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Growing the Field

Reports & Research
Décembre, 2022

Land rights are ascendant across the development sector. Movements addressing women’s empowerment, poverty, social justice, food security and climate change are all increasingly turning to land rights to strengthen their cause. In 2022, renowned philanthropist MacKenzie Scott joined these efforts by making an unprecedented $20 million investment in our work. Ms. Scott’s generous gift represents a profound endorsement of the power of land rights to improve the lives of women, men, and communities around the world.

Problema de acesso à terra no Sul Global: Efeitos do uso consuetudinário e da lei da terra na redução de acesso das mulheres às terras cultiváveis na Guiné-bissau

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2022

Este tem como objetivo analisar os efeitos de uso consuetudinário e inaplicabilidade da Lei 5/98, e se tais fatores contribuem para a redução de acessoàs terras cultiváveispelas mulheres inseridas na agricultura de subsistência na Guiné-Bissau. O problema fundiário é uma preocupação global, tendo início na transição do sistema econômico feudal, quando um grupo minoritário detentor do poder controlava os meios de produção.

Gender, tenure and customary practices in forest landscapes

Reports & Research
Novembre, 2022

This report is based on 10 research projects carried out in 18 sites in seven countries: Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Nepal, Thailand and Viet Nam. The studies formed the basis of ten informational briefs from the research sites published together with the report (available here: Each study documented the legal frameworks and customary practices that affect indigenous women’s rights to access and manage forest resources and create restrictions on those rights.

Does the Landowner’s Gender Affect Self-Cultivation and Farm Productivity? An Analysis for India

Journal Articles & Books
Novembre, 2022

Land ownership has long been argued to enhance farm productivity by improving tenure security. But would this hold for female and male owners alike? The relationship between land ownership and productivity has been investigated relatively little from a gender perspective in most regions, with work on Asia being especially sparse. Even less explored are gender differences in the likelihood of landowners self-cultivating as vs. leasing out their land.

Dossier Mujeres Rurales en Colombia

Journal Articles & Books
Septembre, 2022
América Latina y el Caribe

Las mujeres del mundo rural están mucho más expuestas que las del urbano a la sobrecarga que las tradiciones de división sexual del trabajo les han impuesto. Su papel en la reproducción social es invisibilizado por la subvaloración “del trabajo reproductivo, productivo y para el autoconsumo” (Fao, 2017, p. 1) y por su baja posibilidad de participación política institucional.

A Glimpse into Women’s Customary Forest Tenure Practices in Lao PDR

Reports & Research
Août, 2022

The case study explores the intersect between customary tenure systems and gender roles in two villages in Phongsali district in the north of Laos. The country has a diverse population of ethnic communities who depend on forests and other natural resources for their livelihoods. These communities play an important role for conserving complex landscapes. However, their traditional land tenure practices are insufficiently documented and therefore poorly understood, and even more so the gender relations in customary systems.

National gender profile of agriculture and rural livelihoods: The Republic of Azerbaijan

Reports & Research
Août, 2022

This country gender assessment (CGA) for the Republic of Azerbaijan was undertaken as part of FAO and national commitments to promote gender equality while integrating a gender perspective into its operations. The resulting CGA report focuses on the intersections of gender, agriculture and rural development, and presents a snapshot of critical gender-based inequalities and their consequences for agricultural production and rural livelihoods in Azerbaijan.

Acceso de las mujeres a la tierra y la propiedad en Panamá

Reports & Research
Août, 2022

Es un hecho innegable que las mujeres en Panamá, al igual que en otros países del mundo, han contado con poca participación histórica en la tenencia de tierras. La cultura patriarcal predominante generó relaciones entre hombres y mujeres jerarquizadas, desiguales, inequitativas y discriminantes. Esto excluyó ayer y hoy a muchas mujeres de la propiedad de la tierra, dificultando el acceso a oportunidades y la generación de ingresos propios.

Acceso de las mujeres a la tierra y la propiedad en Panamá

Reports & Research
Août, 2022

Esta publicación busca paliar la situación del acceso de las mujeres a la tierra y a la propiedad analizando la situación de la historia de la propiedad de la tierra en Panamá considerando la normativa existente, el tipo de producción agropecuaria, y la condición e intereses de las mujeres con respecto a la propiedad y titularidad de la tierra.

Mujeres: cuerpos y territorios despojados en el Bajo Atrato

Reports & Research
Juin, 2022

La violencia ejercida contra los cuerpos de las mujeres también es una violencia ejercida contra los territorios. Para las mujeres negras, indígenas y mestizas del Bajo Atrato sus cuerpos son parte sustantiva de los territorios y, desde allí, lo han construido y defendido. Los ríos, ciénagas y quebradas son la extensión de sus brazos y sus piernas, aguas en las que permanecen sumergidas desarrollando labores cotidianas junto a otras mujeres, sus hijos e hijas. En dicha construcción y defensa, sus cuerpos-territorios han sido fuertemente despojados y violentados.

Women's secure access to rural land in South-West and Hauts-Bassins regions of Burkina Faso

Reports & Research
Juin, 2022
Burkina Faso


This report highlights the situation of women in the South-West and Hauts-Bassins of Burkina Faso: from land management to women's access to land, to the management of their income. The report illustrates major challenges and highlights possible solutions. It also provides an overview of the situation for young people and migrants. The paper also contains a base of recommendations aimed at boosting women's secure access in the two (2) regions identified.

Accès sécurisé des femmes aux terres rurales dans les régions du Sud-Ouest et des Hauts-Bassins du Burkina Faso

Reports & Research
Juin, 2022
Burkina Faso


Le présent rapport met en exergue la situation analytique des femmes dans le Sud-Ouest et les Hauts-Bassins du Burkina : de la gestion du foncier, en passant par l’accès des femmes, la gestion de leurs revenus sans oublier les défis majeurs rencontrés et les pistes de solutions envisagées. Il offre aussi un aperçu de la situation des jeunes et des migrants. L’écrit contient également une base de recommandations visant à booster l’accès sécurisé des femmes dans les deux (02) régions identifiées.