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The Conflict Analysis Framework (CAF) : Identifying Conflict-Related Obstacles to Development

Août, 2012

The Conflict Analysis Framework (CAF),
developed by the CPR Unit, aims to integrate sensitivity to
conflict in Bank assistance, and to help Bank teams consider
factors affecting both conflict and poverty when formulating
development strategies, policies, and programs. Conflict
sensitive approaches that take account of problem areas and
potential sources of conflict may help to prevent the onset,
exacerbation, or resurgence of violent conflict.

The Onchocerciasis (Riverblindness) Programs Visionary Partnerships

Août, 2012

The Onchocerciasis Control Program (OCP)
was created in 1974 with two primary objectives. The first
is the elimination of onchocerciasis as a public health
problem and as an obstacle to socioeconomic development
throughout an eleven-country area. The second is to leave
participating countries in a position to maintain this
achievements by enhancing national capacity to maintain
control of the disease. The principal tool has been vector

Maintaining Roads : The Argentine Experience with Output-Based Contracts

Août, 2012

The Argentine government is using
output-based contracts with the private sector for
rehabilitation and maintenance of its nonconcessioned road
network. The multiyear lump sum contracts, funded by the
government, specify required road service outputs and use
incentive-based payment schedules to ensure the quality of
the work. After three years of operation the 60 contracts
(averaging US$10 million) in the first phase are working

Interhousehold Transfers : Using Research to Inform Policy

Août, 2012

Inter-household transfers are an
important resource for low-income households, yet have been
almost ignored by donors. Though they are no substitute for
public programs, these private transfers merit more
attention in poverty research, gender analysis, project
design, and development strategies. The note provides
insight on what drives inter-household transfers - of money,
goods, and services - through anthropological, and

The Roll Back Malaria Partnership : Defining the role of the World Bank

Août, 2012

Malaria kills over one million people
and causes 300-500 million episodes of illness each year.
The majority of the 3,000 deaths each day and ten new cases
every second occur in Africa. The disease not only takes a
high human toll; it also impedes development. Malaria has
economic impacts through labor efficiency and land use;
adversely affects school attendance, performance and
cognitive ability; and translates in monetary costs in terms

Private Participation in the Airport Sector : Recent Trends

Août, 2012

During the 1990s private sponsors have
participated in projects involving eighty-nine airports in
twenty-three developing countries, with investment totaling
US$5.4 billion. About three-fifths of this investment was
carried out in 1998 alone, and about two-fifths related to
the award of the Argentine airport system that year.
Analysis of the investment patterns shows that Latin America
leads in attracting private investors, operations and

The Private Sector in Water and Sanitation : How to Get Started

Août, 2012

The more risk and responsibility a
government hands over to the private sector in water and
sanitation, the more powerful the incentives for better
performance-but also the more demands on the government in
commitment and preparation. So a government about to enter
into a long partnership for a water concession or
build-operate-transfer arrangement - typically for
twenty-five to thirty years - needs to be sure that it does

Best Practice in War-to-Peace Transition : The Uganda Veterans Assistance Program

Août, 2012

Veterans and their dependents
constituted a particularly vulnerable group due to their
lack of civic awareness, low skill level and few resources,
a culture of dependency, and their potential threat to
security. The Uganda Veterans Assistance Program (UVAB)
assistance consisted of three components: demobilization,
reinsertion assistance (a transitional safety net cash
equivalent to meet basic needs for a six-month period or one

Privatizing Airports-Options and Case Studies

Août, 2012

Traditionally, the air transport
sector--airlines, airports, and air navigation services--has
been in state hands. The private sector became involved in
the sector only recently, beginning with the airlines.
Privatization of airport infrastructure and private sector
participation in air navigation are also at an early stage.
The air transport sector will require large capital
investments over the next fifteen years to modernize

Fiscal Systems for Oil : The Government "Take" and Competition for Exploration Investment

Août, 2012

Exploration for petroleum occurs on the
basis of government-granted concessions, leases, or
contracts whose terms and conditions are established by law
or negotiated case by case. An important part of these
arrangements is the fiscal terms and conditions-bonuses,
rentals, royalties, and taxes. The author looks at fiscal
systems around the world and draws some conclusions about
how governments compete for exploration investment.

Momentum Gathers Behind Implementing Guidelines

Juillet, 2012

The global community continues to focus on Voluntary Guidelines for Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests, otherwise known as the VGs. A two day meeting, held in Rome July 18 and 19, attended by more than forty participants from UN member countries, multilateral and bilateral organizations, and civil society focused on developing strategies for implementation of the Guidelines.