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The neoliberal agricultural modernization model: A fundamental cause for large‐scale land acquisition and counter land reform policies in the Mekong region

Institutional & promotional materials
Décembre, 2015
Viet Nam

Large-scale land acquisition are not new in the Mekong region but have been encouraged and have gathered momentum since the end of the 90s, particularly Cambodia, Laos, and Myanmar. These acquisitions are realized by national and foreign companies from the region, particularly China, Vietnam, and Thailand in a movement strongly associated with economic globalization and neo-liberal policies which promote free flow of capital at the regional and global level and the adaptation of national spaces to the requirement of liberal and global markets (Peemans, 2013).

Accelerated deforestation driven by large-scale land acquisitions in Cambodia

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2015

Investment in agricultural land in the developing world has rapidly increased in the past two decades. In Cambodia, there has been a surge in economic land concessions, in which long-term leases are provided to foreign and domestic investors for economic development. More than two million hectares have been leased so far, sparking debate over the consequences for local communities and the environment.

Chinese Agricultural and Land Investments in Southeast Asia: A Preliminary Overview of Trends

Policy Papers & Briefs
Décembre, 2015
Viet Nam

As BRICS-led foreign investment in agriculture has increased dramatically worldwide in recent years, China in particular, has begun to secure huge quantities of foreign land as an additional measure for securing future food and energy supplies. While an increasing amount of academic research has been conducted on the expansion of land deals in Latin America and Africa in recent years, Southeast Asian cases are just beginning to receive significant attention and have become the focus of some emerging academic and non-academic research.

Land Acquisitions in Northeastern Cambodia: Space and Time matters

Institutional & promotional materials
Décembre, 2015

Over the last decade, the highlands of Ratanakiri province in northeastern Cambodia have witnessed massive land acquisitions and profound land use changes, mostly from forest covers to rubber plantation, which has contributed to rapidly and profoundly transform the livelihoods of smallholders relying primarily on family-based farming. Based on village- and households-level case studies in two districts of the province, this paper analyses this process and its mid-term consequences on local livelihoods. We first look at who has acquired land, where, how and at what pace.

Land issues in Vietnam 2006–14: Markets, property rights, and investment

Policy Papers & Briefs
Décembre, 2015
Viet Nam

This paper uses five waves of the Vietnam Access to Resources Household Survey (VARHS) to analyse land issues in Viet Nam from a number of different angles. The VARHS provides panel data at plot as well as household level and I use this rich data set to present descriptive results on landlessness, land fragmentation, land market activities, and land property rights. I use plot level, fixed effects regressions to investigate the effects of land titles (Land Use Certificates) on household investment.

Property Rights and Consumption Volatility: Evidence from a Land Reform in Vietnam

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2015
Viet Nam

During Vietnam’s transition from a socialist to a market economy, household’s property rights over agricultural land were considerably strengthened through a land certification program. This resulted in active formal credit and land markets, either of which potentially affects consumption levels and volatility. This article evaluates the program impact with respect to consumption outcomes. In particular, it identifies the channel of impact through which improved property rights affect consumption volatility.

Land Acquisition, Investment, and Development in the Lao Coffee Sector: Successes and Failures

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2015

Despite the increasing acknowledgment of scholars and practitioners that many large-scale agricultural land acquisitions in developing countries fail or never materialize, empirical evidence about how and why they fail to date is still scarce. Too often, land deals are portrayed as straightforward investments and their success is taken for granted. Looking at the coffee sector in Laos, the authors of this article explore dimensions of the land grab debate that have not yet been sufficiently examined.

Grondig boeren met maïs in Drenthe: eindverslag project periode 2012-2015

Reports & Research
Décembre, 2015

De duurzaamheid van agroproductie in Nederland staat onder toenemende belangstelling. Duurzaamheid wordt niet alleen meer gezien als een ecologisch en sociaal-economisch aspect van agroproductie maar ook steeds meer als unique selling point. De duurzaamheid van de maïsteelt in Nederland staat onder druk en de noodzaak om een flinke stap te zetten naar meer duurzaamheid is groot.

De bodem kan van alles zelf

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2015

De overheid stelt steeds nieuwe beperkingen aan middelen en meststoffen. Volgens de nieuwe Lector Duurzaam Bodembeheer Gera van Os gaan de ontwikkelingen daarom gedwongen van chemisch naar evenwichtiger. Moderne technieken en analysemethodes kunnen daarbij van dienst zijn. „Teelt moet optimaal in duurzaamheid.”

GrasMaïs-Signaal; adviessysteem precisielandbouw melkveehouderij : haalbaarheidsstudie naar het genereren van opbrengst- en voederwaardekengetallen met sensoren en modellen voor gras en snijmaïs

Reports & Research
Décembre, 2015

A feasibility study has been worked out for an integrated advisory system for precision agriculture on the production of forage (grass and maize) for dairy farming in the Netherlands. Technology is not restrictive anymore to apply precision agriculture on important cultivation measures. It is now about achieving an effective integration of sensor data, models, metrics and equipment in a comprehensive advice system. It has been advised how a practical advice system for operational decisions can be realized on the dairy farm in the foreseeable future (

Door regelgeving kan het vaak niet zoals je wil

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2015

Winnaar van de wedstrijd Topbodem, editie 2014-15, Hans Akkermans probeert alles te doen om zijn bodem in topconditie te houden. Toch merkt hij dat de normen voor fosfaat de ruimte beperken om aan duurzame bodemvruchtbaarheid te werken. Voor een goed saldo neigt hij naar intensievere teelten, voor de bodem naar voldoende rustgewassen.