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Degradation Alarmante Des Ressources Forestieres De La Forêt Classée De La Fosse De Doungh Au Togo

Décembre, 2022
United States of America

Contexte et justification :Les écosystèmes de la Forêt classée de la fosse de Doungh (FCFD) au Togo ont subi une dégradation très alarmante menaçant la survie de cet écosystème vitale. Disposer des connaissances sur diversité floristique et la structure des formations végétales contribuerait à la mise en œuvre d’un plan de gestion et de restauration de cette forêt classée.But et objectifs :Cette étude est une contribution à la gestion et à la restauration des écosystèmes forestiers de la FCFD, dans la Préfecture de Tandjouaré au Togo.

Agrifood systems policy research: agricultural growth, hunger, and poverty. Historical evolution of agrifood systems in Pakistan

Décembre, 2022

This study probes assumptions which underpin current thinking about the transformation of Pakistan’s agrifood systems by identifying and examining key turning points from the 1840s onwards in sub-regions of the Indus irrigated plains.

Owning the land, but at what cost? Changes in power relations and land accumulation in cattle ranching in wartime Colombia

Décembre, 2022

Given the length of the conflict and multiplicity of actors embedded in the Colombian war, it becomes necessary to understand the impact that violence, displacement and dispossession have amongst rural producers and in the agroeconomic sector in general. The struggle for land tenure, the management of natural resources, and the economic and social centrality of cattle ranching for various armed actors, are therefore vital aspects to consider in understanding the effects of the conflict in rural Colombia.

AICCRA report: Stakeholders Mapping Arbahajan Ward, Wajir County

Décembre, 2022

This report presents the findings of a stakeholder mapping conducted in Arbahajan Ward from August 17th to 19th, 2023. Stakeholders mapping is a crucial initial step for implementing Participatory Rangelands Management (PRM) and has been undertaken under the auspices of the Livestock and Climate Initiative by RECONCILE in collaboration with ILRI.

Agrifood systems policy research: historical evolution of agrifood systems in Bangladesh

Décembre, 2022

This study presents evidence from secondary literature and archival sources on how the current agrifood systems in Bangladesh were developed and the obstacles and opportunities that have influenced their transformation since the 1850s. It lays out the politico-economic context of these systems, allowing for a comprehensive understanding of their current state.

Kenya National Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) Monitoring and Evaluation Framework. Climate Action Reporting Tool. (CSAT). [Module 3]

Décembre, 2022

The Initiative for Climate Action Transparency (ICAT) project is a collaborative effort between the Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT, and the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development in Kenya. The project aims to strengthen the capacity of the agriculture sector to implement, monitor, and report adaptation actions in a transparent manner at both national and county levels. To achieve this, the project has developed three training modules that will help to operationalize the CSA reporting tool for the agriculture sector.

Farmer Field Days Report in Makueni and Kitui Counties

Décembre, 2022

Farmer field days were held in Makueni and Kitui Counties to showcase performance of improved drought-tolerant crop varieties - pearl millet, sorghum, pigeon pea and beans - under conventional and conservation tillage systems. The events drew diverse stakeholders including government officials, agro-dealers, seed merchants, farmers' organizations and financial institutions. Through farm walks and interactive sessions, farmers gained firsthand insights into the comparative performance of crops under the two tillage systems gaining insights on crop management for improved yields.

Women's land rights in the Kyrgyz Republic

Décembre, 2022

This series of socio-legal reviews summarizes the legal and policy documents related to women’s land tenure in seven countries: Kyrgyzstan, Uganda, The Gambia, Ethiopia, Niger, Bangladesh, and Colombia. These synthesis documents, part of the IFAD Initiative on Women’s Resource Rights, are designed for researchers and policymakers seeking to improve women’s land and resource rights in these target countries. This review covers:
• A general characterization of land and resource tenure systems at national, regional, and local levels

Climate Smart Governance Dashboard: technical guide

Décembre, 2022

The Climate-Smart Governance (CSG) Dashboard stands as an innovative platform, providing data on climate-related hazards, vulnerability, climate scenarios, and sector-specific information. Developed as part of the CGIAR initiative on Climate Resilience (ClimBeR), the CSG Dashboard plays a crucial role in supporting nations undertaking the UNFCCC National Adaptation Plan (NAP) process. Aligned with the iterative nature of the NAP process, the CSG Dashboard enhances adaptive capacity and resilience, minimizing vulnerability to climate change impacts.