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Recycling and reuse of treated wastewater in urban India: a proposed advisory and guidance document

Reports & Research
Décembre, 2016

Recycling and reuse of treated wastewater are an important part of the sanitation cycle and critical in an environment such as urban India with decreasing freshwater availability and increasing costs for delivering acceptable quality water, often from far distance. This report has been developed as a possible guidance document for the Indian government and gives substantial focus to the financial and economic benefits of wastewater recycling from the perspective of public spending.

Conversion of Land Use in Vietnam through a Political Economy Lens

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2016
Viet Nam

Land tenure in Vietnam is becoming increasingly contested in the context of rapid economic development and growing inequality. Agricultural land in and around cities is targeted by developers for conversion to commercial uses. In rural areas, farmers' access to productive land is restricted by the prevalence of state-owned farms and forest enterprises. As a result, the number of complaints filed over land issues has increased dramatically in the last decade, and the revision of the Land Law in 2013 led to an unprecedented level of public participation in land policy formation.

Bankrolling India’s dirty dozen

Policy Papers & Briefs
Décembre, 2016

An analysis paper by Dustin Hoasa on the World Bank Group's lending practices, part 2 in Inclusive Development International (IDI)'s 'Outsourcing Development' series. Published by IDI in collaboration with the Bank Information Center, 11.11.11, Urgewald and Accountability Counsel in the United States, December 2016.


Peer-reviewed publication
Décembre, 2016

One of the most challenging projects that the new Metropolitan city of Naples is going to face, concerns the regeneration of the ex-industrial areas located in the eastern zone of the city, characterized by the presence of the port. Among the several reasons of the slowness in which the current program of urban regeneration proceed (NaplEst) is the generic identification of the demand for new functions in an area which plays a strategic role in the metropolitan context.

A percepção dos gestores de loja de souvenirs do atrativo turístico Maria Fumaça - Região Uva e Vinho, RS

Peer-reviewed publication
Décembre, 2016

Tendo em vista a importância do souvenir para o turismo, uma vez que transmite a cultura do lugar e tangibiliza a experiência que o turista vivencia na localidade, buscou-se analisar como este produto está sendo disponibilizado aos turistas. Neste sentido, este artigo investiga a eficiência dos pontos de distribuição das lojas de souvenir do atrativo turístico “Maria Fumaça”, localizado na Serra Gaúcha (RS), cujo percurso abrange os municípios de Bento Gonçalves, Garibaldi e Carlos Barbosa.


Peer-reviewed publication
Décembre, 2016

According to the discipline of the Appraisal, the market values of urban property depend on characteristics of location, due to the area in question, and the peculiarities of the individual property. The characteristics of location include the location of the building relative to the center of town, the level of infrastructure, the presence of community facilities and shops, etc.

O turismo sustentável na percepção do viajante gaúcho

Peer-reviewed publication
Décembre, 2016

Sustentabilidade é um tema recorrente no século XX. No caso do setor de Turismo, também se mostra uma preocupação, entretanto, verifica-se que não há um consenso sobre o conceito de turismo sustentável. As pesquisas realizadas sobre o tema restringem-se à dimensão dos fornecedores/prestadores de serviço, sendo que o tema foi pouco estudado na perspectiva do cliente/viajante.

A percepção de inovação dos gestores das micro e pequenas empresas turísticas, localizadas no bairro da Praia Grande, Centro Histórico de São Luiz do Maranhão -MA

Peer-reviewed publication
Décembre, 2016

Este estudo tem por objetivo verificar a percepção, sobre inovação, dos gestores das MPE’s turísticas no bairro da Praia Grande, Centro Histórico de São Luís-MA. A pesquisa se caracteriza como quantitativa, sendo realizada por meio de um questionário fechado formado por 4 constructos para a medição da percepção sobre inovação dos gestores das MPE’s. Foram respondidos 43 questionários dos segmentos artesanato, restauração e outros empreendimentos turísticos. O resultado aponta que os gestores possuem no geral uma boa percepção sobre inovação.

Should big cities grow? Scenario-based cellular automata urban growth modeling and policy applications

Peer-reviewed publication
Décembre, 2016

The formation of ‘Urban Networks’ has become a wide-spread phenomenon around the world. In the study of metropolitan regions, there are competing or diverging views about management and control of environmental and land-use factors as well as about scales and arrangements of settlements. Especially in China, these matters alongside of regulatory aspects, infrastructure applications, and resource allocations, are important because of population concentrations and the overlapping of urban areas with other land resources.

Turismo, mineração e desenvolvimento: relações complexas

Peer-reviewed publication
Décembre, 2016

Diante de um cenário onde duas atividades fazem uso dos recursos naturais de um território buscando se estabelecer através da premissa de contribuir para o seu desenvolvimento, surgiu a necessidade de analisar os diversos impactos econômicos e sociais causados pela atividade turística e de extração mineral, no município de Conceição do Mato Dentro – MG.