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Do national and international policies undermine climate security?

Décembre, 2020

Coherence between different policy and programming objectives, instruments, and implementation has long been an important goal of multilateral governance and development efforts. Policy coherence – as defined by the OECD – can be understood as the systematic promotion of mutually reinforcing policy actions across government departments and agencies, creating synergies towards achieving agreed objectives (Trinity Dublin College, 2017).

Improving the food and nutritional security of smallholder farmers in South Africa: Evidence from the InnovAfrica Project

Décembre, 2020

This article highlights evidence and lessons learned from the InnovAfrica project conducted by the Agricultural Research Council in collaboration with other international organizations between 2017 and 2021. This project aimed to test and upscale best-bet Sustainable Agricultural Intensification (SAI) practices through Multi-Actor Platforms (MAPs) and improved dissemination strategies across six African countries (viz. Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Rwanda, South Africa and Tanzania). The goal of the project was to improve the food and nutritional security of smallholder farmers in Africa.

Climate-smart agriculture investment portfolios in Guyana: a way forward (Synthesis)

Décembre, 2020

Guyana is highly exposed to climate extremes with significant flooding risk for coastal regions, and more frequent drought events affecting subsistence agricultural activities in the hinterlands. Future climate scenarios show an increase in climate extremes.
The agriculture sector requires a transformation toward climate-resilient agriculture systems. Gender and social inclusion are of great significance for the successful transformation to climate-resilient farming in Guyana.

The poor agricultural system in Africa, who is to blame?

Décembre, 2020

Although agriculture is the backbone of the African economy, it has faced considerable challenges in the past sixty years. Africa has moved from being a self-sufficiency continent before the 1960s, to net food importers, with a handful of countries facing severe food shortages from drought, desertification, climate change and wars. In this article, we use the case of Northern Ghana to explore some of the salient dynamics that have resulted in the current crisis in the African agricultural sector over time.

Climate-smart agriculture investment portfolios in Guyana: a way forward

Décembre, 2020

Guyana has densely populated coastal regions and relatively inaccessible Hinterland and is highly vulnerable to climate change and climate variability. The agriculture sector requires a transformation towards climate-resilient agriculture systems. In order to respond to this priority, the Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT, the Ministry of Agriculture of the Government of Guyana and local partners, joined efforts to develop and implement a Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) financed project, ‘Development of a Framework for Prioritizing Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA)’.

The potential of agrobiodiversity for improving diets and nutrition in Ghana

Décembre, 2020

This report gives an overview of current use and conservation practices and related knowledge of neglected and under underutilized species in Ghana, a brief description of the roles of key stakeholders (government, knowledge institutes, private sector and civil society), identification of knowledge gaps, and a strategy for the promotion of NUS.

Access to land for women’s empowerment: The case of Basona Werana Woreda, North Showa, Amhara National Regional State, Ethiopia

Décembre, 2020

There was inequality between women and men-headed households on landholding in Amhara
region, so this study was conducted to examine access to land for women’s empowerment in
Basona Werana Woreda, Amhara National Regional State, Ethiopia. The specific objectives
include assess the status of women’s access to land, identify factors that affect access to land of
women and analyze the role of access to land for women’s empowerment level in the study area.
In this study, multistage sampling technique was employed and samples of 150 representative

Stakeholders interest and influence and their interactions in managing natural resources in Lake Hawassa Catchment, Ethiopia

Décembre, 2020

This study was conducted in Lake Hawassa catchment, Ethiopia where policy programs are aiming to restore degraded lands with participation of local stakeholders. We assessed the system in relation to natural resource management and degradation using the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) conceptual framework and conducted a stakeholder analysis to understand stakeholder interest, influence and interactions amongst the different categories of stakeholders. Data were collected using key informant interviews, field observation and a literature review.

Climate & Food Security Monitoring Bulletin

Décembre, 2020

Wet conditions prevailed during December 2020 and January 2021 over the country, however, dry conditions were
also experienced from February to April 2021 in many parts of the country. A considerable amount of rainfall was
received across the country during the North-East monsoon (December 2020 to February 2021), however, it was
less in the central areas compared to the long-term average. The DMC, NDRSC, Military, and Public Administrative
agencies implemented a special preparedness programme which was supported by WFP and other agencies during

Forest tenure pathways to gender equality: A practitioner’s guide

Décembre, 2020

This practitioner’s guide explains how to promote gender-responsive forest tenure reform in community-based forest regimes. It is aimed at those taking up this challenge in developing countries. There is no one single approach to reforming forest tenure practices for achieving gender equality and women’s empowerment. Rather, it involves taking advantage of opportunities that emerge in various institutional arenas such as policy and law-making and implementation, government administration, customary or community-based tenure governance, or forest restoration at the landscape scale.

The potential of agarwood as a climate- resilient livelihood option in Indonesia

Décembre, 2020

Agarwood resin, produced by certain evergreen tree species native to Southeast Asia, is used for making incenses, medicines and fragrances. A precious commodity for centuries, it has a current market value of USD 32 billion, projected to reach USD 64 billion by 2029 (Ash and Nguyen 2020). However, high trading frequency has led to agarwood species being threatened with extinction in the wild. In response, the Government of Indonesia is promoting agarwood plantations to decrease overexploitation on wild agarwood trees.

Report on partnerships for co-designing system architecture and co-creation of sustainable ag-data hub in Ethiopia

Décembre, 2020

Various efforts have been made to harmonize datasets and facilitate storage and data sharing. However, some of them have already failed while some others are still struggling to succeed due to different reasons including lack of champion institution and limited buy-in and capacity of the government to support initiatives, limited cooperation between sectors and among Directorates within sectors, low technological readiness, governance barriers, and data incompatibility (Gelagay, 2017; Gelagay, 2019).