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Sobre mudar de paisagens, sobre mirar com outros olhos – narrativas a partir de deslocamentos territoriais

Reports & Research

Presentando como foco investigativos los desplazamientos territoriales, experimentados como tránsitos y mudanzas de orden geográfica y subjetiva vividas en el transcursos de esta tesis, mi intención con este estudio es explorar qué ocurre y cómo los sujetos implicados en este trabajo perciben este movimiento. Motiva por la pregunta “Qué variaciones y giros son producidos y experimentados a partir de los desplazamientos territoriales?” la presente tesis fue desarrollada en un formato narrativo a través del cruce de relatos autobiográficos de ocho sujetos nómada, entre los cuales me incluyo.

Deviniendo desplazado en Colombia un análisis de los procesos de reconocimiento, redistribución y ciudadanía, en el marco de la implementación de la Ley 387 de 1997 y la Ley 1448 de 2011

Reports & Research

La promulgación de la Ley 387 de 1997 en Colombia, funda un nuevo sujeto jurídico que será nombrado, definido y reconocido bajo la categoría "desplazado". Desde la promulgación de la Ley 387 de 1997, “En Colombia, el empleo de la categoría "desplazado" se encuentra usualmente acompañado del verbo ser y no del estar, generando que ser "desplazado" no sea asumido como una situación transitoria de la cual pueden salirse quienes han quedado registrados en dicha categoría sino que, por el contrario, ser "desplazado" comienza a ser asumido como una identidad (Osorio, 2000:177).

Importancia del concepto de personas ambientalmente desplazadas en la política pública de atención al desplazamiento forzado

Reports & Research

Resaltar la importancia de introducir el concepto de personas ambientalmente desplazadas en la política pública de atención integral al desplazamiento forzado por la violencia, concepto en el cual se reconoce e involucra otros factores asociados al desplazamiento forzado como los factores ambientales asociados a las fumigaciones aéreas adelantadas en el marco de la estrategia contra la droga en Colombia.

Isolados e ilhados: indigenismo e conflitos no Vale do Javari, Amazônia

Journal Articles & Books

Nesse artigo, pretendemos mostrar como um certo ideal de índio permeia as utopias indigenistas do Estado brasileiro e como a política de isolamento, influenciada por esses ideais, apresenta suas idiossincrasias e contradições. Apresentamos um estudo sobre os conflitos recentes na Terra Indígena Vale do Javari (AM) que levaram à morte violenta de índios Korubo e Matis, considerados pelo governo respectivamente como “isolados” e de “recente contato”. Analisamos a história do conflito a partir das narrativas indigenistas e dos indígenas.

Ariadne’s thread or Penelope’s shroud? A critical reflection about the urban housing policy for the displaced population in Colombia

Journal Articles & Books

The high degree of vulnerability of the displaced population and the low impact of the programs directed towards this population have resulted in the illegal solution of housing problems, generated by the development of low-quality housing neighborhoods. Instead of proposing an evaluation of the housing policy for displaced populations due to violence, the article proposes an analysis of the housing public policy for displaced populations.

Decoding Gender Justice in Land Conflicts Resolution in Rwanda

Peer-reviewed publication

Rwanda has implemented a land tenure regularization program since 2008 that enabled the adjudication and registration of land rights for both men and women. However, Rwandan women are vulnerable to land conflicts because some men do not recognize or respect women’s rights in land. This study investigates the extent to which government institutions in Rwanda empower women in claiming and defending their land rights. Data sources include questionnaire survey, interviews, and the review of literature on land reform in Rwanda.

Land-use planning Implementation Uncertainty in Bamako District

Peer-reviewed publication

 The goal of this research was to understand the driving forces and agents that prevent the effective application of land-use policies through plan implementation, in the fastest growing city in Africa, Bamako District.The current results yield from the field work done in November and December of  2017. The survey was done at three levels, including interviews with official actors, and questionnaires sent to with citizens and the neighborhood leaders and neighborhood development Committees (Comité de Développement de Quartier: CDQ).

Land Patronage and Static Urban Boundaries in Zimbabwe Implications for Land Tenure Security

Peer-reviewed publication

The political dysfunction that had come to characterize an imploding Zimbabwean economy is beyond dispute. This paper explores how a government that had become weakened in the face of a formidable opposition in urban areas turned to use land as a reward for supporters and as a means of luring new members to join the ruling party. It argues that land patronage has been used as a means for legitimating fledgling state rule while undermining the tenure security of the poor.

Land Governance Arrangements in Eastern Africa: Description and Comparison

Peer-reviewed publication
Eastern Africa

This study is aimed to assess features of land governance arrangements in the Eastern Africa region. Comparative and qualitative research approach was employed to achieve the objectives of the study. The research was also conducted within the context of long standing research collaboration under the umbrella of the Eastern African Land Administration Network (EALAN). The Eastern African countries included in this study are those represented through respective institutions in the EALAN, namely: Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, South Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda.

Land Dispute and Resolution Process Among the Youth Under the Customary System in the Techiman Traditional Area of Ghana

Peer-reviewed publication

Securing land rights of all including the youth to allow for investment is very imperative. This is because access to land is very fundamental to ending extreme poverty especially in the Sub-Saharan Africa where agriculture remains the economic backbone of majority of households.  To this end, access to fair and timeous land disputes resolution mechanism to adjudicate and resolve disputes which create tenure insecurity is critical. This study investigates land dispute cases and the resolution mechanisms among the youth land holders in the Techiman area of Ghana.