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Tin Mining in Myanmar: Production and Potential

Reports & Research
Octobre, 2015

... In 2014, Myanmar(Burma)confounded industry analysts by emerging to become the World's third biggest tin producer, experiencing a 5-year tin production increase of ca.4900%. This surprise emergence of Myanmar as a major tin producer is a possible Black Swan event that potentially has significant re-percussions both for the future of global tin production, and for the economic development of Myanmar. This is a disruptive event that has likely contributed to a substantial drop in tin prices in 2015. The

We Used to Fear Bullets - Now We Fear Bulldozers (Burmese မန်မာဘာသာ)

Reports & Research
Septembre, 2015

Dirty coal mining by military cronies & Thai companies, Ban Chaung, Dawei District, Myanmar.....Executive Summary: "This report was researched and written collaboratively by Dawei Civil Society Organizations and documents the environmental and social impacts of the Ban Chaung coal mining project in Dawei District of Myanmar’s Tanintharyi Region. Based on desk research, interviews with villagers, and direct engagement with companies and government, it exposes how the project was pushed ahead despite clear opposition from the local community.

We Used to Fear Bullets - Now We Fear Bulldozers (English)

Reports & Research
Septembre, 2015

Dirty coal mining by military cronies & Thai companies,
Ban Chaung, Dawei District, Myanmar.....Executive Summary: "This report was researched and written collaboratively by Dawei Civil Society Organizations
and documents the environmental and social impacts of the Ban Chaung coal mining project
in Dawei District of Myanmar’s Tanintharyi Region. Based on desk research, interviews
with villagers, and direct engagement with companies and government, it exposes how
the project was pushed ahead despite clear opposition from the local community. It

Tanzania’s Tourism Futures

Septembre, 2015

Tourism provides a robust stream of
revenues for the country, with benefits that reverberate
widely through the economy. The sector generates the bulk of
exports for the country. As a relatively labor-intensive
sector, tourism serves as a robust source of good quality
jobs in the country, with the potential to alleviate
poverty. This report explores the contribution, the
potential, and the challenges that confront the sector. It

Utilidad Pública Vs. Nocividad Pública: La Glencore en tres Países de América del Sur

Policy Papers & Briefs
Septembre, 2015

Este artículo (tercer lugar en el Concurso Anual) hace un recuento de los daños que, a nivel ambiental, social y económico, ha generado la multinacional Glencore en Argentina, Colombia y Perú, enfatizando la evasión de impuestos y regalías, a contravía del argumento de “utilidad pública” en el cual se basa la legislación que soporta la minería y el extractivismo en estos países, y de la propia empresa, cuando afirma que “Contribuye al desarrollo económico de los países pobres (…) comprometido con la sostenibilidad” ambiental”.

De la resistencia campesina a la promoción del cacao

Reports & Research
Août, 2015

La experiencia está ubicada cerca a la propuesta de área de conservación regional Señor de la Cumbre – Inambari, en provincia Tambopata, Perú, donde ocurren y se desencuentran diferentes actividades económicas y formas de organización social que se sujetan a los procedimientos oficiales de acceso a la tierra, pero también que ejercen formas de control social y alternativas al extractivismo.

Operation Phakisa’s Offshore Oil and Gas Exploration: Department of Mineral Resources briefing

Legislation & Policies
Août, 2015
Afrique du Sud

The Department of Mineral Resources is attempting to develop oil and gas drilling in South Africa through Operation Phakisa. The project is still in the early stages of research and exploration, but the Department aims to have 30 wells built in 10 years. DME estimates very roughly, that as many as 9 billion barrels of oil and 9 billion barrels of gas could be within South African borders, and many national and international companies have expressed interest in investing in South African drilling.

Propuesta de plan para la gestión integral del agua en una cuenca con actividad minera en el municipio de Aquiles Serdán, Chihuahua

Reports & Research
Juillet, 2015

La actual variabilidad climática advierte que la escasez del recurso hídrico puede intensificarse en aquellas zonas donde existe presión ya sea por déficit o por la competencia en el uso del recurso, debido a esto cada vez es más indispensable el desarrollo de proyectos encaminados a la conservación del agua.

Narração de sofrimento de Comunidades reassentadas em Tete

Reports & Research
Juillet, 2015
África subsariana

Durante dois dias, um grupo de 23 camponeses, provenientes de oito aldeias dos distritos de Moaze e Marara, reuniram-se em Mwaladzi, para, em ambiente aberto, informal e parcipavo, parlharem estórias das suas vidas, em zonas de reassentamento ou afectadas por acvidades de mineração na Província de Tete. Através deste processo de auto- reconhecimento, a que denominamos de ʺnarração de sofrimentoʺ, as comunidades interpretam o seu percurso; dando-lhe sendo.

'With only our voices, what can we do?': Land confiscation and local response in southeast Myanmar. - Texts, maps and video (English, Karen Burmese (မြန်မာဘာသာ)

Reports & Research
Juin, 2015

Villagers in Karen areas of southeast Myanmar continue to face widespread land confiscation at the hands of a multiplicity of actors. Much of this can be attributed to the rapid expansion of domestic and international commercial interest and investment in southeast Myanmar since the January 2012 preliminary ceasefire between the Karen National Union (KNU) and the Myanmar government. KHRG first documented this in a 2013 report entitled ‘Losing Ground’, which documented cases of land confiscation between January 2011 and November 2012.