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Journal Articles & Books
Novembre 1996

La principale thèse de cet ouvrage est la structure des filières de commercialisation des vivres en Afrique subsaharienne qui, en fait, ne dépend que de deux facteurs, à savoir les caractéristiques de l’aliment en question et le niveau de développement du pays. Dans les pays africains, comme…

Journal Articles & Books
Novembre 1995

This presentation brings together information from the Global Forest Resources Assessment 1990, the FAO Yearbook of Forest Products, the 1994 State of Food and Agriculture special chapter, ‘Forest Development and Policy Dilemmas’, the Forestry Chapter of Agriculture Towards 2010 and The…

Policy Papers & Briefs
Novembre 1991

Agriculture, forestry and fishing are important sectors of Ghana's economy and improvement in the performance of these sectors is central to the country's current economic recovery programme.1 The severe economic decline which the country went through between the early 1970's and…

Manuals & Guidelines
Décembre 1969

FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations), GTZ (Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit) and other development partners are working together with countries to prepare Voluntary Guidelines that will provide practical guidance to states, civil society, the private sector,…

Journal Articles & Books
Novembre 1967

Revista internacional de silvicultura e industrias forestales

Journal Articles & Books
Novembre 1967

An international review of forestry and forest products

Journal Articles & Books
Novembre 1967

Revue internationale des forts et des industries forestires


This Decree regulates the ownership of lands occupied by non-owners. It consists of 6 articles defining the conditions under which land users may request, (free of charge) the ownership of lands within one year from the date of this Decree.


This Act regulates the right of use of public and private lands of the Overseas territories. It consists of 33 parts specifying the conditions to be satisfied, in order to exploit occupied and non-occupied land for different uses. It establishes the requirements to be met in order to benefit…