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The impact of large scale land acquisitions on water resources – a background note

Décembre, 2013

Since 2008 there has been a rapid increase in the level of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in agricultural land in Sub Saharan Africa and South East Asia. In 2008-2009 land acquisitions were estimated to be approximately 56 million hectares, 70-75% of which were in Africa (although it is likely that many leases are still pending or not yet executed). Large scale land acquisitions are primarily for agricultural development (circa 80%). The remaining 20% are dominated by extractives and infrastructure.

From Brazilian fields to Norwegian farms

Décembre, 2013

• Brazil has a Federal Constitution and consolidated legislation that provide for the protection of the environment, health and welfare of workers in rural areas.
• The large-scale agricultural export model used in Brazil, i.e. the state of Mato Grosso and particularly in the region where the soy exported to Norway is produced, has been causing severe social and environmental impacts.

2013 Revised Supplementary Methods and Good Practice Guidance Arising from the Kyoto Protocol

Décembre, 2013

This document aims to provide supplementary methods and good practice guidance for estimating anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions by sources and removals by sinks resulting from land use, land-use change and forestry (LULUCF) activities under Article 3, paragraphs 3 and 4, of the Kyoto Protocol for the second commitment period – 2003 – 2020.  For the second commitment period, the activities included under Article 3.3 are Afforestation, Reforestation, and Deforestation since 1990, which remain mandatory.

Evidence of impact: Climate-smart agriculture in Africa

Décembre, 2013

Agriculture across Africa must undergo a significant transformation to meet the multiple challenges of climate change, food insecurity, malnutrition, poverty and environmental degradation. The case studies described here are just some of the climate-smart agricultural practices that already exist in Africa. This publication aims to inspire farmers, researchers, business leaders, policy makers and NGOs to take up the mantle of climate-smart agriculture and accelerate the transformation of Africa’s agriculture into a more sustainable and profitable sector.


Peru’s deadly environment: the rise in killings of environmental and land defenders

Décembre, 2013

The world’s attention was be on Peru December 2014, as governments from 195 countries convened in the capital Lima for the UN Climate Conference. As delegates negotiated a global deal aimed at averting catastrophic climate change, a parallel human rights crisis is still unfolding in Peru and around the world. An increasing number of people on the frontline of the fight to protect the environment are being killed.

Impact of fertilizer use on weed management in conservation agriculture - a review

Décembre, 2013

Intensive farming has been adopted to produce large amounts of food grains and cash crops but environment is being deteriorated at alarming rate also. Increased use of fertilizers, pesticides, chemical growth regulators, machinery and poor management practices are accelerating environmental pollution, soil degradation, global warming, climatic change and food deterioration. Conservation agriculture offers a sustainable solution for all these problems most often. This review focuses the use of fertilizers in conservation agriculture and their impact on weed management.

Designing Sustainable Development Strategies for Agricultural Commodities across the Landscape: Applying the Siting Tool for guiding rubber, cocoa, coffee and oil palm development in North Sumatra, Indonesia

Décembre, 2013

This report provides key data and recommendations on the sustainable development of four commodities driving land use change in North Sumatra, Indonesia - coffee, cocoa, palm oil and rubber. The report seeks to assess the current and future situation in the districts of Mandailing Natal, Tapanuli Selatan and Tapanuli Utara, taking into account both economic and conservation perspectives.

Assessing global land use: Balancing consumption with sustainable supply

Décembre, 2013

This report discusses the need and options to balance consumption with sustainable production, as changing trends in both the production and consumption of land-based products put increased pressure on land resources across the globe. It focuses on land-based products (food, fuels and fibre) and describes methods which enable countries to determine whether their consumption levels exceed sustainable supply capacities. Strategies and measures are outlined with the aim of allowing the adjustment of policy framework to balance consumption with these capacities.

Evolving customary institutions in the Drylands: an opportunity for devolved natural resource governance in Kenya?

Décembre, 2013

Improved governance of natural resources is crucial for building climate resilient livelihoods and economies in Africa’s drylands. This paper looks at why the authority and capacity of customary natural resource management institutions has been weakened, and how this impacts on resource governance and climate resilience. The case study included looks at a new hybrid form of customary/formal institution that is emerging as a response to the stagnation of development and increasing conflict around resource access.

Distribution of mangrove habitats of Grenada and the Grenadines

Décembre, 2013
Saint-Vincent-et-les Grenadines
Amérique latine et Caraïbes

Climate change is expected to alter existing coastal habitats in Grenada, jeopardizing the island's mangroves, such as through the conversion of basin mangroves to fringe habitats as storm surges open barrier beaches, increasing tidal action and flood duration.

Likewise, incremental sea level rise and storm overwash can lead to increased salinity within coastal ponds, backwaters, and estuaries.

Each of these processes, acting alone or in concert, can greatly affect colonization by all mangrove species that occur in the region.