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Challenges women and vulnerable groups face to secure their land use rights: LIFT programme response

Reports & Research
Avril, 2018

This paper highlights the challenges faced by women and other vulnerable groups in securing their land rights as identified by LIFT’s different studies and anecdotal evidence from other projects and government undertakings..This resource was published in the frame of the Land Investment for Transformation (LIFT) Programme. For more information;please check:

Climate Change and International Security: Resource Guide 2017 - Consolidated Edition

Avril, 2018

The Climate Change and International Security Resource Guide is produced for the Brussels Dialogue on Climate Diplomacy (BDCD) which consists of a series of informal meetings to exchange information and promote cooperation among European institutions and international organisations active in the nexus between climate change and international, national, human and environmental security.

Land Governance From The Bottom Up

Conference Papers & Reports
Mars, 2018

On March 23rd, at the World Bank’s Land and Poverty Conference 2018 in Washington D.C., LANDac hosted the Master Class Land governance from the bottom up: including local communities in multi-stakeholder processes. With the Master Class, LANDac aimed to build on discussions held during the World Bank Annual Conference that often highlighted the need for policymakers, academics and practitioners to better adapt interventions around land governance to the local context and situation. However, less discussed during the conference were practical ways, methods and tools to do that.

Power and Rights in the Community: Paralegals as Leaders in Women’s Legal Empowerment in Tanzania

Reports & Research
Mars, 2018

What can an analysis of power in local communities contribute to debates on women’s legal empowerment and the role of paralegals in Africa? Drawing upon theories of power and rights, and research on legal empowerment in African plural legal systems, this article explores the challenges for paralegals in facilitating women’s access to justice in Tanzania, which gave statutory recognition to paralegals in the Legal Aid Act 2017. Land conflicts represent the single-biggest source of local legal disputes in Tanzania and are often embedded in gendered land tenure relations.

Legislative Best Practices for Securing Women’s Rights to Community Lands

Reports & Research
Mars, 2018

Brief highlights key attributes of national constitutions, laws, and regulations that play a fundamental role in protecting indigenous and rural women’s rights to community forests and other community lands. These legislative best practices were derived from a 2017 analysis of over 400 national laws and regulations, Power and Potential, which evaluates the extent to which women’s rights to community forests are recognized by national law in 30 low- and middle-income countries across Africa, Asia, and Latin America.

Women and Land Rights

Reports & Research
Mars, 2018

Gives an overview on how to consider gender aspects in projects and programmes addressing land rights. Covers land policy, land legislation, implementation of land laws, enforcement, land administration, example of indicators.

Realizing women’s rights to land in the law

Institutional & promotional materials
Mars, 2018

Goal 5 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) “Achieve

gender equality and empower all women and girls” recognizes

the fundamental role of women in achieving poverty

reduction, food security and nutrition.

Target 5.a aims to “Undertake reforms to give women equal

rights to economic resources, as well as access to ownership

and control over land and other forms of property, financial

services, inheritance and natural resources, in accordance with

national laws”.

As the designated custodian for Target 5a, FAO has developed

The gender gap in land rights

Institutional & promotional materials
Mars, 2018
Burkina Faso

For rural women and men, land is often the most important household asset for supporting agricultural production and providing food security and nutrition. Evidence shows that secure land tenure is strongly associated with higher levels of investment and productivity in agriculture – and therefore with higher incomes and greater economic wellbeing. Secure land rights for women are often correlated with better outcomes for them and their families, including greater bargaining power at household and community levels, better child nutrition and lower levels of gender-based violence.

National REDD+ outcompetes gold and logging: the potential of cleaning profit chains.

Reports & Research
Mars, 2018

While the potential contribution of a nationally implemented program for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) to developing countries’ budgets remains as yet obscure, two general concerns are that REDD+ will i) incentivize land grabbing and ii) remain financially uncompetitive against current commercial forest uses.

Kenya Land Issuance Disaggregated Data Analysis

Policy Papers & Briefs
Mars, 2018

This booklet reveals that women only got 103,043 titles representing 10.3 percent, while men got 865,095 titles representing 86.5 percent of the total. The glaring disparity is made clear when looked at against the actual land sizes and titled for women against men. The data sample shows that out of 10,129,704 hectares of land titled between 2013 and 2017 women got 163,253 hectares representing a paltry 1.62 while men got 9,903,304 hectares representing 97.76 percent.

Women and Land Rights

Policy Papers & Briefs
Février, 2018

There is a direct relationship between women’s right to land, economic empowerment, food se-curity and poverty reduction. A gender approach to land rights can enable shifts in gender power relations, and assure that all people, regardless of sex, benefit from, and are empowered by, development policies and practices to improve people’s rights to land. This brief gives an over-view on how to consider gender aspects in pro-jects and programmes addressing land rights.