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Displaying 577 - 588 of 7947
Reports & Research
Décembre 2017

Introduction: An electronic syndromic surveillance system for collecting, collating and analysing animal health and meat inspection records in Marsabit County, Kenya has been developed.
Architecture: The system comprises a cloud server linked to a series of data collection phones operated…

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre 2017

African tropical montane forests are facing fast and dynamic changes in land use. However, the impacts of these changes on stream water quality are understudied. This paper aims at assessing the effect of land use and physical catchment characteristics on stream water concentrations of dissolved…

Conference Papers & Reports
Novembre 2017

The Partnership for Action: Improving Land Governance and Management in Africa Conference took place in Pretoria, South Africa from 15 - 17 August 2017. The conference was part of Habitat for Humanity’s activities under the Global Land Tool Network (GLTN) Urban CSO Cluster of UN-Habitat…

Reports & Research
Novembre 2017

Identifies the drivers of the land use changes that have displaced millions of rural people and continue to threaten millions more – particularly women; it unpacks the key land policy guidelines and why they have so far failed to ‘stick’ on the ground, and it sets out 14 actions to get to grips…

Reports & Research
Novembre 2017

Publication features the key provisions on land governance in recent relevant international frameworks. Presents where new issues or themes appeared, issues that have gained additional support and those that have received less attention. Also highlights the particularities, strengths and…

Reports & Research
Novembre 2017

Some commercial farmers in Serenje District, Central Province of Zambia, have acquired thousands of hectares while ignoring laws meant to prevent forced evictions. Some have used bulldozers to forcibly evict residents whose families have farmed the land for generations. This has been devastating…

Reports & Research
Novembre 2017

A Kenyan air pilot involved in a project testing the use of drones for land mapping and registration in Kenya, Rwanda and Ethiopia. If successful, hopes it will be rolled out elsewhere on the continent. Still awaiting permission to fly the drones. Kenya has developed guidelines on drones. Hoped…