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Exercising multidisciplinary approach to assess interrelationship between energy use, carbon emission and land use change in a metropolitan city of Pakistan

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2012

Population of two cities in Pakistan has already crossed the 10-million figure and for the rest of the areas in the country populations are also increasing rapidly. Urbanization has boosted the use of energy in the cities and so is greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions but the ground situation as to the extent, vulnerability, past trends and future scenarios are not unveiled for the cities of Pakistan. Dearth of data in Pakistan is a huge hindrance to the investigation of energy use and actual GHG emissions.

Separating effects of vegetation change and climate variability using hydrological modelling and sensitivity-based approaches

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2012

Most of the plantation impact studies reported in literature normally use either one of the sensitivity-based approach or a hydrological model with few actually comparing the impact results from these different approaches. This paper investigates the impacts of increase or decrease in plantations and climate variability on streamflow using two approaches: the sensitivity-based approach (including a non-parametric model and six Budyko framework based models) and the hydrological modelling approach (using Xinanjiang and SIMHYD models) for three medium sized catchments in Australia.

From climate-smart agriculture to climate-smart landscapes

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2012

BACKGROUND: For agricultural systems to achieve climate-smart objectives, including improved food security and rural livelihoods as well as climate change adaptation and mitigation, they often need to be take a landscape approach; they must become ‘climate-smart landscapes’. Climate-smart landscapes operate on the principles of integrated landscape management, while explicitly incorporating adaptation and mitigation into their management objectives.

Linking in-stream nutrient flux to land use and inter-annual hydrological variability at the watershed scale

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2012

The significance of nutrient inputs at the watershed scale is best expressed in terms of in-stream processes, compared to evaluating simple field measurements of nutrient inputs. Modeling tools are necessary to consider the complexity of river networks in the determination of the sources and processes by which nutrients are transported at the watershed scale.

Rigorous evaluation of a soil heat transfer model for mesoscale climate change impact studies

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2012

The influence of Climate Change on plant development as well as on carbon and nitrogen cycling in soils is an important research topic for Global Change impact assessment at the regional scale. These changes affect the availability and quality of ground and surface waters and accordingly the future productivity of agriculturally used landscapes. The integrated assessment of these changes requires a robust prediction of the potential future characteristics of soil temperature and moisture based on scale-appropriate, process-oriented models.

Multi-temporal assessment of land sensitivity to desertification in a fragile agro-ecosystem: Environmental indicators

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2012

Human activities as well as natural events can dramatically affect land degradation negatively or positively. In Egypt, agriculture is a key sector of the economy. Land reclamation seeks to transfer desert areas to agricultural land and support the construction of new villages. The agricultural productivity improvement of these Newlands is slow and requires considerable time due to their fragility and sensitivity to desertification.

Changes in soil organic carbon stocks and soil quality: land-use system effects in northern Ethiopia

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2012

In Tigray, Ethiopia, land degradation is a dominant environmental problem and hence the regional government has undertaken restoration measures on degraded soils since 1991. The present study was aimed to assess the impact of land uses and soil management practices on soil properties, and consequently on soil quality of degraded soils. The catchments selected were Maileba and Gum Selassa, and land uses included cultivated (CL), grazing (GL), plantation (PA) and area exclosure (AE). Replicated soil samples were collected from topsoil and profiles of four land-use types in both catchments.

Forest cover, carbon sequestration, and wildlife habitat: policy review and modeling of tradeoffs among land-use change scenarios

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2012

Local and regional governments have developed climate action plans with significant implications for forests and wildlife. The effectiveness of climate mitigation through forest carbon sequestration depends on understanding the spatial and temporal dynamics of land-cover and land-use change (LCLUC). Few studies project future LCLUC effects on forest carbon sequestration, and even fewer examine the resulting consequences for forest connectivity and wildlife habitat.

Phytoremediation, a sustainable remediation technology? II: Economic assessment of CO₂ abatement through the use of phytoremediation crops for renewable energy production

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2012

Phytoremediation could be a sustainable remediation alternative for conventional remediation technologies. However, its implementation on a commercial scale remains disappointing. To emphasize its sustainability, this paper examines whether and how the potential economic benefit of CO₂ abatement for different crops used for phytoremediation or sustainable land management purposes could promote phytotechnologies. Our analysis is based on a case study in the Campine region, where agricultural soils are contaminated with mainly cadmium.

Mapping tropical forests and rubber plantations in complex landscapes by integrating PALSAR and MODIS imagery

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2012

Knowledge of the spatial distribution of forest types in tropical regions is important for implementation of Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD), better understanding of the global carbon cycle, and optimal forest management. Frequent cloud cover in moist tropical regions poses challenges for using optical images to map and monitor forests. Recently, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) released a 50m orthorectified mosaic product from the Phased Array Type L-band Synthetic Aperture Radar (PALSAR) onboard the Advanced Land Observing Satellite (ALOS).

Carbon management of commercial rangelands in Australia: Major pools and fluxes

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2012

Land-use emissions accompanying biomass loss, change in soil organic carbon (ΔSOC) and decomposing wood-products, were comparable with fossil fuel emissions in the late 20th century. We examine the rates, magnitudes and uncertainties for major carbon (C) fluxes for rangelands due to commercial grazing and climate change in Australia. Total net C emission from biomass over 369Mha of rangeland to-date was 0.73 (±0.40)Pg, with 83% of that from the potentially forested 53% of the rangelands. A higher emission estimate is likely from a higher resolution analysis.

Integrative approach for landscape-based graph connectivity analysis: a case study with the common frog (Rana temporaria) in human-dominated landscapes

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2012

Graph-based analysis is a promising approach for analyzing the functional and structural connectivity of landscapes. In human-shaped landscapes, species have become vulnerable to land degradation and connectivity loss between habitat patches. Movement across the landscape is a key process for species survival that needs to be further investigated for heterogeneous human-dominated landscapes.