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Protocol on the implementation of the Alpine Convention of 1991 in the field of soil conservation.

International Conventions or Treaties
Europe occidentale
Europe orientale
Europe méridionale
Europe septentrionale

This Protocol has been adopted by the Contracting Parties to implement the Alpine Convention as regards soil conservation. The Protocol takes into account the functions of the Alpine soil as a natural resource, as an archive of natural history, as a location for agricultural use including pasture farming and forestry and as a source of raw materials.

Amendment of the Law on Protection and Utilization of Forests and Range Lands.

Asie occidentale
Asie méridionale

Note7: This note indicates that Ministry of Jihad-e-Agriculture shall issue permits for any exploitation of natural dense forests and rangelands. Priority, on the basis of technical guidelines, shall be granted to those individuals in possession of livestock grazing permits and those using Forests and Rangelands in each region. The Ministry of Jihad-e-Agriculture shall fix yearly the basic price for forests and rangeland derived products.

Protected Places (No. 9) Order 2001.

Asia du sud-est

The Protected Places Order contains a list that describes areas that are protected for the purposes of the Protected Purposes and Places Act (Chapter 256). Areas listed may not be entered without possession of a valid permit issued by the specified authority. This Order concerns the Air Defense Systems Complex in Singapore and lists the relevant authority as Air Defense Systems Division.

Implements: Protected Areas and Protected Places Act (Ordinance No. 33 of 1959, Chapter 256). (2013-12-31)

Protected Places (No. 7) Order 2001.

Asia du sud-est

The Protected Places Order contains a list that describes areas that are protected for the purposes of the Protected Purposes and Places Act (Chapter 256). Areas listed may not be entered without possession of a valid permit issued by the specified authority. This Order concerns the KV Substation at Peng Nguan Street in Singapore and lists the relevant authority as PowerGrid Ltd.

Implements: Protected Areas and Protected Places Act (Ordinance No. 33 of 1959, Chapter 256). (2013-12-31)

Protected Places (No. 8) Order 2001.

Asia du sud-est

The Protected Places Order contains a list that describes areas that are protected for the purposes of the Protected Purposes and Places Act (Chapter 256). Areas listed may not be entered without possession of a valid permit issued by the specified authority. This Order concerns the Pioneer Terminal Building in Singapore and lists the authority as PowerGrid Ltd.

Implements: Protected Areas and Protected Places Act (Ordinance No. 33 of 1959, Chapter 256). (2013-12-31)

Protected Places (No. 2) Order.

Asia du sud-est

This Order concerns protected areas and places in Singapore. It contains a Schedule that lists the protected areas that may only be entered with a valid permit issued by the relevant authority.

Amended by: Protected Places Order 2002.(No.S 80). (2002-02-06)

Arrêté nº 49 MEHU/DC/SG/DIVI/SA portant attributions, organisation et fonctionnement de la Direction del'habitat et de la construction.

Afrique occidentale

Cet arrêté porte attributions, organisation et fonctionnement de la Direction de l'habitat et de la construction. La direction de l'Habitat et de la Construction élabore en collaboration avec toutes les structures nationales compétentes, la politique nationale dans les domaines de l'habitat et de la construction. Ses activités couvrent toute l'étendue du territoire national.

Arrêté ministériel nº 6816 M.ENV-DC-PAGF2 portant création et fonctionnement du Projet agroforestier de Lutte contre la Désertification (PAGF2).

Afrique occidentale

Il est créé dans la région de Diourbel, un projet dénommé Projet agroforestier de Lutte contre la Désertification (PAGF2) rattaché au Ministère de l'Environnement.

Joint Circular No. 109/2000/TTLT/BNN-BTC guiding the implementation of the Prime Minister's Decision No. 187/1999/QD-TTg on the renewal of the organisation and managerial mechanism at the State forestry farms.

Viet Nam
Asia du sud-est

This Circular concerns the functioning and internal organization of State enterprises that have been allocated by the competent State bodies forests and forestry land for forest industry purposes and of business companies in which "dependent cost-accounting State forestry farms" participate. The second part of this Circular concerns the reorganization of State forestry farms so as to operate them in a more commercial manner. Part 3 concerns allocation of land and forests to State forestry farms.

Guidance No. 9449 on Order regarding the metropolitan area's planning (Fingerplan 2013).

Europe septentrionale

This document gives guidance on the implementation of Fingerplan 2013 land's planning directive for the metropolitan area planning. The National Planning Directive aims to ensure that future Finger Plans by providing a forward-looking common basis for the 34 metropolitan municipalities planning. Finger Plan 2013 builds on and is a revision of the Finger Plan 2007. Finger Plan 2013 replaces the rules of the Finger Plan 2007.

Implements: Planning Act (No. 587 of 2013). (2013-05-27)
Implements: Order No. 1037 on metropolitan area's planning (Fingerplan 2013). (2013-08-09)

La Vision «Burundi 2025»

National Policies
Afrique orientale

La Vision «Burundi 2025», élaborée sur la base d’une approche participative et d’un consensus national, est un nouvel instrument de planification du développement à long terme, qui va guider les politiques et stratégies en matière de développement durable. La Vision « Burundi 2025 » ambitionne de mettre le Burundi sur la voie du développement durable à l’horizon 2025. La Vision «Burundi 2025» vise l’instauration de la bonne gouvernance dans un Etat de droit, le développement d’une économie forte et compétitive, et l’amélioration de la qualité de vie des burundais.

Programme d’Action National de Lutte Contre la Désertification (PAN/LCD) Juin 2006.

National Policies
Afrique occidentale

Confrontée à une dégradation croissante et accélérée de ses principales ressources naturelles, la Guinée a adopté en juin 2006, le Programme d’action National de Lutte Contre la Désertification (PAN/LCD) qui constitue un cadre de référence devant désormais guider les actions de l’Etat, des acteurs non gouvernementaux et des partenaires au développement en matière de lutte contre la dégradation des terres et la déforestation.