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Gender and access to land

Journal Articles & Books

Gender issues are often ignored in projects that aim to improve land tenure and land administration. To support land administrators in governments and their counterparts in civil society, this guide shows where and why gender inclusion is important in projects. In order to help inform policy and implementation decisions, it identifies indicators for measuring the quality and quantity of access to land before, during and after an intervention and outlines recommended principles for gender inclusion in land administration projects.

Securing land tenure for women in Cameroon's forest societies: a marginalized position seen and maintained

Peer-reviewed publication

Land capital occupies a prominent place in production activities in Africa. In forestry companies, women workers of production excellence, do not enjoy the same rights as the male agent in terms of access to land. This article attempts to question the foundations of this societal injustice while highlighting the various shadows that overwhelm women's tenure security in the forest zone. The major goal is to study in the event of looking for sustainable, inclusive solutions.


Peer-reviewed publication
Western Africa

This article discusses different issues pertaining gender and land governance with focus to access and control of land by rural women and how this affects their resilience in G5-Sahel region- Chad, Niger, Burkina Faso, Mali, and Mauritania. Findings show that land remains the property of men, customary chiefs, male members of the family who have the full control of land use; women continue to serve as servants of their husbands in the farming activities.

Decoding Gender Justice in Land Conflicts Resolution in Rwanda

Peer-reviewed publication

Rwanda has implemented a land tenure regularization program since 2008 that enabled the adjudication and registration of land rights for both men and women. However, Rwandan women are vulnerable to land conflicts because some men do not recognize or respect women’s rights in land. This study investigates the extent to which government institutions in Rwanda empower women in claiming and defending their land rights. Data sources include questionnaire survey, interviews, and the review of literature on land reform in Rwanda.

Land Patronage and Static Urban Boundaries in Zimbabwe Implications for Land Tenure Security

Peer-reviewed publication

The political dysfunction that had come to characterize an imploding Zimbabwean economy is beyond dispute. This paper explores how a government that had become weakened in the face of a formidable opposition in urban areas turned to use land as a reward for supporters and as a means of luring new members to join the ruling party. It argues that land patronage has been used as a means for legitimating fledgling state rule while undermining the tenure security of the poor.

Effects of Women Land Rights on Agricultural Outcomes in Rwanda

Peer-reviewed publication

This study examines the effect of land rights on agricultural outcomes in Rwanda. We characterize the effects of land rights from two perspectives. The first one is land rights indicated by the right to sell and guarantee land and the second one is land titling. The agricultural outcomes include agricultural productivity, food security and nutritional diversity. From the results, land rights are found to have a positive relationship with all the outcome variables. The effect of land rights on agricultural productivity is larger if the household head is male.

Gender Inequality and Climate Change Adaptation Strategies for Food Security in Tanzania

Peer-reviewed publication

This paper assessed gender inequality in household resources, particularly land ownership, division of labour and decision making as regards climate change adaptation strategies for household food security. The results show that gender inequality exists among the pastoralists in terms of household division of labour, ownership of resources and decision-making such that women do not control important productive resources such as land and livestock which make them more vulnerable to the impacts of climate change and less able to adapt to it.

The Land tenure in Northern Africa Challenges and opportunities

Peer-reviewed publication
Northern Africa

In Northern Africa region, land administration and land management systems are characterized by the existence of various institutions and a diversity of land tenures. In order to meet the requirements of the new era, a series of emerging policies has been developed and implemented according to the national needs and to the international regulations. In terms of historical events, we distinguish in the Northern Africa three different groups’ state members: (1) Sudan and Egypt, and (2) Tunisia and Morocco, (3) Algeria and Mauritania.

Technology for Land Governance: Ensuring that Women Benefit from the Revolution

Peer-reviewed publication

Innovative technologies for land governance can promote clear land tenure and effective land administration, reduce corruption, and support economic growth. Mobile technologies offer real-time access to information and open communication between people and government services. These technologies are revolutionizing land governance around the world; however, without additional steps to ensure that women and men equitably benefit from the technology revolution, the application of these technologies may amplify the preexisting inequalities that women face.

Slow, stealthy and steady – capacity development to address land tenure issues in development programmes: experiences of the IFAD/GLTN TSLI-ESA Project

Peer-reviewed publication

Land and natural resource tenure security is a central yet often neglected area for economic development and poverty reduction in the developing world. Land is fundamental to the lives of poor rural people. It is a source of food, shelter, income and social identity. Secure access to land reduces vulnerability to hunger and poverty. There are some 1.3 billion extremely poor people in the world, struggling to survive on less than US$1.25 a day, and close to a billion continue to suffer from chronic under-nourishment.