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Applying Text Mining for Identifying Future Signals of Land Administration

LandLibrary Resource
Peer-reviewed publication
Décembre, 2019

Companies and governmental agencies are increasingly seeking ways to explore emerging trends and issues that have the potential to shape up their future operational environments. This paper exploits text mining techniques for investigating future signals of the land administration sector.

Will Bougainville Reopen the Panguna Mine?

LandLibrary Resource
Journal Articles & Books
Octobre, 2019

The Panguna mine on the Pacific island of Bougainville is one of the largest copper and gold deposits in the world. 

The mine was also at the center of a decade-long civil war fought between the Bougainville Revolutionary Army and the Papua New Guinea Defense Force in the 1990s. The conflict cost as many as 15,000 lives and displaced 40,000 of the island’s 200,000 inhabitants.

The Challenge of Protecting Community Land Rights: An Investigation into Community Responses to Requests for Land and Resources

LandLibrary Resource
Octobre, 2019

A new wave of agricultural commercialisation is being promoted across Africa’s eastern seaboard;by a broad range of influential actors – from international corporations to domestic political and business elites.

Spatial Assessment of Impacts of Artisanal and Small-scale Mining on Land Cover and Environment, Batouri, Eastern Cameroun

LandLibrary Resource
Peer-reviewed publication
Août, 2019

Artisanal and small-scale mining affects the quality and components of the environment in the Batouri area in different ways. Activities interfere with air, soil, water, fauna and forest resources. This study seeks to assess the impacts of mining on the environment using a combination of spatial analysis, questionnaires administration and Leopold’s grid of impact assessment.

Loi N° 037/2018 du 10/06/2019 portant réglementation du secteur minier

LandLibrary Resource
Legislation & Policies
Août, 2019

La présente loi s'applique à l'ensemble des activités ou opérations minières, notamment à la prospection, à la recherche, à l'évaluation, au développement, à la construction des infrastructures minières, à l'exploitation, à l'extraction, au traitement, à la production, à la transformation, au stockage, à l'exportation, à l'importation, au transport, à la commercialisation des substances minéral

An Assessment of Multiple Drivers Determining Woody Species Composition and Structure: A Case Study from the Kalahari, Botswana

LandLibrary Resource
Peer-reviewed publication
Août, 2019

Savannas are extremely important socio-economic landscapes, with pastoralist societies relying on these ecosystems to sustain their livelihoods and economy. Globally, there is an increase of woody vegetation in these ecosystems, degrading the potential of these multi-functional landscapes to sustain societies and wildlife.

Women in the Gambia

LandLibrary Resource
Journal Articles & Books
Juillet, 2019

A predominantly rural territory with few urban centers historically, the Gambia holds little in the way of well-known luxury resources commonly discussed in studies of western Africa. People of the region, in particular women, have exploited both riverine and oceanic food and material resources.

Determining Land Management Zones Using Pedo-Geomorphological Factors in Potential Degraded Regions to Achieve Land Degradation Neutrality

LandLibrary Resource
Peer-reviewed publication
Juin, 2019

The proper delineation of site-specific management zones is very important in the agricultural land management of potentially degraded areas. There is a necessity for the development of prospective tools in management plans to correctly understand the land degradation processes.


LandLibrary Resource
Journal Articles & Books
Avril, 2019
América do Sul
Na análise de conflitos socioambientais por mineração, vários trabalhos têm apontado as diversas causas que originam estes cenários de tensão sobretudo em comunidades locais. Contudo, um aspecto pouco abordado é a percepção dos riscos como causa de um conflito socioambiental.


LandLibrary Resource
Policy Papers & Briefs
Avril, 2019
United States of America

Francisco Hidalgo[1]
¿Desde dónde analizar los resultados de las elecciones seccionales del 24 de marzo en el Ecuador?, mirarlos como una serie de acontecimientos con una lógica provincial o, pese a su ámbito seccional, desde una óptica desde las tendencias nacionales. Optamos en este artículo iniciar por lo segundo, y en un siguiente análisis abordaremos lo local.