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Agroforestry Practices for Sustainable Intensification, Food Security and Climate Adaptation in Dry Areas: Challenges, Applications, and Examples

Décembre, 2022

Oral presentation on Agroforestry Practices for Sustainable Intensification, Food Security, and Climate Adaptation in Dry Areas: Challenges, Applications, and Examples – delivered on August 28th. This communication occurred during the 6th General Assembly of the IOFS in Tunis, Tunisia, as part of the Regional Conference on Resilient Agriculture in IOFS Member States, focusing on Climate Adaptation and Food Security (28 August 2023 / 04-12-13 September 2023).

Innovation Packaging and Scaling Readiness (IPSR) Workshop

Décembre, 2022

The Excellence in Agronomy (EiA) Initiative supports the evaluation and scaling of mechanized direct seeding in Cambodia. To enhance its existing scaling strategy, a workshop on Innovation Packaging and Scaling Readiness (IPSR) was held on 25 August in Phnom Penh. The workshop focused on the challenges, solutions, innovation readiness and innovation use of mechanized direct seeded rice (mDSR) in Cambodia. Around 30 participants coming from the government, private sector and NGO attended the event.

Public-private partnerships for the circular bio-economy in the Global South: lessons learned

Décembre, 2022

Processing biomass from different waste streams into marketable products such as organic fertilizer and bio-energy is increasingly realized through public-private partnerships (PPPs). In developing countries, the private sector can be expected to contribute technical skills, organizational capabilities and marketing expertise, and leverage capital inflow. In contrast, the public sector will provide the regulatory framework and help its enforcement, plan public investment, involve and educate stakeholders, and ensure waste supply.

Global Plant Health Assessment: Impact of plant health on the ecosystem services rendered by plant systems in world's ecoregions

Décembre, 2022

This presentation is the second talk of the keynote session K4 "Global Plant Health
Assessment (GPHA)". The overall results pertaining to the assessment of the impact of disease
on ecosystem services (provisioning, regulating, and cultural) and its evolution over the last 10 years
has been outlined. Specific results for a limited number of Plant Systems (rice, potato, peri‐urban
horticulture and household gardens, softwood forests, and oak forests) has been described in more

Germplasm Seed Movement and Global Plant Health

Décembre, 2022

Global seed transfers through trade, and collection and distribution of genetic resources by
genebanks are important pathways for the transboundary spread of seed-borne pests,
especially viruses that the insect vectors can further transmit upon introduction. Various
phytosanitary procedures, including the IPPC International Standard Phytosanitary
Measures, have been established to minimize the risk of seed transmission and provide
access to quality seeds crucial for food production and biodiversity conservation. This

Phytosanitary Management of ICARDA’s Germplasm Seed Collections for Better Future Use

Décembre, 2022

Recent years have witnessed an increasing global concern about the loss of plant genetic
resources, as a result of conflicts, epidemics, earthquakes, etc., which led to disrupting
access to some germplasm and undermining social protection systems, and thus an increase
in global awareness to preserve germplasm for their current and future use. This led
genebanks all over the world to create disaster risk reduction policies to organize activities in
the safekeeping, conservation, and dissemination of germplasm resources. Safety

Detection and Characterization of Seed-Borne Bacterial Leaf Blight in Wheat

Décembre, 2022

Wheat is one of the most important crops which contributes toward global food security and
represents a main source of food and income for millions of smallholder farmers worldwide.
Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae (Pss) is the causal agent of bacterial leaf blight wheat
disease which can cause up to 50% yield loss or more depending on the time of infection
and region. In addition, Pss is transmitted by wheat seeds, which can play a role in longdistance
spread. Therefore, developing and implementing effective management strategies

Unlocking the potential of farmer-led irrigation development in central and northern Nigeria: What does it take?

Décembre, 2022

The potential for profitable groundwater irrigated area development in Nigeria is 5.04 million hectares (ha), almost all of it located in the country’s central and northern states. To develop this vast area, granular water budgets, financial service provision and support to grow sustainability of production will be needed.