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Law No. 2 of 1983 on pasture.

Asie occidentale

This Law aims to manage and develop the pasture by identifying the areas of rough grazing, planning the grazing according to scientific bases, protecting the natural vegetation, conserving water resources and organizing their use, and conducting studies and researches for the protection of rough grazing. The provisions of this Law concern the state-owned properties allocated for pasture and exclude cultivated lands and other particular cases.

Amendments of the Law on Exploitation and Protection of Forestry and Range Lands.

Asie occidentale
Asie méridionale

The amendments concern the need for authorization from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Agriculture for the conversion of forest and valley land into the following: 1. making farmland, orchard, rangeland, artificial forests, forage land, livestock institutions, aquatic breeding institutions, as well as the use for mine exploting and exploration (in nothern Iran); and 2. establishment of factories, townships, schools, training institutions, sport clubs, etc.

Forestry Reform Code of the Philippines (Presidential Decree No. 705).

Asia du sud-est

This Act lays down the basic principles of forest management and conservation, makes provision for the administration of forestry (Chap. I), the survey and classification of lands for purposes of forestry (Chap. II), and the use of forest resources (Chap. III).Basic policy principles are outlined in section 2. Section 3 contains definitions.

Loi nº 87-013 portant réglementation de la vaine pâture, de la garde des animaux domestiques et de la transhumance.

Afrique occidentale

Cette loi porte réglementation de la vaine pâture, de la garde des animaux domestiques et de la transhumance. Elle distingue 4 types de pâturages: naturels,ou parcours pastoraux, qui constituent l'ensemble des espaces naturels libres traditionnellement destinés à la pâture des animaux; jachères, ou espaces cultivables laissés en repos ou non exploités; artificiels, aménagés pour la production de fourrages ou réservés à cet effet; post-culturaux, surfaces cultivées entièrement libérées des récoltes, constituées par les restes des sous produits agricoles.

Regional Act No. 1 regulating the productive use of public lands.

Europe méridionale

This Regional Act defines the administrative functions that pertain to regional authorities as regards the productive use of public lands as well as the recognition of public uses. The aim is to promote the use of public lands for agro-forestry and silvopastoralism purposes. Article 5 specifies the circumstances under which the regional executive may authorize the transfer of lands for agro-forestry or silvopastoralism uses.

Regional Act No. 11 on public uses.

Europe méridionale

These provisions regulate the exercise of the functions entrusted to regional authorities as regards public uses of lands, with particular regard to agro-forestry and silvopastoralism uses. The Act also regulates the procedure for the designation of such public lands.

Chapter 8 of Title 11 of the Yap State Code - Miscellaneous Offenses.


This Chapter defines offences of a miscellaneous character including: unauthorized disposition of certain foods by a person who has any responsibility for disposition of any food commodity donated under any program of the United States government or the State or Federated States of Micronesia government, violation of business license provisions; violation of section 401 of Title 18 (Conservation and Resources) is on unlawful acts of petroleum disposal; violation of public planning provisions; the keeping of any animal found to be a public nuisance; and the damaging of reefs.

Royal Decree Law No. 3267 re-arranging and reforming the legislation in matter of forests and mountain territories.

Europe méridionale

This Decree Law represents the basic legal framework in matter of forestry. Since it was enacted in 1923, it must be coordinated with the Constitution, which entrusts particular legislative and administrative competences to the Regions in matter of forestry as well (art. 117). The Decree consists of seven Titles. Title I makes provision for the protection of the public interests. To this end, certain restrictions shall be applied to private lands, so as to guarantee the public safety and protect the water regime.

Ley Nº 2.684 – Exoneración de contribución directa a los terrenos para descanso de hacienda.

Amérique du Sud

En virtud de esta Ley se autoriza al Poder Ejecutivo a declarar exentos del pago de contribución directa a los propietarios que destinen la totalidad o una parte de sus terrenos al descanso y pastoreo o forrajes de los arreos de ganado que transiten por los caminos públicos.

Tribal Land Act (Chapter 32:02).

Afrique australe

The Act is divided into 13 Parts: Introductory (I); Land Boards (II); Application (IIa); Administration and appointment to land board service (IIb); Termination of Appointments and Retirements (IIc); Land Board Officers (IId); Offences and penalties (IIe); Land Board Service Commission (IIf); Grant of customary land rights (III); Grant of land rights under common law (IV); Land required for public purposes (V); Land Board Funds (VI); General (VII).There is established in respect of any tribe listed in the Fist Schedule a Land Board as a body corporate (sects. 3 and 9).

Dahir nº 1-69-171 relatif à la création de périmètres d'amélioration pastorale.

Afrique septentrionale

Ce dahir prévoit la délimitation de zones spéciales d'action rurale dites "périmètres d'amélioration pastorale" en vue d'assurer la régénération et l'enrichissement des pâturages au moyen de travaux de conservation et d'aménagement. Sont interdites les associations en vue de l'élevage de bétail dans les périmètres d'amélioration pastorale. L'exercice du droit de pâturage dans ces périmètres est subordonné à l'inscription sur une liste nominative et à la possession d'une carte de parcours.