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These Regulation set out the conditions for applications for division or amalgamation of land and the requirements for the subsequent plans.
Implements: Real Property Act 1886. (2016-06-16)
Repealed by: Real Property Regulations 2009. (2016-06-30)


These Regulation list the classes of instruments prescribed under subsection (2) of section 273 of the Real Property Act 1886.
Implements: Real Property Act 1886. (2016-06-16)
Repealed by: Real Property Regulations 2009. (2016-06-30)


This Act amends the Land Compensation Act of 2002 so as to restore the priority given to certain claims in relation with infrastructural improvements (i.e. the acquisition of private lands for rights of way purposes and road construction). Compensation of such claims shall be carried out to the…


This Act amends the Unit Titles Act by deleting the Schedule thereto and substituting the Schedule attached to this Act. The Schedule specifies Islands to which this Act applies.
Amends: Unit Titles Act (No. 17 of 2005). (2005-10-14)


This Act concerns the subdivision of land into units, the establishment of rights relating to such units and provides rules relative to unit titles."Unit"- means a part of the land that is designed for separate ownership. The subdivision of land into units shall be effected by…


This Act concerns the administration of real estate of deceased persons by personal representative of the deceased person or executor by will. The Act also makes provision for the disposal of land subject to this Act and other administration of assets. A testator may appoint, and in default of…


This Act concerns the administration of real property of persons dying intestate. The Act also makes provision for the disposal of land subject to this Act and other administration of assets and defines rights of surviving persons.


This Act contains rules relative to real property and especially the lease and disposal of land.It prescribes rules relative to the manner of giving effect to equitable interests and powers, creation and disposition of equitable interests, vesting orders and dispositions of legal estates…


These Regulations make provision for the leasing of land for the purpose of rock oyster farming.The Regulations prescribe the procedures for applying for leases, the granting of leases, and the form of leases, and the conditions that are to be implied in all leases.The Regulations further…


These Rules concern powers of the Land Court established under the Niue Act 1966 and proceedings of that Court to be commenced by application to the Court and affecting or relating to Niuean land. An application may be made for the partition of land.
Implements: Niue Act 1966 (No. 38). (…


These Rules of the High Court of the Marshall Islands concern submittal to the Traditional Rights Court of an application to decide on complaints regarding traditional rights and the proceedings of hearings before the Court. In an application, a party shall specify the questions that the party…


These Regulations amend the Leases Restrictions Regulations 1977 by inserting new provisions concerning criteria to be applied by the Tribunal in a decision on any application for approval of a lease, sublease, assignment of lease or assignment of sublease to a non-resident. The criteria of…