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This Act makes rules for the sale of public land that has been rendered habitable or arable through Government waterworks. The purpose of the sale is to populate these areas. A Commission shall be formed to carry out land measurements, to prepare the plans of land to be sold and to establish…


This law regulates expropriation in the sense of article 18 of the Constitution of Afghanistan and defines purposes that shall constitute “public welfare”, i.e. purposes that justify expropriation. Purposes include construction of roads, channels, dams, water reserves for the fighting of fires…


These Rules provide for the institution and responsibilities of the related Authority in relation to: the registration of wells and the licence to drill wells; the construction of rain water harvesting structures; the registration of rigs; the prohibition of water contamination, for both surface…


This Act provides for the disposal of land by Development Authorities. Development Authorities shall prepare housing schemes by categorizing land in residential, commercial, industrial and public amenity plots (sect. 3). In the housing schemes, the land shall be disposed of as provided for in…


This Ordinance establishes a Land Utilization Authority for the purpose of controlling and managing cultivable land in the Province, and also to motivate land owners to develop their cultivable land by providing credit facilities to them. The Government shall establish the Punjab Land…


This Act provides for cases in which mines or minerals are situated under land to be acquired for public purposes or for Companies under the Land Acquisition Act 1880 replaced by the Land Acquisition Act 1894.


This Act prohibits the occupation of certain lands, and the building of structures on these without obtaining previous permission by the Authorized Officer. The Provincial Government shall declare these lands to be controlled areas for the purposes of this Act. Offences and penalties are…


This Act amends the Land Reforms Regulation, 1972. It shall extend to the whole of the Province of the Punjab. Amendments have been made to paragraph 7 and 8 regarding the transfer of land and limits on individual holdings. Paragraphs 10, 12, 13, 18, 19 and 21 underwent minor amendments. Further…


This Act lays down special legal provisions to enable the persons affected by the tsunami to overcome prevailing legal obstacles to ensure the protection and safeguarding of their rights and privileges.It provides among other things for: possession of land affected by the tsunami; tenancy or…


This Law provides for the acquisition of land needed for public purposes and for Companies, and determines the amount of compensation to be made on account of such acquisition. The Collector of the District may make a preliminary investigation on any land in any locality that may be needed for…


This Act regulates inheritance in general and in particular of land. The Act consists of 8 Chapters: Definition of inheritance and procedures for processing inheritance (I); Rights and restrictions on inheriting (II); Procedure for transaction/giving and taking of Toshing (livelihood) (III);…


This Act provides for land reforms by prescribing the maximum limits of property which may be owned, held, possessed or controlled by any person. The Act consists of 9 Chapters divided into 35 sections.Chapter II provides for restrictions on ownership and possession of land. No person shall own…