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Journal Articles & Books
Novembre, 2000
Costa Rica

This issue of Unasylva considers the future for teak, with an emphasis on plantation management.

Etude sur les produits forestiers au Togo

Journal Articles & Books
Novembre, 2000

A full description of the forest sector in the Togolese Republic. The first part of the report underlines the differences between the natural forest versus the plantations and the availability of forest resources in the country. In addition, the second part also includes a synopsis of what forest products are consumed and those exported. The second part of the report describes the actual state of the statistics of these products. It comments the most important forest products like present situation in the country like construction wood, fuelwood, charcoal, round wood and sawn timber.


Journal Articles & Books
Novembre, 2000
Costa Rica

En este nmero de Unasylva se considera el futuro de la teca, con especial atencin a las plantaciones.

Review and Improvement of data related to Wood-Products in Zimbabwe

Journal Articles & Books
Novembre, 2000
Afrique du Sud

This seven-page country report is short but identifies the current situation of data collection in the country. The first part describes the overall situation as well as the main wood products of the country. The second part describes the main institutions involved in the overall collection, analysis and dissemination process of the data related to these products followed by some production figures. The third part of the report presents an evaluation of the data while the fourth part suggests some measures to improve the overall statistical process.

Report of Land Policy Review Commission – Summary of Recommendations

Reports & Research
Septembre, 2000

Recommendations of Land Policy Review Commission. Include qualification and capacity to hold title to land and to own land; outlawing gender discrimination on land; fallow and underutilised land; surveying, mapping and registration; block farming; commercial farming; range management; protection of wetlands; urban sites; rural development; institutions involved in land matters, including District and Local Land Boards; dispute resolution mechanisms; mining; forestry.

OEG Review

Reports & Research
Policy Papers & Briefs
Juin, 2000

This study is based on: (i) a review of all the forest-based investments approved by IFC during FY85-98 to identify the changes induced in IFC operations on a ‘before/after strategy’ basis; (ii) a review of selected non-forest infrastructure projects supported by IFC in FY92-98 which potentially have impacts on forests; (iii) a review of selected financial intermediary investments approved in FY92-98 to assess evidence of adherence by the intermediaries and their IFC-funded sub-projects to the requirements of the forest strategy; and (iv) case studies on a sample of 14 forest-based companie