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Coastal Barrier Resources Act (16 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.).

États-Unis d'Amérique
Amérique septentrionale

This Act designates various undeveloped coastal barrier islands for inclusion in the Coastal Barrier Resources System (areas adjacent to or contiguous with lands managed for conservation purposes). Areas so designated were made ineligible for direct or indirect Federal financial assistance that might support development, including flood insurance. Exceptions for certain activities, such as fish and wildlife research, are provided, and National Wildlife Refuges and other, otherwise protected areas are excluded from the System.

Bankhead-Jones Farm Tenant Act (7 U.S.C. 1010-1013).

États-Unis d'Amérique
Amérique septentrionale

This Act directs the Secretary of Agriculture to develop a program of land conservation and utilization in order to correct maladjustments in land use and thus assist in controlling soil erosion, reforestation, preserving natural resources, protecting fish and wildlife, developing and protecting recreational facilities, mitigating floods, preventing impairment of dams and reservoirs, developing energy resources, conserving surface and surface moisture, protecting the watersheds of navigable streams, and protecting the public lands, health, safety, and welfare.

Loi n° 2003-208 du 7 juillet 2003 portant transfert et répartition de compétences de l'Etat aux Collectivités territoriales.

Côte d'Ivoire
Afrique occidentale

La présente loi détermine les règles et modalités de transfert et répartition de compétences de l'Etat aux Collectivités territoriales (les Communes; les Régions et les Départements).Les différents domaines, objet de ce transfert et répartition de compétences, sont notamment, l’aménagement du territoire; la planification du développement; l’urbanisme et l'habitat; la santé, l'hygiène publique et la qualité; la protection de l’environnement et la gestion des ressources naturelles; l‘hydraulique; et l'assainissement.

National Heritage Fund Act 2003 (No. 40 of 2003).

Afrique orientale

This Act establishes the National Heritage Fund as a body corporate, defines its functions and provides for its internal organization. The principal object of the Fund shall be to safeguard, manage and promote the national heritage of Mauritius. The Fund shall be administered and managed by the National Heritage Trust Fund Board. The principal functions of the Board shall be to identify sites and to manage national heritage entrusted to it.

Law of the People's Republic of China on Desert Prevention and Transformation.

Asie orientale

This Law provides for the prevention of land desertification, the transformation of desertified land and the protection of the safety of the environment.The Law consists of 7 Chapters divided into 47 articles: General provisions (I); Planning on desert prevention and transformation (II); Prevention of land desertification (III); Transformation of desertified land (IV); Guarantee measures (V); Legal responsibilities (VI); Supplementary provisions (VII).The administrative department in charge of forestry of the State Council shall, jointly with other relevant departments of the State Council,

Regional Law No. 297-OZ “On urban forests”.

Fédération de Russie
Europe orientale

This Regional Law establishes the modalities of forest management and protection of forests located on urban land. The purpose of urban forests shall be to ensure conservation of favourable environment and urban forests shall be used for recreational, healthcare and sport purposes. Local self-government can carry out forest management, afforestation and reforestation autonomously or in accordance with contracts concluded with other organizations.

Regional Law No. 81-OZ “On forestry taxes for standing timber, payment for secondary forest management and non-timber forest products”.

Fédération de Russie
Europe orientale

This Regional Law establishes that lease payment and concession payment shall be determined on the basis of forestry taxes. Rates of payment shall be fixed in lease contract, concession, forestry licence or forest management permit. All forestry taxes and payments cannot be lower than minimum forestry taxes and payments fixed by law. Payments for building timber and fuelwood shall be equal to minimum forestry taxes applicable to standing timber. Land tax for forest parcels shall be fixed as minimum forestry tax applicable to standing timber.

Regional Law No. 39-ZO “On rates of payment of forest fees”.

Fédération de Russie
Europe orientale

This Regional Law establishes rates of payment for short-term forest management of forest fund (public forest) and for calculation of lease payment for lease of land plots under forests. The following activities shall require compulsory payment: (a) timber extraction (applicable to standing timber); (b) procurement of non-timber forest products; (c) agro-forestry; (d) forest management for hunting, tourism, sport and other recreational forests.

Forest Reserves Act (RSA 2000, c. F-20).

Amérique septentrionale

This Act and the regulations apply to all land within the boundaries of any forest reserves established pursuant to this Act. "Forest reserves" is all land described in the appendix to the agreement set forth in the Schedule to chapter 20 of the Statutes of Alberta, 1948, and to chapter 59 of the Statutes of Canada, 1947. All forest reserves within Alberta are set apart and established for the conservation of the forests and other vegetation in the forests and for the maintenance of conditions favourable to an optimum water supply.

Forestry Rights Registration Act 1990.


This Act, consisting of 11 sections completed by one Schedule, aims to define certain aspects of forestry rights. "Forestry right" in this Act means a right granted by the owner of any land to any other person to: (a) establish, maintain and harvest; or (b) maintain and harvest crop of trees on that land, together with any ancillary rights and works; and (d) any provisions for charges, payments, royalties or division of the crop or the proceeds of the crop.