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Evaluating rural household well-being and empowerment among women and young farmers in Senegal

Décembre, 2023

This article provides a description of baseline survey data that was collected in Senegal in the regions of Sedhiou and Tambacounda in 2020, respectively, and as part of an agricultural development project aimed at improving the well-being and resilience of farming households. The survey was implemented using a structured questionnaire administered among 1503 households, 70% of whom are women and 30% are young people, in the two regions.

Strengthening groundwater governance in Pakistan

Décembre, 2023

Pakistan is highly dependent on irrigated agriculture for employment, income generation and food security—around 90 percent of all food production relies on either surface or groundwater irrigation. The growing dependence of agriculture but also industries and the drinking water sector on groundwater has led to the overexploitation of groundwater resources and, in some areas, to the deterioration of groundwater quality. Fiscal incentives for solarization of irrigation/drinking water pumps are likely to further increase water withdrawals and make water governance more complex.

From promises to action: Analyzing global commitments on food security and diets since 2015

Décembre, 2023
United States of America

Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 2 (SDG 2), Zero Hunger, by 2030 is in jeopardy due to slowing and unequal economic growth, climate shocks, the COVID-19 pandemic, conflict, lackluster efforts toward investing in food system sustainability and agricultural productivity growth, and persistent barriers to open food trade. Nevertheless, numerous commitments to achieving SDG 2 have been repeatedly expressed by Heads of State and Ministers at diverse global meetings since the SDGs became a focus in 2015.

Understanding diversity in gender norms within farming communities: A Q-methodology approach applied in Uganda

Décembre, 2023

Women’s and men’s opportunities are influenced by gender norms which shape their respective behaviours, roles and decision-making power. Gender norms thus influence farming outcomes and the ability of women and men to secure their livelihood objectives. We study gender norms and normative change in a smallholder farming community in Uganda. We argue that gender norms operate in sets and that multiple sets of gender norms may co-exist in the same location.

Opportunities for innovation and intervention in Uganda’s dairy value chain: A scoping report

Décembre, 2023
United States of America

This report is generated as part of a scoping study to identify possible areas that should be prioritized for intervention to improve performance and sustainability of the dairy industry in Uganda. The evaluation relies on primary and secondary data collected by IFPRI and DDA in 2021. Ten primary datasets are used for the results informing the several interventions and secondary data relies on literature review and Uganda Revenue Authority (URA) dataset. The results underline five issues namely low productivity, low milk quality, and constrained markets.

Resilience – and collapse – of local food systems in conflict affected areas; reflections from Burkina Faso

Décembre, 2023
Burkina Faso

Armed conflicts are among the major disruptions affecting local food systems in low- and middle-income countries, having devastating effects on populations’ food security. The understanding of the mechanisms linking conflicts to food insecurity is limited, however, by a lack of data on how these conflicts affect the different actors of local food systems. In this study, we aim to address this gap, using empirical data from the northeast region of Burkina Faso where an active conflict is occurring.

Towards sustainable food crop production: Drivers of shift from crop production to mining activities in Ghana's arable lands

Décembre, 2023

This study contributes to the observed reduction of arable lands discourse by examining the shift in land use patterns as well as factors influencing farmers' shift from crop production to mining activities. To achieve this, we employed a combination of Geographic Information System (GIS) technology and Cragg's Double Hurdle Econometric Model as analytical tools. Our approach integrates an econometric model of land use with GIS simulations that predict the spatial pattern of land-use change.

Secure land rights incentivize community-led rangeland restoration, Kiteto District, Tanzania

Décembre, 2023

Spanning four villages- Amei, Lolera, Lembapuli and Lesoit- and covering an expansive 81,237 hectares, the ALLOLE shared grazing land cluster stands as the largest in Kiteto District, Tanzania. This cluster serves as one of four sites in Tanzania for the CGIAR Research Initiative on Livestock and Climate participatory rangeland management (PRM) innovation, aiming to enhance the capacities of communities in managing, governing, securing and restoring their lands.

Tackling gender inequality in community-based organizations: The contribution of cacao cooperatives to environmental justice for women in Peru

Décembre, 2023

Persistent gender inequalities challenge theory and praxis of community-based collective action. Here we adopt an innovative approach which integrates environmental justice, value chain inclusion and collective action theory to diagnose inequalities in community- based organizations (CBOs) and identify strategies to address them. Drawing on the findings of case studies conducted at six CBOs in Peru’s cacao sector, this article aims to make three contributions.

Agricultural production and food security implications of Covid-19 disruption on small-scale farmer households: Lessons from Kenya

Décembre, 2023

A range of studies have highlighted the negative impacts of Covid-19 disruptions on incomes, food and nutrition security among rural agricultural communities in developing countries. However, knowledge of how such disruptions affect different categories of small-scale farmers in Sub-Sahara Africa is lacking.

Agrifood system employment: Innovations, policies, and knowledge gaps

Décembre, 2023
United States of America

Key messages:
• Seven agriculture and agrifood value chain innovations are found to improve employment and income opportunities in the agrifood value chains.
• Such income and employment require adequate enabling policies, including infrastructure investments, support to wholesale market development, social protection, labor market regulation, and supporting collective action organizations.
• Eleven knowledge gaps need to be addressed to better inform agrifood system policy and investment decision-making.

The importance and determinants of purchases in rural food consumption in Africa: implications for food security strategies

Décembre, 2023

We analyze rural households’ purchases of food (cereals and non-cereals) in Sub-Saharan Africa using nationally representative data with 65,000 observations covering 7 countries over a decade. We distinguish between three strata of countries: lower stratum in income and urbanization, middle stratum, and upper stratum. The paper breaks ground by the breadth and time length of the sample. We find that purchases form the majority of rural food consumption whether in favorable or unfavorable agroecological zones and over country and income strata and for most food products.