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Regulation laying down detailed rules on the purchase, by managers of the National Forests organizational units, of forests, lands designated for afforestation and other immovables being a property of individuals and legal persons.

Europe orientale

This Regulation of the Minister of Environment Protection, Natural Resources and Forestry is composed of four paragraphs. A forest or land designated for afforestation can be purchased in the following cases: the forest or land is directly adjacent to lands managed by the National Forests; there is no common ownership; the field forest border has been regulated. Other immovables can be purchased as long as it is justified by needs of forest management run by organizational units.

Implements: Forest Act 1991. (1991-09-28)

Land Preservation Regulations, 1960.

Asie occidentale

This Regulation, of 36 sections and one Annex, gives definitions and makes provisions for the preservation of lands due to land erosion in Israel. Section 1 gives definitions. Section 2 regards the declaration of Special Zones listed in the Annex to this regulation. Section 3 establishes conditions for grazing in special zones. Only the director of the Land-Preservation Department can authorize such grazing. Section 4 prohibits from a person to carry out preservation operations unless authorized and planned by the Director.

Règlement sur la police du feu et la protection contre les éléments naturels.

Europe occidentale

Le présent règlement met en exécution l’article 9 de la loi du 12 novembre 1964 sur la police du feu et la protection contre les éléments naturels. Le texte comprend 474 articles répartis en 13 chapitres comme suit: Organisation et attribution (Ier); Préventions des incendies et des dommages causés par les éléments naturels (II); Construction, équipement et utilisation des bâtiments (III); Omissis; Installations électriques (X); Service de ramonage (XI); Service de défense contre l’incendie (XII); Dispositions finales et transitoires (XIII).

Regulations made under the Mountain Catchment Areas Act.

Afrique du Sud
Afrique australe

These Regulations, made by the Minister of Forestry under section 13 of the Mountain Catchment Areas Act, implements provisions of that Act in respect of: the constitution and composition of Fire Protection Committees; the election of members of advisory committees for Mountain Catchment Areas; applications for financial aid; declaration of private land as Mountain Catchment Area and relative procedures; directions to owners of land in a Mountain Catchment Area; and applications for compensation of patrimonial loss.

Implements: Mountain Catchment Areas Act. (1996)

Décret n° 77-054 du 28 février 1977 portant réorganisation du Comité pour la protection et la conservation de la nature.

Afrique occidentale

Le présent décret réorganise la constitution et le fonctionnement du Comité pour la protection et la conservation de la nature, créé par le décret n° 59-168 du 30 décembre 1959.En effet, l'avis préalable de ce Comité est obligatoire pour toute action susceptible de modifier le milieu naturel et pour toutes questions relatives à la protection des sols, des ressources hydrologiques de la faune et de la flore; à la conservation et à l'utilisation rationnelle des ressources naturelles; et aux parcs nationaux et réserves de toute nature.

Décret nº 2-69-311 portant application du dahir nº 1-69-170 sur la défense et la restauration des sols.

Afrique septentrionale

Ce dahir porte application du dahir sur la défense et de la restauration des sols. La mesure principale, consistant en la création de zones dites "périmètres de défense et de restauration des sols d'intérêt national", fera l'objet d'une publicité locale outre à la publication sur le Bulletin officiel. Les articles de 4 à 11 portent réglementation relative à l'indemnité allouée aux intéressés lorsque l'exécution des travaux d'infrastructure ne peut pas être suivie par la création de banquettes céréalières ou de plantations fruitières ou de boisement de production.

Nature-based Activities Regulation (No. 492 of 1991).

Europe septentrionale

The scope of the Act is to improve the living standards and opportunity of earning of those involved in agriculture, forestry, fishery and aquaculture, hunting, reindeer breeding and other nature-based activities in the Northern districts of Finland. This Regulation prescribes further conditions for land acquisition loans and the sale of State land (Chap. 1), it outlines procedures for the application of land with the District Agricultural Offices (Chap. 2), provides further detail for the drawing up of Disposition Plans by the Planning Commission (Chap.

Decree No. 233 of 1993 containing Rules relative to Infiltration of Surface Water into the Soil.

Europe occidentale

This Regulation implements that part of the EC Council "Groundwater Directive" (80/68/EC) which concerns the infiltration of water. Infiltration in this Regulation has the same meaning as in article 1 of the Groundwater Act. This Regulation restricts the powers of provincial authorities to grant permits for infiltration of water. This may be done only if no danger is to be expected of pollution of groundwater.