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Mangroves as Protection from Storm Surges in a Changing Climate

Avril, 2016

Adaptation to climate change includes
addressing sea level rise and increased storm surges in many
coastal areas. Mangroves can substantially reduce the
vulnerability of the adjacent coastal land from inundation
and erosion. However, climate change poses a large threat to
mangroves. This paper quantifies the coastal protection
provided by mangroves for 42 developing countries in the
current climate, and a future climate change scenario with a

Ganges Strategic Basin Assessment

Avril, 2016

The objective of the Ganges Strategic Basin
Assessment (Ganges SBA) is to build knowledge
and promote an open, evidence-based dialogue on
the shared opportunities and risks of cooperative
management in the basin. It is hoped that this will
lead to greater cooperation in the management of
this shared river system, beginning with a shift from
information secrecy to information sharing. The key
feature of this regional research is the development
of a set of nested hydrological and economic basin

Promoting Green Urban Development in African Cities

Reports & Research
Training Resources & Tools
Février, 2016
Afrique du Sud
Afrique australe
Afrique sub-saharienne

The city of eThekwini or Durban has undergone a period of rapid urbanization that has contributed to the degradation of the city’s natural environment. Climate change is placing further strains on the city’s ability to manage the urban environment. The urban environmental profile of eThekwini has been prepared as the first component of the assignment promoting green urban development in Africa: enhancing the relationship between urbanization, environmental assets and ecosystem services, a project being conducted under the leadership of the World Bank.

Romania Toward a Low Carbon and Climate Resilient Economy

Training Resources & Tools
Policy Papers & Briefs
Décembre, 2015
Asie central

This report is about forests that provide a substantial contribution to mitigation in Romania by sequestering carbon, helping to counter carbon emissions from other sectors in the economy. Sustainable forest management is challenged by fragmented ownership and insufficient financial resources in particular. A summary of key existing analytic studies, and the construction of a marginal abatement cost curve for mitigation actions in the forestry sector, was the basis for identifying key adaptation and mitigation measures for Romania’s forests.

Climate Change Impacts on Rural Poverty in Low-Elevation Coastal Zones

Décembre, 2015

This paper identifies the low-elevation
coastal zone populations and developing regions most
vulnerable to sea-level rise and other coastal hazards, such
as storm surges, coastal erosion, and salt-water intrusion.
The focus is on the rural poor in the low-elevation coastal
zone, as their economic livelihoods are especially
endangered directly by coastal hazards and indirectly
through the impacts of climate change on key coastal and

Financing Climate-Resilient Growth in Tanzania

Décembre, 2015

Climate change is a core development
challenge in Tanzania, and the potential costs of inaction
are significant. Current climate variability (including
extreme events such as droughts and floods), already leads
to major economic costs in mainland Tanzania and in
Zanzibar. Individual annual events have economic costs in
excess of 1 percent of GDP, and occur regularly, reducing
long-term growth and affecting millions of people and

Promoting Green Urban Development in African Cities

Novembre, 2015

The city of Kampala has undergone a
period of rapid urbanization that has contributed to the
degradation of the city’s natural environment. The urban
environmental profile for Kampala has been prepared as the
first component of the assignment promoting green urban
development in Africa: enhancing the relationship between
urbanization, environmental assets, and ecosystem services,
a project being conducted under the leadership of the World

Modeling the Marginal Value of Rainforest Losses

Novembre, 2015

A rainforest can be modeled as a dynamic
asset subject to various risks, including risk of fire. Any
small part of the forest can be in one of two states: either
untouched by forest fire, or already damaged by fire, in
which case there is both a local forest loss and increased
dryness over a broader area. In this paper, two Bellman
equations are constructed, one for unharmed forest and a
second for already burnt forest. The analysis solves the two

Questões sobre o desenvolvimento produtivo de Moçambique

Journal Articles & Books
Août, 2015

Nas últimas duas décadas, a economia de Moçambique tem crescido a taxas relativamente elevadas, a uma média anual superior a 7%, quase duas vezes mais depressa do que a média para a África Sub-Sahariana, e continuou a crescer rapidamente mesmo com a crise económica internacional prolongada que tem afectado as economias mais desenvolvidas na última década. Além disso, tornou-se numa das três economias africanas que mais investimento directo estrangeiro (IDE) e empréstimos comerciais do sistema financeiro internacional recebe.

Biocultural Community Protocols: A Toolkit for Community Facilitators

Manuals & Guidelines
Août, 2015

The toolkit is intended to support communities to secure their rights and responsibilities and strengthen customary ways of life and stewardship of their territories and areas. It is directed primarily towards facilitators from the communities themselves or from supporting organizations with whom they have long-standing and positive relationships.

Modernizing Weather, Water, and Climate Services

Août, 2015

The main objective of this technical assistance paper is to provide
recommendations to the Royal Government of Bhutan for
modernizing its hydrometeorological services,
including capacity strengthening for disasterrelated
early warning systems (EWSs). The
DHMS does not have a national hydromet
services policy but is in the process of preparing
a strategic document to guide its modernization
and institutional reform process. This technical assistance paper contributes to this process and proposes a road