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Terra e agricultura nas relações sino-angolanas: um estudo sobre parceria e conflito em Angola

Journal Articles & Books
Mars, 2021
África subsariana

A busca por recursos naturais sobressai nas investidas interna- cionais de alguns países, sendo a China uma das melhores ilustrações. Motiva a política externa chinesa, assim orientada, o abastecimento principalmente de matérias primas energéticas e de produtos agrícolas. Para as áreas implicadas, os desdobramentos podem se mostrar problemáticos, mormente pelas disputas por recursos essenciais. Este estudo focaliza esse assunto, investigando a parceria governamental entre China e Angola que criou a empresa Jiangzhou.

Insécurité Foncière, Fragmentation et Choix des Cultures : Preuve de l'Ouganda

Reports & Research
Mars, 2021

Cette étude utilise des données au niveau du ménage, de la parcelle et du terrain pour analyser l'effet de l'insécurité foncière et de la fragmentation des terres sur le choix des cultures. Nous utilisons les titres fonciers formels comme indicateur des droits fonciers de jure, et les droits de transfert perçus sur les parcelles comme indicateur des droits fonciers de facto.


Thailand-Cambodia Border Conflict: Sacred Sites and Political Fights

Journal Articles & Books
Mars, 2021

How can maps drawn over a century ago still lead to conflict between two countries? The Southeast Asian countries of Thailand and Cambodia are neighbors with a difficult history and a shared border. Their religious similarities have made sacred spaces along the border a divisive issue, with the sacred site of Preah Vihear a central point of controversy.

GHG Balance of Agricultural Intensification & Bioenergy Production in the Orinoquia Region, Colombia

Peer-reviewed publication
Mars, 2021

Energy crop expansion can increase land demand and generate displacement of food crops, which impacts greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions mainly through land-use change (LUC). Increased agricultural productivity could compensate for this. Our study aims to evaluate the regional combined GHG emissions of increasing agricultural yields for food crop and beef production and using the generated surplus land for biomass production to replace fossil fuels in the Orinoquia region of Colombia until 2030.

The Sliding Scale between Usufruct and Ownership: The Example of Swedish Multi-Family Housing

Peer-reviewed publication
Mars, 2021

This paper aims to elucidate the sliding scale between usufruct and ownership by applying a property rights framework to three Swedish forms of tenure in multifamily housing. The framework deconstructs the bundles of rights of rental, tenant-ownership and ownership to highlight commonalities and differences connected to the right to use and exclude, the right to transfer and the right to the value. It is concluded that the three tenure forms have many traits in common but that there are distinct differences in some areas, most notably in connection to the right to the value.

Reversing Channels and Unsettling Binaries: Rethinking Migration and Agrarian Change under Expanded Border and Immigration Enforcement

Peer-reviewed publication
Février, 2021

Unauthorized migration under global regimes of border and immigration enforcement has become more risky and costly than ever. Despite the increasing challenges of reaching, remaining in, and remitting from destination countries, scholarship exploring the implications of migration for agricultural and environmental change in migrant-sending regions has largely overlooked the prevalent experiences and consequences of “failed” migration.

Oran : des terres agricoles sacrifiées pour un urbanisme sauvage

Peer-reviewed publication
Février, 2021

Aujourd’hui, la périurbanisation est reconnue comme un phénomène mondial animée par différents déterminants (poussée démographique, développement industriel, crise de la ruralité, etc.). En effet, les territoires périurbains sont des espaces qui reçoivent l’excédent de la croissance démographique urbaine et qui accueillent les nouveaux projets d’aménagement et de développement (promotions immobilières, implantations de zones d’activités diverses, développement des réseaux de communication, maintien ou développement de certaines agricultures, etc.).

Expériences du quota et de l'accès collectif dans le delta de la vallée du fleuve Sénégal

Reports & Research
Février, 2021

Le phénomène d’ATGE gagne l’ensemble du Sénégal, privant les communautés de leurs droits fonciers, des principaux moyens d’existance. L’IPAR, en partenariat avec le CNCR et aGter, a bénéficié d’un appui financier du CRDI pour exécuter ce projet de recherche- action participative et collaborative.

Ce projet évalue des initiatives mises en œuvre et analyse du contexte global de trois communes, situées dans trois zones agro-écologiques : bassin arachidier, Niayes et vallée du fleuve Sénégal, afin de :


What about the “Stayers”? Examining China’s Resettlement Induced by Large Reservoir Projects

Peer-reviewed publication
Février, 2021

Large reservoir projects typically occupy vast lots of rural land and trigger resettlement on a massive scale. In China’s reservoir context, increasing concerns have arisen regarding distant-resettlees (those who are resettled outside the reservoir area), while fewer studies have examined the nearby-resettlees (those who are resettled near the original area) and the non-movers (those who do not resettle). The significance of these two groups has been downplayed and their populations are in the millions (or more) in China.

The Amazon Forest Preservation by Clarifying Property Rights and Potential Conflicts: How Experiments Using Fit-for-Purpose Can Help

Peer-reviewed publication
Février, 2021
United States of America

The burning and the deforestation of the Brazilian Amazon forest, which has been recently highlighted by the international press and occurs mostly on public or undesignated land, calls for an in-depth examination. This has traditionally been the main way to grab land, speculate, and simultaneously prove ownership by its occupation. The absence of mapping, registration, and an effective regulation of land property in Brazil, particularly in the Amazon, plays an important role in its deforestation.

The Production of Pastoral Space: Modeling Spatial Occupation of Grazing Land for Environmental Impact Assessment Using Structural Equation Modeling

Peer-reviewed publication
Février, 2021

Environmental impact assessment (EIA) is a key tool for both environmental and land management. It identifies potential adverse and unintended consequences of the projects on land use and the environment and derives possible mitigation measures to address these impacts. Calculating the volume and severity of impacts is complex and often relies on selections and simplifications. Moreover, calculating impacts associated with nomadic-pastoral (dynamic) land use is still an unresolved methodological problem.