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Financement des commissions foncières

Reports & Research
Décembre, 2022

Les autorités maliennes ont mis en place des commissions foncières (CoFo) en vue de prévenir et de résoudre les conflits fonciers. Ces commissions sont confrontées à des problèmes de fonctionnement liés au manque de ressources financières. De fait, de nombreuses CoFo ne sont pas opérationnelles ; seules quelques-unes fonctionnent en mode projet grâce au soutien financier des partenaires techniques et financiers au développement.

Formalization Of Mining Rights In The East African Community; Cadastre Perspective On Artisanal Mining Rights

Décembre, 2021
South Sudan

Context and backgroundArtisanal mining has long been integral part of livelihood structure and economic systems of certain rural communities. Artisanal mining operates informally in developing countries coupled with social, environmental, and economic challenges. Formalization of artisanal mining is being adopted in many countries in order to tackle the challenges of artisanal mining.

LAND-at-scale Mozambique

Policy Papers & Briefs
Juin, 2021

This one-pager provides details on the LAND-at-scale project in Mozambique. This project is implemented by Centro Terra Viva and Terra Firma, and financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs via the Netherlands Enterprise & Development Agency. 

Initial Insights on Land Adjudication in a Fit-for-Purpose Land Administration

Journal Articles & Books
Peer-reviewed publication
Mars, 2021

Land adjudication constitute a series of sequential steps that if followed carefully and correctly, can lead to a sufficient determination of the varied interests in land including whether, and where they overlap, complement, conflict or compete with each other. This is a preliminary study aiming to find out how the adjudication process as it is conducted in the context of a fit-for-purpose land administration (FFPLA). A framework of components for adjudication in the FFPLA context is first developed.

Educação e Agroecologia como construção do futuro no Assentamento Contestado

Reports & Research
Août, 2019

Este estudio nos cuenta del Asentamiento contestado, el cual desde 1999 logra desarrollar sus actividades conjuntas. 108 familias que proponen un uso adecuado de los recursos en la agroecología. Participan activamente en encuentros y cursos para lograr el uso adecuado de la tierra y maximizar su producción. Tambien hacen partícipes a los niños, los cuales desarrollan destrezas propias.

Registration of rural land for deceased households in Ethiopia

Reports & Research
Août, 2017

This study provides interim procedures for registering rural land holdings when one or both of a childs parents are deceased at the time of field demarcation and adjudication..This resource was published in the frame of the Land Investment for Transformation (LIFT) Programme. For more information;please check:

LAND RIGHTS ADJUDICATION: Developing Principles and Processes for ESTA and Labour Tenant Rights' Holders

Reports & Research
Mai, 2017
Afrique australe

The report provides a conceptual framework for understanding the application of 'adjudication' to land rights verification as part of a general land administration function that includes offregister rights; and outlines the motivation for developing such as system in South Africa, with some provisional ideas about systematising and institutionalising land rights adjudication to include off-register rights.

Yembiguasu, territorio guaraní de frontera

Décembre, 2016

El pueblo Guaraní del municipio de Macharetí en el departamento de Chuquisaca -Bolivia, durante muchos luchó por la titulación de tierras. Actualmente y después de cinco procesos de titulación, la Asociación Comunitaria Macharetí posee el título de propiedad de 184.757 hectáreas las que incluyen el territorio de Yembiguasu predio alejado de la comunidad que circunda la frontera con Paraguay y que ahora forma parte de la comunidad.

Yembiguasu: guaraní territory of the border (english subtitles)

Décembre, 2016

The Guarani people of the municipality of Macharetí in the department of Chuquisaca Bolivia, for many fought for land titling. Currently and after five titling processes, Macharetí Community Association holds title to 184,757 hectares which include the territory of Yembiguasu land away from the community surrounding the border with Paraguay and now part of the community.

Território Lomerío: o refúgio para a autonomia indígena (Subt. portugués)

Décembre, 2016

O Território documentário Lomerío: abrigo para a autonomia indígena, reflete todo o processo de um caso de sucesso e emblemático de acesso coletivo à terra pelo povo Chiquitano de comunidade indígena rural de Lomerío em Santa Cruz de la Sierra Bolívia. Colonos, as autoridades nativas, representantes do Conselho de Anciãos e crianças da comunidade contar esta história inspiradora.