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Genotype × environment × agronomic management interaction to enhance wheat yield in the Mediterranean rainfed environments of Morocco: II. Process based modeling

Décembre, 2022

urum wheat (Triticum turgidum subsp. durum) is the oldest and most cultivated cereal crop in Middle East and
North Africa (MENA) region and under Mediterranean climatic conditions. Morocco is one of the largest pro ducer of durum wheat in MENA region, cultivated in more than 1 million ha area produced 2.5 million tons in
2020, which accounts for 17% of the total production in the region. In the region, rainfed production system is

AI-driven tree monitoring for silvopastoral systems using remote sensing imagery: Progress report

Décembre, 2022

The current consensus within livestock production systems is directed toward more sustainable and environmentally friendly methods and practices. Silvopastoral systems offer a significant opportunity by integrating tree growth with pasture systems to provide shelter, enhance livestock feeding and welfare, improve soil characteristics, and can be profitable for producers. These systems typically exhibit a sparse distribution of trees, and a consistent and reliable monitoring process is essential for their management.

Impact of agribusiness empowerment interventions on youth livelihoods: insight from Africa

Décembre, 2022

This study generates evidence to understand the impact of agribusiness empowerment programmes on youth livelihoods in developing countries based on the ENABLE-TAAT programme implemented in Kenya, Nigeria, and Uganda. A multistage sampling technique was used in obtaining primary agribusiness-level data from a sample of 1435 young agripreneurs from the study countries. An Endogenous Treatment Effect Regression (ETER) model was used to assess the impact of programme participation on youth livelihoods (income and food security).

Accelerating implementation of the African Union Climate Change and Resilient Development Strategy and Action Plan (2022-2032) through the Nairobi Declaration commitments

Décembre, 2022

The African Heads of State and Government gathered for the inaugural Africa Climate Summit in Nairobi, Kenya, from 4th to 6th September 2023. The Summit sought to launch a new climate ambition for Africa and to invite supportive partnerships to pursue the continent’s climate-resilient, low emissions development pathways. The Summit focused on climate change and development in Africa, and the need for improved global investment in climate action. African countries were able to detail their plans and investment needs, and push for reform of international financial architecture.

Monitoring AICCRA-Ghana intervention sites for One Health compliance

Décembre, 2022

In strict adherence to the World Bank’s Environmental and Social Framework (ESF) as well as the applicable legal and regulatory frameworks of Ghana for the pilot of CSA innovations, it is important to monitor the environmental impact of CSA innovation and ensure they pose no harm to the health of humans, animals, plants and their shared environment. This to ensure that all IACCRA intervention sites in Ghana are One Health sensitive.

From input subsidies to compensating farmers for soil health services

Décembre, 2022

In many countries in Southern and Eastern Africa, input subsidy programmes are common, often focussing on inorganic fertiliser. These programmes often do not achieve their food security objectives, partly because soil health is in decline as a result of years of application of inorganic fertilisers in the absence of other soil ameliorative measures.

A feminist political ecology of agricultural innovations in smallholder farming systems: Experiences from wheat production in Morocco and Uzbekistan

Décembre, 2022

A clear consensus has emerged that innovations are important for adapting to drought and overcoming other biophysical limitations in smallholder farming systems; however, women are notably marginalized from agricultural innovations. We examine whether and how gendered roles and responsibilities shape the adoption and usage of improved wheat varieties and simultaneously uncover opportunities to address and lessen gender-based differences in agricultural innovations.

AICCRA Facilitating Gender Smart Technologies Using Community Technology Parks

Décembre, 2022

Climate change remains a major threat to Ghana’s agricultural productivity and food security especially in developing countries. One of the promising pathways to achieving sustainable food production is building communities resilience to climate risk through technology parks which can serve as platforms to promote climate-smart agricultural technologies.