded to 36 farmers in 2013 (20 ha) in two communes around Yali reservoir. The results in both 2012 and 2013.

‘A good wife stays home’: gendered negotiations over state agricultural programmes, upland Vietnam

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2013
Viet Nam

Rural and livelihood studies, alongside development organisations, are stressing the importance of gender awareness in debates over food security, food crises and land tenure. Yet, within the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, these gender dynamics are frequently disregarded. In Vietnam, rice is intimately linked to the country’s food security. Over the last decade, rice export levels, production methods, and local and global market prices have remained constant preoccupations for governmental and development agencies.

Southeast Asian agriculture: Why such rapid growth?

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2013
Viet Nam

Since the early 1960s, notwithstanding dire predictions of agricultural theorists and colonial observers, agricultural growth has been strong among most Southeast Asian countries. More recently, this expansion has reached the maritime domain, with the rapid development of aquatic production through sea-based aquaculture among others. In recent territorial expansion and increase in yields for export crops has been faster than for food crops.

Trajectories of deforestation, coffee expansion and displacement of shifting cultivation in the Central Highlands of Vietnam

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2013
Viet Nam

Production of commodities for global markets is an increasingly important factor of tropical deforestation, taking over smallholders subsistence farming. Measures to reduce deforestation and convert shifting cultivation systems towards permanent crops have recently been strengthened in several countries. But these changes have variable environmental and social impacts, including on ethnic minorities. In Vietnam, although a forest transition - i.e.

Amazing maize in Malawi : input subsidies, factor productivity and land use intensification

Reports & Research
Décembre, 2013

The paper uses three years of household farm plot panel data (2006-2009), covering six districts in central and southern Malawi to assess factor productivity and farming system development under the input subsidy program. All farm plots of the households were measured with GPS. Maize production intensified in this period as maize area shares of the total farm size were reduced while input use intensity and yields increased. Yields of improved maize were significantly (+323 kg/ha) higher than for local maize.

How Research Can Assist Policy : The Case of Economic Reforms in Uganda

Décembre, 2013

Research has had a powerful impact on
policy in Uganda, affecting the climate of opinion,
improving the quality of the policy debate, and helping
focus public policy and intervention on poverty reduction.
Uganda s successful use of knowledge and research to help
set public policy priorities demonstrates that even a poor
post conflict country can, in a relatively short period of
time, create an effective information base and feedback

Providing an enabling environment

Journal Articles & Books
Novembre, 2013

The basic role for agricultural policies consists of providing the core investments and services that farmers need to develop their operations into viable farm businesses. Focusing on the sector’s enabling environment benefits both agriculture and the wider rural economy, facilitating the construction of diversified rural economies. Such policies are likely to be more effective in the long term than subsidies or market interventions, which have the opposite tendency.

Supporting Smallholders into Commercial Agriculture: a social dialogue and learning

Reports & Research
Novembre, 2013
Afrique du Sud

The Southern Africa Food Lab (SAFL) and the Institute for Poverty, Land and Agrarian Studies at the University of the Western Cape (PLAAS) are engaged in a project called Supporting Smallholders into Commercial Agriculture: A social dialogue and learning project. This project has been designed to ensure strong linkages between academic research and processes of social dialogue, policy debate, media dissemination and institutional learning among stakeholders involved in the development of smallholder agriculture. This report documents the proceedings of the first innovation lab.