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Dryland crop model based approaches to guide the climate adaptation of crop and livestock systems across scales in Senegal.

Décembre, 2022

Sorghum sowing density trial conducted by IRD/IGE/CERAAS with Benin Institute student, combining crop varietal diversity and land management interventions at plot level to improve integrated predictive crop modelling. The vision is to develop crop fitness mapping evidence (interaction with development partner MyAgro for scaling). Initiate a socio-economic study on cross-sectoral fodder resource issue in Senegal with ISRA BAME. Evidence to be presented at crop diversification science policy dialogues 14 Dec 2023 ICRISAT led event-

How does climate exacerbate root causes of conflict in Sudan? Climate Security Pathway Analysis

Décembre, 2022

This factsheet gives answers on how climate exacerbates root causes of conflict in Sudan, using an impact pathway analysis. Two main impact pathways are identified: 1. Resource Availability and Access: Climate variability and extreme events are putting pressure on land, water and pasture while increasing desertification is pushing pastoralists ever further south in their quest to feed their livestock. 2. Livelihood and Food Security: Climate variability is reducing agricultural production in Sudan, leading to high food insecurity and protests.

A 2019-20 social accounting matrix for Balochistan, Pakistan

Décembre, 2022

This paper documents the different steps followed to construct Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) for Balochistan for the year 2019-20. More precisely, it describes the estimation methods and the nature of the data used in developing the SAM at the subnational level. The Balochistan SAM includes 13 production activities, 4 factors of production, 4 household groups and rest of the world account, assessing linkages between production, factor income distribution, and households’ incomes and expenditures, and capturing distributional effects.

Thematic evidencing of youth-empowering interventions in livestock production systems in Sub-Sahara Africa: A systematic review

Décembre, 2022

Five to seven in every 10 people in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) are youths. They have significantly low employment rates but are unattracted to agriculture. Recently, the sector has witnessed considerable efforts by African governments to promote youth participation. While these efforts have started to bear fruits, salient gender issues remain hard to address and solve promptly.

Do farmers’ socioeconomic status determine the adoption of conservation agriculture? An empirical evidence from Eastern and Southern Regions of Cameroon

Décembre, 2022

The African Union’s Agenda 2063 and the Malabo Declaration recognize agricultural development as one of the most effective means of combating extreme poverty. Conservation Agriculture Practices (CAP) have been asserted to have the potential to boost agricultural output, improve livelihood and contribute to the conservation of natural resources. This study thus seeks to advance knowledge about Conversation Agriculture by assessing the factors determining the adoption and intensity of CAP among Cameroon’s smallholder farmers.

Can a light-touch graduation model enhance livelihood outcomes? Evidence from Ethiopia

Décembre, 2022

In recent years, a growing literature has examined the potential of multifaceted, intensive “graduation model” interventions that simultaneously address multiple barriers constraining households’ exit from poverty. In this paper, we present new evidence from a randomized trial of a lighter-touch graduation model implemented in rural Ethiopia.

Scaling up pro-poor agrobiodiversity interventions as a development option

Décembre, 2022

Pro-poor interventions that use agrobiodiversity for development actions are widely considered relevant only at small scales. Agrobiodiversity interventions are often left out of national-level/large-scale development planning. Scaling-up modalities include adaptation, diffusion, replication, value addition, and temporal scaling up. We undertook a review of 119 interventions that use agrobiodiversity for both the crop and the livestock sector.

Agroecological transitions in value chains: Main findings, challenges, and opportunities for the agroecological transition of the value chains in the agroecological living landscapes

Décembre, 2022

This report summarizes the main findings and insights obtained from the various agroecological value chain analyses conducted in the different Agroecological Living Landscapes (ALL) that take part of the CGIAR Agroecology Initiative (AE-I).
The document includes a synthesis of 10 value chains analyses in specific subregions from 6 countries, which represent a wide range of political, agroecological, socioeconomic and cultural conditions: a dairy value chain in Burkina Faso;