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Policy Papers & Briefs
Février 2016

La FAO a organisé et intégré ses activités dans la région autour de trois Initiatives régionales. Ces Initiatives répondent aux priorités des États membres et permettra d’avoir des résultats tangibles dans des délais bien précis, tout en répondant aux Objectifs stratégiques de la FAO. En Afrique…

Janvier 2016

This Presidential Decree approves the Statute of the National Institute of Territorial Planning and Urban Development (INOTU). This Statute, consisting of 5 Chapters divided into 23 articles and completed by four Annexes, establishes the composition, duties and responsibilities of the above…

Policy Papers & Briefs
Novembre 2015

FAO established a presence in Equatorial Guinea more than 30 years ago with the opening of a country office in Malabo. In June 2013, cooperation was strengthened with the establishment of a Partnership and Liaison Office and the appointment of the first FAO Representative in the country

Policy Papers & Briefs
Novembre 2015

Hace más de tres décadas se abrió la primera oficina en Malabo para atender los temas de la FAO en Guinea Ecuatorial. El 20 de junio de 2013 se estableció oficialmente la Oficina de Enlace y Partenariado y se nombró al primer Representante de la FAO en el país.

Policy Papers & Briefs
Novembre 2015

Angola e a FAO têm colaborado intensamente desde que o país passou a fazer parte da organização em 1977, com uma ampla assistência oferecida através de mais de 230 projetos de desenvolvimento. Devido aos 27 anos de guerra civil no país, as primeiras intervenções concentraram-se em assistência de…

Conference Papers & Reports
Novembre 2015

Land degradation and desertification are among the biggest environmental challenges of our time. In the last 40 years, we lost nearly a third of the world’s arable farmland due to erosion, just as the number of people to be fed from it almost doubled. That’s why the UN General Assembly declared…

Mai 2015

This Presidential Decision creates the National Commission for preparing the National Land Management Plan (PNOT). It establishes composition, duties and responsibilites of the above mentioned Commission, coordinated by the Minister of Planning and Territorial Development, entitled to prepare…

Reports & Research
Janvier 2015

This publication presents the scientific background of the SHARP tool. The Self‑evaluation and Holistic Assessment of climate Resilience of farmers and Pastoralists (SHARP) tool was developed over two years with the participation of over 150 academics, practitioners and civil society. SHARP was…

Policy Papers & Briefs
Novembre 2014
Policy Papers & Briefs
Novembre 2014
Journal Articles & Books
Novembre 2014

The Mozambique land law provides statutory recognition of customary land rights and is considered one of the most progressive legislations in Africa. However, the law continues to face implementation challenges, including the realization of equal rights for women and institutional reform. Simply…

Journal Articles & Books
Novembre 2014

Këto udhëzime janë instrumenti i parë i gjithanshëm botëror për të drejtat mbi burimet dhe administrimin e tyre që është përgatitur me negociata ndërqeveritare. Udhëzimet parashtrojnë parimet dhe standardet e pranuara botërisht të praktikave të përgjegjshme për përdorimin dhe mbajtjen në…