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Техническое руководство по включению Добровольных руководящих принципов ответственного регулирования вопросов владения и пользования земельными, рыбными и лесными ресурсами в контексте национальной продовольственной безопасности в процесс осуществления Ко

Reports & Research
Février, 2023

Данное техническое руководство, подготовленное совместно секретариатами Продовольственной и сельскохозяйственной организации Объединенных Наций (ФАО) и Конвенции Организации Объединенных Наций по борьбе с опустыниванием (КБОООН) при участии многих заинтересованных сторон, посвящено интеграции Добровольных руководящих принципов ответственного регулирования вопросов владения и пользования земельными, рыбными и лесными ресурсами в контексте национальной продовольственной безопасности (ДРПРВ) в рамках реализации КБОООН и достижении нейтрального баланса деградации земель (НБДЗ), тем самым дополн

La situación de las mujeres en los sistemas agroalimentarios

Reports & Research
Février, 2023

El informe Situación de la mujer en los sistemas agroalimentarios proporciona los datos más recientes, las lecciones aprendidas y las recomendaciones para los encargados de formular políticas y tomar decisiones sobre el género en los sistemas agroalimentarios. Este informe revisa y analiza las oportunidades y limitaciones de las mujeres en los procesos económicos y sociales, al mismo tiempo que hace un balance y evalúa el progreso realizado para cerrar una serie de brechas de género.

Situation de l'alimentation scolaire dans le monde en 2022

Reports & Research
Février, 2023
Ce rapport est la publication phare du PAM et le principal mécanisme de rapport de la Coalition Repas Scolaires. Il donne un aperçu de la manière dont les pays soutiennent leurs enfants grâce à des programmes d'alimentation scolaire efficaces.

Le rapport sur la situation de l'alimentation scolaire dans le monde est publié tous les deux ans et utilise les meilleures sources de données disponibles pour fournir un aperçu de la couverture, des pratiques de mise en œuvre et des coûts des programmes de santé et de nutrition en milieu scolaire dans le monde entier.

Climate Vulnerability Index (Draft)

Reports & Research
Février, 2023

Bangladesh is vulnerable to both disasters and climate change and ranked the seventh extreme disaster risk-prone country in the world as per the report from the Global Climate Risk Index 2021. Most development projects in the country address reducing vulnerability to disasters or poverty, and it is well-recorded how local people have their own well-established coping capacities. Tropical cyclones, tornadoes, floods, coastal and riverbank erosion, droughts, landslides are the major climate-induced hazards in Bangladesh. 

Études de cas sur les modalités de conversion des usages des sols

Manuals & Guidelines
Février, 2023
Côte d'Ivoire

Le présent ouvrage s’inscrit dans le cadre d’un chantier de recherche mené avec le Comité technique « Foncier et développement » portant sur les processus de conversion des usages des sols dans les Suds. Par conversion des usages des sols, nous entendons la transformation de l’usage d’un sol cultivé ou naturel à des fins d’habitation.

Proceedings of the 2nd Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue Forum on Responsible Governance of Investment in Land

Conference Papers & Reports
Février, 2023

The second Multi-Stakeholders Dialogue Forum (MSD 02) was held from 29 to 31 March 2022 in Bahir Dar city, the capital of the Amhara region. The MSD Forum brought together 115 representatives of government officials, technical experts, investors, local community representatives, development partners, and the media in order to find solutions to the various challenges in the governance of largescale agricultural investments in Ethiopia. The three-days MSD meeting included presentations, group work and field visits.

Gender Transformative Land Acquisition

Manuals & Guidelines
Février, 2023

This guide addresses the capacity needs required to enable gender-responsive land acquisition in Uganda. It is primarily aimed at Communities, Civil Society Organisations and Investors, but can also be used by central and district Government at technical and decision-taking level.

Proceedings of the National Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue on Responsible Governance of Investment in Land

Conference Papers & Reports
Février, 2023

The Ministry of Agriculture in collaboration with the Responsible Governance of Investment in Land (RGIL) project conducted national Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue (MSD) under the theme “Responsible Agricultural Investment: A Pathway to Inclusive Sustainable Development”. It was held from 21 to 22 March 2023 in Addis Ababa, at Radisson Blu Hotel. The dialogue brought together ninety-one representatives of government officials, technical experts, academia, agricultural investors, the local community, civil society organizations (CSO), consultants, and the media.

Climate Change 2023 Synthesis Report

Reports & Research
Février, 2023

This report integrates the main findings of the AR6 Working Group reports58 and the three AR6 Special Reports59. It recognizes the interdependence of climate, ecosystems and biodiversity, and human societies; the value of diverse forms of knowledge; and the close linkages between climate change adaptation, mitigation, ecosystem health, human well-being and sustainable development.

The Legal Contention for Baldíos Land in the Colombian Altillanura

Journal Articles & Books
Février, 2023

This article describes the process of legal contention between civil society, political parties, and state institutions for the baldíos lands in the Colombian Altillanura region in the last two decades, a region considered the country’s “last agricultural frontier.” The article focuses on the dual and sometimes contradictory roles of the state institutions, both as facilitators of baldíos grabbing and as guarantors of the peasants’ legal land rights.

Derechos Humanos y la relevancia de los derechos a la tierra y territorio en Argentina

Reports & Research
Janvier, 2023
América Latina y el Caribe

El informe “Derechos Humanos y la relevancia de los derechos a la tierra y territorio en Argentina” fue presentado como contribución e inclusión de la agenda de Derechos a la Tierra al mecanismo de evaluación al Cuarto Ciclo del Examen Periódico Universal (EPU) donde Argentina fue evaluada por sus pares en enero 2023.