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Les Approches participatives dans la gestion des ecosystemes forestiers d'Afrique Centrale: revue des initiatives existantes

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 1999

Developments in the international institutional context and in the capacity of governments to ensure sustainable forest management in Central Africa lead to new approaches to participatory management being explored. The author reviews current initiatives in this field in Congo Brazzaville, Gabon, Cameroon, Central African Republic and Equatorial Guinea. Such initiatives are still in an experimental stage and aim at answering issues linked with conventional forest management as well as meeting prerequisites imposed by international organisations for granting aid to development.

L'Impact de la crise economique sur les populations, les migrations et le couvert forestier du Sud-Cameroun

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 1999

Cette etude a ete realisee en 1997-98 par le CIFOR en collaboration avec les institutions et les chercheurs camerounais, grace a l'appui financier du DFID du Royaume-Uni. Son objectif general est de compendre les causes qui expliqueraient le taux de deforestation beaucoup plus elevependantla crise economique (qui commenca en 1986) par rapport a ala periode avant le debut de la crise. Le project de recherche a examine les effects de la crise sur les migrations, les systemes de cultures, la division sexuelle du travail et leur incidence sur le couvert forestier.

Management of secondary and logged-over forests in Indonesia: selected proceedings of an international workshop, 17-19 November, 1997

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 1999

Secondary and logged-over tropical forests cover more than 600 million hectares. An international workshop held in Bogor (Indonesia) in November 1997 provided a forum of discussion on the research priorities for the sustainable management of secondary forests in Indonesia and more generally in South East Asia. Secondary forests were defined as: "woody vegetation regrowing on land whose previous forest cover was destroyed by at least 90 % by human activities or natural disaster".

On yield regulation for sustainable forestry, with examples from Queensland

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 1999

Personal anecdotes are used to highlight some important considerations for yield regulation and to introduce some pertinent literature. A checklist of key issues and research needs is offered. Perhaps the most important consideration is to maintain a holistic systems view, and to involve clients and to ensure their needs are met.

Pedoman pembalakan berdampak rendah untuk hutan dipterocarpa lahan rendah dan bukit di Indonesia

Reports & Research
Décembre, 1999

These guidelines form the basis for defining the initial set of activities to be classified as Reduced-Impact Logging (RIL). They have been adapted to and will be tested in the local conditions that occur in the lowland and hill dipterocarp forest of the Bulungan Model Forest project in East Kalimantan, Indonesia.

Promoting forest conservation through ecotourism income?

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 1999

A principal criterion for classifying a tourism operation as 'ecotourism' is that local residents at the site should receive substantial economic benefits, which serve both to raise local living standards and as enhanced incentives for nature conservation. This paper sets out a methodological framework for analysis of the alleged participation-income-conservation link, and applies it to the Cuyabeno Wildlife Reserve in the Ecuadorian Amazon region.

Scoring and analysis guide for assessing human well-being

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 1999

The Scoring and Analysis Guide for Assessing Human Well-Being is designed to supplement The BAG and The Grab Bag. It provides a scoring method that can be used with the two manuals, to come to a decision about particular criteria and indicators in particular forest and human settings. Following the section on scoring is a section on analysis. It begins very simply, leading the user through the steps of making a spreadsheet, and concluding with more complex statistical analyses that may be desirable in some circumstances.