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Center Commissioned External Review of Integrated Water and Land Management Program of ICARDA

Reports & Research
Février, 2010
Western Asia
Syrian Arab Republic

Center Commissioned External Review of Integrated Water and Land Management Program of ICARDA.
ICARDA’s Response to the Recommendations of the Center Commissioned External Review of the Integrated Water and Land Management Program in ICARDA March 2010

ICARDA's West Asia Regional Program

Institutional & promotional materials
Décembre, 2009

ICARDA’s West Asia Regional Program (WARP) coordinates agricultural research and development activities in Cyprus, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, the Palestinian Authority, Syria and lowland Turkey. With its head office in Amman, Jordan, the program plays a key role in joint bilateral and regional initiatives, as well as implementing several projects.

Benefits of Sustainable Land Management

Journal Articles & Books
Novembre, 2009
République arabe syrienne

Desertification, land degradation and drought affect more than 2 billion people and the situation might worsen due to the unsustainable use of soil and water under present scenarios of climate change. The UNCCD 10-year strategy points out the importance of science, knowledge sharing systems and awareness raising to support policymakers in reversing this trend. Sustainable land management practices, including sustainable agriculture, provide important local, regional and global benefits.

Factsheets about the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification

Reports & Research
Novembre, 2009

Established in 1994, the United Nations to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) is the sole legally binding international agreement linking environment and development to sustainable land management. The Convention addresses specifically the arid, semi-arid and dry sub-humid areas, known as the drylands, where some of the most vulnerable ecosystems and peoples can be found.

Uso de las tierras, fisiografía y degradación, en el noreste del departamento Aluminé, Neuquén

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2008

La cuenca del río Kilca es uno de los principales sistemas hidrográficos de la región antecordillerana, ubicada en el centro de la provincia de Neuquén. En esta zona, de clima subhúmedo, el uso de suelo dominante es el de "veranada", que consiste en una de las tres etapas anuales de un tipo de ganadería trashumante, basado en el aprovechamiento forrajero de pastizales naturales. Dada la constitución fisiográfica de estos paisajes, existe en ellos una gran propensión al desarrollo de procesos geomorfológicos de erosión y remoción en masa.

Land Reform in Tajikistan: Consequences for Tenure Security, Agricultural Productivity and Land Management Practices

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2007

This paper examines the impact of land reform on agricultural productivity in Tajikistan. Recent legislation allows farmers to obtain access to heritable land shares for private use, but reform has been geographically uneven. The break-up of state farms has occurred in some areas where agriculture has little to offer but, where high value crops are grown, land reform has hardly begun. In cases where collectivized farming persists and land has not been distributed, productivity remains low and individual households benefit little from farming.

Tenencia y ocupación de la tierra en la zona marítimo terrestre de Costa Rica

Conference Papers & Reports
Novembre, 2007
Latin America and the Caribbean
Costa Rica

El objetivo de este artículo es llamar la atención sobre la ocupación de la zona marítimo-terrestre (ZMT). En estos territorios coexisten situaciones legítimas, anómalas y anárquicas respecto con la tenencia de la tierra. La ingobernabilidad de la ZMT es producto de la inadecuada aplicación del marco legal y la ausencia de conocimiento sistematizado. La información sobre esta temática está muy dispersa, es escasa y además, poco accesible.

Estrategia de Lucha contra la Desertificación, la Degradación de la Tierra y los Efectos de la Sequía.

National Policies
Mai, 2007

La presente Estrategia MERCOSUR de Lucha contra la Desertificación, la Degradación de la Tierra y los Efectos de la Sequía se inscribe en el marco de la Convención de las Naciones Unidas de Lucha contra la Desertificación y la Sequía y, en particular, en su Anexo III de Aplicación Regional para América Latina y el Caribe. El documento fue elaborado por el Grupo Ad hoc de Lucha contra la Desertificación y la Sequía que fuera creado en 2005 durante la IV Reunión de Ministros de Medio de Ambiente del MERCOSUR.

Land degradation in Afghanistan

Reports & Research
Mai, 2007

Land is very important natural resource to the human being as it provides the basis for more than 95% of human food. On the broader context, land has many other functions, e.g. provision of biological habitats and physical and connective space; regulation of hydrology and climate; storage of minerals, raw materials and historical/pre-historical records; and as a buffer to control waste and pollution. Expanding human requirements and economic activities are placing ever increasing pressures on land resources, creating competition and conflicts and resulting in suboptimal use of land.

Caring for the land: Best practices in soil and water conservation in Beressa watershed, highlands of Ethiopia

Journal Articles & Books
Novembre, 2006

About 88% of the population is concentrated in the highlands, which constitute less than half of the national territory; here the population density is 141 persons km-2. Agriculture is the main source of livelihood and national income in the country. Over 85% of the population directly depends on it and about half of the GDP is generated from the sector. However, agriculture is small-scale and subsistence oriented, and it is in a very low state of development.

Environmental Economics Toolkit: Analyzing the Economic Costs of Land Degradation& the benefits of Sustainable Land Management.

Journal Articles & Books
Novembre, 2006

This Toolkit has been prepared to support the design and implementation of Sustainable Land Management (SLM) programs. The specific purpose of the Toolkit is: to inform the user of the approaches that can be followed to analyze and value the economic costs of land degradation and the benefits of sustainable land management. ‘Land’ is interpreted broadly in the Toolkit, also including wetlands and coastal zones. The Toolkit contains five Tools that together present a detailed description of the various relevant ecological and economic assessment methodologies.