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In Pursuit of Sustainable Strategic Long-term Planning Throughout Meta-postmodernism as New Perspective of Stylistic Design

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2016

During the different period of architectural design designers attempt to achieve a high level of life quality for all users Architecture and urban planner want to provide a style of design which not only achieves different function for different users with respect to their ethnicity ability age sex capability position and lifestyle but also improve the friendly environment throughout responsive legislation based on longterm planning Although the styles are considered some indicators it is ignored the other important characteristics Therefore the existing styles never achieve the standard le

Courtyard Housing in China: Chinese Quest for Harmony

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2016

The Chinese have lived in singleextendedfamily courtyard houses in many parts of China for thousands of years The earliest courtyard house found in China was during the Middle Neolithic period 50003000 BCE The courtyard form signifies Chinese quest for harmony with nature and in social relationships However the 20th century was a significant turning point in the evolution of Chinese courtyard houses this paper provides an overview of this transition It starts by briefly introducing traditional Chinese courtyard houses and their decline since 1949 it then examines the emergence of new courty

The Transformation of Aesthetics in Architecture from Traditional to Modern Architecture: A case study of the Yoruba (southwestern) region of Nigeria

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2016

Aesthetics is the philosophical study of art and natural beauty and it is indicated by the feelings of pleasure or displeasure which comes from visual and aural elements and artefacts Hence aesthetics depends on the animate or inanimate organization which can be perceived either subjectively or objectively This aesthetic element is uniquely present in the traditional buildings and modern buildings of the southwestern part of Nigeria This study is set out to evaluate and bring into limelight the aesthetic characteristics of traditional buildings and that of the modern buildings how one style

Sustainability in Historic Urban Environments: Effect of gentrification in the process of sustainable urban revitalization

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2016

Considering the threedimensional process of sustainability physical economical and social the aim of conservation for making historic urban environment sustainable should be matched with these dimensions Therefore earlier conservation policies have progressed from a simple and restrictive concern with preservation to an increased concern for revitalization and enhancement This means a physical revitalization may be shortlived and unsustained Within the process of revitalization historic environments become the main locations of gentrification induced by urban revitalization which may involv

Density, Energy and Metabolism of a proposed smart city

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2016

This paper reports on a detailed analysis of the metabolism of the Island City of Mumbai should the Indian Governments proposal for smart cities be implemented It focuses on the environmental impact of increased population density achieved by demolishing existing mediumrise 35 storey housing and replacing it with the proposed highrise 4060 storey towers The resulting increase in density places a burden on the demand on such things as electricity and water and simultaneously increases the output flows of drainage solid waste and greenhouse gas productionAn extended urban metabolism analysis

The Scale of Public Space: Taksim Square in Istanbul

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2016

This article aims at following the traces of the transformation of public sphere in Turkey through its manifestations on urban public spaces with the case study of Taksim Square In this attempt the article illustrates how Taksim square as a public space has been shaped by struggles between different ideologies discourses political decisions and daily activities taking place at personal interpersonal local national supranational and global scales Through this way this article also aims at understanding how these contestations at different scales are affecting people individually and collecti

Identity in Changing Context: Factors of losing Identity in new developed part of the city of Famagusta, North Cyprus

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2016

Historical cities due to its magnificent building in its context have a tremendous influence on the formation of city identity which is created through the interaction of natural social and built elements Unfortunately modernization after the industrial revolution couldnt adapt itself to the vernacular area owing to the fact that cities began to lose their identity and sense of belonging to the environment The new technology of construction lets the cities to expand itself outside but in this transformation some factors which have an influence on the identity of the city have been forgotten

Urban Cages and Domesticated Humans

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2016

In this article the study assessed the domestication process of humankind within the frame of urbanization and power accumulation Within this framework by giving various examples from chicken farms The study expresses the authors opinions on the analogy of the liberated human beings in cities and the freerange chickens in farms It has also been tried to explain how a city acts as a human farm Cities are governed by the ones holding power similar to the farms are ruled by farmers and humans during their history of civilization have lost their right of deciding on their lives and fates agains

An Overview of Large-Scale Investments in the Mekong Region

Reports & Research
Décembre, 2016
Viet Nam

WEBSITE INTRODUCTION: Across the Mekong region, ‘development’ has become synonymous with rapid economic growth, to be achieved through predominantly large-scale, private investments. The development model promoted by the region’s governments prioritizes trade and investment liberalization, and privatization. Private investment is sought in virtually every sector of the economy from energy, oil, minerals, agriculture and food processing to education, health, tourism, manufacturing, pharmaceuticals, transportation and urban infrastructure.

Greenhouse Gas Implications of Peri-Urban Land Use Change in a Developed City under Four Future Climate Scenarios

Peer-reviewed publication
Décembre, 2016

Present decisions about urbanization of peri-urban (PU) areas may contribute to the capacity of cities to mitigate future climate change. Comprehensive mitigative responses to PU development should require integration of urban form and food production to realise potential trade-offs. Despite this, few studies examine greenhouse gas (GHG) implications of future urban development combined with impacts on PU food production.

Examination of land use/land cover changes, urban growth dynamics, and environmental sustainability in Chittagong city, Bangladesh

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2016

As in many other developing countries, cities in Bangladesh have witnessed rapid urbanization, resulting in increasing amounts of land being taken over and therefore land cover changing at a faster rate. Until now, however, few efforts have been made to document the impact of land use and land cover changes on the climate, environment, and ecosystem of the country because of a lack of geospatial data and time-series information.

Vegetation productivity trends in response to urban dynamics

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2016

Urbanization is a global phenomenon with still unknown consequences for vegetation dynamics of urban ecosystems, especially in subtropical areas of developing countries. In this paper we analyze the vegetation productivity trend associated to urban densification and urban expansion during the last decade, in twelve cities of northern Argentina. We used time series analysis of MODIS-NDVI images to reconstruct the phenological patterns to retrieve a productivity trend under three spatial classes of urban dynamics: (1) urban, (2) expansion and (3) periphery.