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Lesotho : A Safety Net to End Extreme Poverty

Policy Papers & Briefs
Juin, 2013

This report shows that while more inclusive growth is the ultimate solution to poverty in Lesotho, the country can and should use selective social transfers to reduce poverty more rapidly among the extreme poor. But because the majority of the transfers are received by people who are not among the extreme poor there is room for increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of spending on safety nets which. These programs should be productive and concentrate on the extreme poor Basotho.

Land governance of suburban areas of Vietnam: Dynamics and contestations of planning, housing and the environment

Policy Papers & Briefs
Juin, 2013

textabstractAfter the Doi Moi (‘renovation’) reforms in Vietnam from 1986, land ownership rules were adjusted, effectively terminating former land collectivisation efforts. While land ownership remained fully under the control of the state, a 1993 land law conferred 20-year leaseholds to most farmers. They could now utilize farm land individually, and sell, swap and mortgage the land in a situation similar to private ownership. These leaseholds are now expiring and a new 2013 land law is in the making.

Lesotho : A Safety Net to End Extreme Poverty

Training Resources & Tools
Juin, 2013

The objective of this study is to help the government to decide what role safety net and transfer programs should play in the coming 5 to 10 years. It seeks to answer following three questions: (i) can increased spending on transfers accelerate poverty reduction in the medium to long term?; (ii) which groups and aspects of poverty will it make sense to target with transfers?; and (iii) which programs will have the greatest impact at an affordable cost?

BioTrade – development opportunities for small farmers in Peru

Journal Articles & Books
Mai, 2013

Not only is biodiversity a valuable asset, but it also represents a possible source of income for rural communities. The article shows how Peru is making use of this potential in the context of the BioTrade concept to sustain both, rural livelihood and conservation of native biodiversity. It further analyses the challenges farmers face and how targeted support for supply chains can help to overcome these challenges.

Moving towards resilient farming in northern Ethiopia

Journal Articles & Books
Mai, 2013

Improving watershed conservation and household food security has been one of the major development challenges in the semi-arid areas of northern Ethiopia. The initial survey by ILRI’s Improving Productivity and Marketing Success project has revealed that physical conservation measures alone do not result in higher farmers’ income. However, the introduction of market-oriented commodity development such as beekeeping, sheep-fattening, and high value crops resulted in farmers’ income rising fivefold from 2005 to 2009.

The Structure of Cadastral System in Kenya

Journal Articles & Books
Mai, 2013

The cadastral system2 in Kenya was established in 1903 to cater for land alienation for the white settlers. Since then, a hundred years later, the structure of the system has remained more or less the same despite major changes in surveying technology. The government of Kenya has realized that the current structure is not conducive to economic demands of the 21st century and is interested in re-organizing the structure in line with the current constitutional dispensation and new paradigms in land management.

Interdependencia de la expansión urbana y el medio ambiente circundante. Causas de su degradación

Journal Articles & Books
Mai, 2013

Las ciudades de la región latinoamericana se expanden incontroladamente para atender la enorme demanda social de todos los niveles de ingreso. En este proceso irreversible de crecimiento demográfico y expansión urbana, las ciudades se convierten en ávidas consumidoras de recursos naturales, principalmente agua, que después de ser utilizada es vertida en un alto porcentaje sobre cauces a cielo abierto. También son vertidos todos los desechos sólidos o basura, residuos del consumo doméstico en comidas.

How Well Do Environmental Regulations Work in Kenya? : A Case Study of the Thika Highway Improvement Project

Reports & Research
Mai, 2013

Kenya’s hurried pursuit of infrastructure developments in the last decade has highlighted the need for effective environmental regulation surrounding the approval, construction and operation of new projects. One such project, the Nairobi-Thika Highway Improvement Project (NTHIP), creates fertile ground for investigation into how well Kenya’s environmental safeguards work. Transforming the road from Nairobi to Thika town into a super highway is one of Kenya’s first large-scale transportation infrastructure projects.

Lands, Housing and Urban Development Sector Strategic Plan 2013/14 - 2017/18

National Policies
Mai, 2013

The Lands, Housing and Urban Development Sector Strategic Plan is a national sectoral plan of Uganda for the period 2013/14 - 2017/18. Its main objective is to ensure sustainable land management, orderly development and adequate housing for socio-economic development.The Plan aims to make land use more productive and sustainable.

National Water Resource Strategy (NWRMS2).

National Policies
Mai, 2013
Afrique du Sud

This National Water Resources Management Strategy (NWRMS) sets out the strategy to plan, develop, manage, protect and control the use of South Africa's water resources effectively for the future. This shall be achieved through an improved institutional framework, strengthening our sector capacity, and through various mechanisms and concepts, such as water re-use and water off-setting.