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Climate-related risk modeling of Banana Xanthomonas Wilt (BXW) disease incidence in the cropland area of Rwanda

Décembre, 2022

Banana Xanthomonas wilt (BXW) is a major threat to banana production in Rwanda, causing up to 100% yield loss. There are no biological or chemical control measures, and little is known about the potential direction and magnitude of its spread; hence, cultural control efforts are reactive rather than proactive. In this study, we assessed BXW risk under current and projected climates to guide early warning and control by applying the maximum entropy (Maxent) model on 1,022 georeferenced BXW datapoints and 20 environmental variables.

Mainstreaming women farmers: Innovations and approach

Décembre, 2022

Mainstreaming women in agriculture is the need of the hour and its imperative to bring and discuss innovations and approaches which can accelerate the pace of it. In spite of her back-breaking work women farmers remain invisible and is aspiring for her identity as a farmer. There are various challenges which is in the ecosystem of a woman farmer ranging from lack of an equal level playing field with that of men, identity crisis, lack of gendered extension system, lack of control over resources like land, input etc. which needs a planned strategy and intervention aiming to reduce the gaps.

Introducing the Updated AgIncentives Database

Décembre, 2022
United States of America

Prior to the 1980s, information on agricultural incentives provided by governments was extremely limited and difficult to access. Much debate took place on the basis of participants’ preferred alternative facts. During the 1980s, the OECD began to collect detailed information on agricultural incentives in member countries, but data remained fragmentary for developing countries. The only close-to-global information on agricultural distortions was provided by a one-off study undertaken by Kym Anderson at the World Bank, completed in 2009.

Alternative sources of protein for food and feed

Décembre, 2022

Alternative protein sources for human food, as well as for terrestrial and aquatic animal feed, are increasingly commercially available. These products have considerable potential for sustainably delivering protein for food and feed and could lead to significant reductions in climate and land use impacts. Alternative protein sources include meat analogs, insects, certain woody plants, and algae including seaweed. We briefly review recent work on their nutritional, environmental, technological, and socioeconomic impacts.

Silvopastoral systems with Tithonia diversifolia (Hemsl.) A. Gray reduce N2O–N and CH4 emissions from cattle manure deposited on grasslands in the Amazon piedmont

Décembre, 2022

Cattle manure deposited in pastures is an important source of nitrous oxide (N2O–N) and methane (CH4) emissions. Environmental conditions and soil characteristics affect emissions of these two gases, and therefore, it is important to conduct studies in local conditions to generate emission factors to improve greenhouse gas (GHG) estimates, as well as to identify mitigation strategies. N2O–N and CH4 fluxes from soil, feces and urine were determined for two cattle production systems during two seasons, and emission factors (EFs) were calculated.

Kenya Discussion of 2023 Global Food Policy Report

Décembre, 2022

The International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) is organizing a hybrid launch event for its 2023 Global Food Policy Report in Nairobi, Kenya, in collaboration with University of Nairobi and as part of the CGIAR Initiative on National Policies and Strategies (NPS) seminar series on May 19, 2023, at 2.00pm.
The 2023 Global Food Policy Report, IFPRI’s flagship report, provides a broad set of evidence-based recommendations for better predicting and preparing for crises, addressing crises when they occur and building equity and resilience of food systems.

Environmental co-benefits of improved forages in smallholder dairy systems of Kenya

Décembre, 2022

Livestock play a major role across Kenya, especially in smallholder mixed farms through provision of household nutrition and income through milk and meat. Equally, fertilization of cropland benefits from livestock manure, and livestock often act as insurance and saving. Despite the opportunities and benefits livestock production presents, livestock systems are also key drivers of environmental degradation, including increased nutrient loads, GHG emissions, water use, grassland degradation and land-use conversion.

Forty-year multi-scale land cover change and political ecology data reveal a dynamic and regenerative process of forests in Peruvian Indigenous Territories

Décembre, 2022

This article explores deforestation and reforestation dynamics over 415,749 hectares of 25 titled Indigenous Community Lands (ICLs) in the Peruvian Amazon over forty years at three scales: total area, regions, and communities. We focus on ICLs as the territorial unit of analysis, as they are increasingly discussed regarding their importance for conservation. Additionally indigenous communities (ICs) are a too-marginalized group in the Amazon that merit more attention. Analyses of this kind are often short-term and use only large-scale Earth Observation methodologies.

Multidimensional forests: Complexity of forest-based values and livelihoods across Amazonian socio-cultural and geopolitical contexts

Décembre, 2022

Research on the contribution of forests to local livelihoods has so far had a strong focus on quantifying the monetary value of forest-derived products and services. In this paper, we move beyond monetary valuation and integrate the less tangible and sometimes culturally complex dimensions through which forests support local livelihoods. We look at four local contexts in the Brazilian, Bolivian and Ecuadorian Amazon, which differ markedly in terms of their biophysical, sociocultural and geopolitical settings.

Effects of exclosures on woody species composition and carbon stocks: lessons drawn from the Central Rift Valley, Ethiopia

Décembre, 2022

Effects of exclosures on restoring degraded lands may vary with soil type, exclosure age, and conditions before the establishment of exclosures. Yet, studies investigating the effectiveness of exclosures in restoring degraded lands under different environmental conditions are lacking. This study aims at investigating the changes in woody species richness and diversity, and ecosystem carbon stocks after implementing exclosures in the Central Rift Valley, Ethiopia.