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Morcellement (Amendment of Schedule) Regulations 2013 (GN No. 20 of 2013).

Afrique orientale

These Regulations amend the Morcellement Act by repealing the Second Schedule and replacing it by the Schedule to these Regulations. The Schedule specifies processing fees and morcellement fees, including morcellement exclusively for agricultural purposes. fees are based on square metres of land subject to subdivision.

Amends: Morcellement Act. (2000)

Implementing Ordinance – Saxon Building Ordinance.

Europe occidentale

The present Ordinance lays down provisions relating to the implementation of the Saxon Building Ordinance of 28 May 2004. The text consists of 43 articles divided into 3 Parts as follows: Building documents (1); Structural inspection of building project, testing of technical equipments and facilities, construction authorization for temporary structures (2); Penalties, transitional and final provisions (3). The text consists of 2 Annexes.

Implements: Saxon Building Ordinance. (2014-05-01)

Saxon Building Ordinance.

Europe occidentale

The present Ordinance applies to buildings and building products. Furthermore, the Ordinance also applies to parcel of lands and other constructions and facilities subject to requirements of the present Ordinance. The text consists of 90 articles divided into 7 Parts as follows: General provisions (1); The parcel of land and its development (2); ); Building structures (3); Parties involved in construction (4); Control Boards, procedures (5); Implementing provisions relating to the Building Code (6); Penalties, legal provisions, transitional provisions (7).

Regulations made under the Sectional Titles Act, 2009 (No. 223 of 2014).

Afrique australe

These Regulations, made under section 56(1) of the Sectional Titles Act, 2009 by the Minister of Lands and Resettlement on the recommendation of the Sectional Titles Regulation Board, implement provisions of the Act on, among other things, sectional plans, certificate of registered sectional title, registration of sectional plan, dealings regarding common property and endorsement or entries on registered deeds or other documents or in registers.

Implements: Sectional Titles Act, 2009 (Act No. 2 of 2009). (2009-04-22)

Ordonnance sur l'aménagement du territoire (OAT).

Europe occidentale

La présente ordonnance est édictée en exécution de la loi fédérale du 22 juin 1979 sur l'aménagement du territoire. Le chapitre introductif définit les différentes activités auxquelles s'applique le texte, c'est-à-dire: toutes les activités qui modifient l'utilisation du sol ou l'occupation du territoire, y compris celles qui visent au maintien du status quo. L'ordonnance s'applique uniquement aux activités des autorités officielles dont une description détaillée est fournie à l'article 1.

Regulations made under the Sectional Titles Act, 1986: Amendment (No. R. 196 of 2013).

Afrique du Sud
Afrique australe

These Regulations amend the Regulations made under the Sectional Titles Act, 1986 in: regulation 15 concerning modification of sectional title deeds upon application by the body corporate or developer; regulation 16B in relation to the preparation of the power of attorney; regulation 16C on the registration of Transfer of Ownership; regulation 27 in relation to applications for registration of Plan of Extension of the Common Property; regulation 28 in relation to certification by the Registrar; regulation 31 in relation to notification of destruction of or damage to building and transfer of

Burgenland Building Ordinance 2008.

Europe occidentale

The present Ordinance enforces the Burgenland Building Law (LGBl. No. 10/1998). In particular, the Ordinance lays down provisions relating to building technology and building equipment, as well as to special environmental, health and energy requirements of buildings. Furthermore, the Ordinance also applies to parcel of lands and other constructions and facilities subject to requirements of the present Ordinance.

Standards for the Classification of Land as a Farm Regulation (B.C: Reg. 411/95).

Amérique septentrionale

The present Regulation enacts the Assessment Act. The Regulation lays down provisions relating to the standards for the classification of farm land. In particular, section 4 establishes that the assessor must classify as farm all or part of a parcel of land used for: a) primary agricultural production, b) a farmer's dwelling, or c) the training and boarding of horses when operated in conjunction with horse rearing.2) Land will only be classed as farm where part of a parcel or parcels of land are: a) necessary to the farm, and b) predominantly used for primary agricultural production.

Land Titles Regulations, 2001 (R.R.S. c. L-5.1 Reg. 1).

Amérique septentrionale

The present Regulations provide for the enactment of the Land Titles Act. The Regulations apply to transactions and any other matters regulated by the Act and these regulations that have effect or that may have effect in an area of Saskatchewan that the Lieutenant Governor in Council has designated pursuant to section 191 of the Act as an area to which the Act applies.

Rules made under the Sectional Titles Act, 2009 (No. 224 of 2014).

Afrique australe

These Regulations, made under section 37(2) of the Sectional Titles Act, 2009 by the Minister of Lands and Resettlement on the recommendation of the Sectional Titles Regulation Board, implement provisions of the Act with respect to a wide variety of matters regarding subdivided property, including: trustees of a body corporate as contemplated in section 41(1) of the Act, duties of owners of sections, and rules of conduct of owners especially with respect to avoidance of nuisances.

Implements: Sectional Titles Act, 2009 (Act No. 2 of 2009). (2009-04-22)

Cantonal Building Ordinance.

Europe occidentale

The purpose of the present Ordinance is to implement the Land Use Planning and Building Law of 3 December 1978. The text consists of 73 articles divided into 6 Parts as follows: General provisions (1); Construction authorization, construction inspection (2); Building regulations (3); Protection measures during construction (4); Exceptions (5); Penalties, transitional and final provisions (6).

Implements: Land Use Planning and Building Law (2014-04-01)

Ordinance by the governing Council relating to the Land Use Planning and Building Law and to the Inter-Cantonal Agreement on harmonisation of building concepts.

Europe occidentale

The present Ordinance implements the Land Use Planning and Building Law of 21 December 2011. Article 1 establishes that the Building and Environment Office is the competent authority in the Canton. The text consists of 59 articles divided into 6 Parts as follows: General provisions (1); Planning (2); Terms and test methods (3); Value added tax (4); Building permit and control proceedings (5); Transitional and final provisions (6).