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Les impacts de l’APV-FLEGT: Synthèse des resultats dans sept pays

Reports & Research
Février, 2022
République démocratique du Congo
Côte d'Ivoire

La présente étude constitue une synthèse des données qualitatives et quantitatives des impacts de l’accord de partenariat volontaire (APV) UE-FLEGT dans sept pays : le Cameroun, le Ghana, l’Indonésie, la République du Congo, la Côte d’Ivoire, le Guyana et le Honduras. Ces pays se situent à différents stades du processus APV, entre négociation, mise en oeuvre et obtention des licences FLEGT (Application des réglementations forestières, gouvernance et échanges commerciaux).

An Assessment of Customary Tenure Systems in the Lao PDR

Reports & Research
Février, 2022

The history of land rights in the Lao People’s Democratic Republic (Lao PDR), hereafter referred to as Laos,  is a history of customary land tenure systems which remain the most prevalent form of land tenure. As social systems, land tenure systems in Laos have been affected by and have adapted to external forces such as neighboring kingdoms, colonialization, geopolitics and war, migration, and global economic trends. Ongoing rapid changes in national socioeconomic conditions and domestic political goals continue to alter the customary tenure landscape.

Gender Equity in Land and Forest Tenure in REDD+ Programming

Reports & Research
Février, 2022

The purpose of this study is to understand the legal and policy constraints and opportunities in each of the 17-carbon fund (CF) countries affecting women’s land and forest tenure. The study also explores women’s ability to exercise land and forest rights in statutory and customary systems; how these rights may be affected by the CF programs (ERPs and BSPs); as well as what is needed to further protect and strengthen women’s rights to land and forest tenure along with their ability to govern in the CF countries.

Reflections on the limited impact of the VGGT in Sub-Saharan Africa and opportunities for its future with lessons from Nigeria and Sierra Leone

Journal Articles & Books
Janvier, 2022
Sierra Leone

The reality that significant improvements in security of tenure at scale in rural Africa are still needed nearly a decade after the adoption of the Voluntary Guidelines for the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land;Fisheries and Forests (VGGT) suggests a need to explore its limitations and consider what it would take to realize its objectives. The article documents significant impacts of the VGGT reform processes and highlights illustrative or “one-off” results.

Contextualizing customary land registration in Uganda

Décembre, 2021

The land crises and large-scale land grabs affecting many African countries today stem from historical and colonial mistakes whose problems remain. The systems;policies and laws that are being pushed to “register” and “formalise” land ownership do not put into consideration the cultural and historical aspects that govern land in many countries on the continent. Professor Sam Lwanga Lunyiigo asks pertinent questions about this push and about implications of customary land registration in Uganda.

Fiche pédagogique : La certification foncière à Madagascar entre 2005 et 2021 : quels bénéficiaires et quels effets ?

Journal Articles & Books
Reports & Research
Décembre, 2021

À Madagascar, une réforme foncière menée entre 2005 et 2021 a été basée sur l’enregistrement des droits de propriété privée via des certificats fonciers (voir fiche « Où en est la réforme foncière malgache ? »).

Statutory lien: pre- and post- 2016 amendments to the Malaysian National Land Code

Peer-reviewed publication
Décembre, 2021

This research is only confined to the scope of lien within the Peninsular Malaysia and not the States of Sabah and Sarawak which have their respective Sabah Land Ordinance and Sarawak Land Code. A future comparative study could be made amongst the legislations. The research output may be useful for the draftsman to clear up the ambiguity in the relevant provisions.

Statutory lien: pre- and post- 2016 amendments to the Malaysian National Land Code

Peer-reviewed publication
Décembre, 2021

This research is only confined to the scope of lien within the Peninsular Malaysia and not the States of Sabah and Sarawak which have their respective Sabah Land Ordinance and Sarawak Land Code. A future comparative study could be made amongst the legislations. The research output may be useful for the draftsman to clear up the ambiguity in the relevant provisions.

Modeling Cultural Keystone Species for the Conservation of Biocultural Diversity in the Afroalpine

Peer-reviewed publication
Décembre, 2021

Climate warming threatens the future sustainability of mountains, and tropical mountains are particularly threatened with loss of biodiversity and associated ecosystem services. Conservation biologists increasingly turn to habitat suitability models to guide the establishment and assessment of protected area networks to protect the highest number of species, yet this focus often neglects the values, attitudes, and beliefs of the people living around protected areas.

Ambiguous Outcomes of Returnees’ Land Dispute Resolution and Restitution in War-Torn Burundi

Peer-reviewed publication
Décembre, 2021

Redressing land dispossession in the aftermath of violent conflicts is daunting and complex. While land dispute resolution and restitution are expected to promote return migration, this outcome is contingent upon the changing social, economic and political conditions under which return takes place. Drawing on qualitative data from Makamba Province in southern Burundi, this case study highlights the politically and historically shaped challenges underlying the resolution of competing and overlapping claims on land following protracted displacement.

How Can the Risk of Misconduct in Land Expropriation for Tract Development Be Prevented and Mitigated: A Study of “Good Land Governance” Inspection in China

Peer-reviewed publication
Décembre, 2021

In the context of China’s new round of land reform, narrowing the scope of land expropriation, standardising the procedures for land expropriation, and building a unified urban and rural construction land market have become the objectives of land expropriation reform. The new Land Management Law of the People’s Republic of China confirms land expropriation for tract development as a new situation for the land acquisition system.

Spatial Change of the Farming–Pastoral Ecotone in Northern China from 1985 to 2021

Peer-reviewed publication
Décembre, 2021

Identifying the spatial changes in farming–pastoral ecotone (FPE) is of utmost importance for the development of strategies for ecological protection in ecologically fragile areas. This study employed spatial autocorrelation and spatial clustering techniques to map FPE at the pixel scale using CLCD data with a spatial resolution of 30 × 30 m in the years 1985, 2000, and 2021, and then analyzed the changes of the FPE in northern China.