A partir del conocimiento científico y los avances tecnológicos desarrollados en las últimas décadas y con la colaboración de una red de diversas instituciones científicas, la FAO ha recopilado un conjunto de herramientas en este Estudio de Riego y Drenaje, para evaluar de mejor manera y mejorar…
Abstracting from the scientific understanding and technological advances achieved over the last few decades, and relying on a network of several scientific institutions, FAO has packaged a set of tools in this Irrigation and Drainage Paper to better appraise and enhance crop yield response to…
This publication presents the analysis of the global status of forest policy documents and national forest programme documents as of May 2011, with a view to map their existence and age as well as main characteristics of contents of these documents. The objectives were to: - Compile national…
The objective of the workshop was to discuss in particular the various aspects of global soil information (Pillar 4 of the GSP) and the related information gathered by the e-SOTER project. The presentations and discussion were subdivided in four main sessions dealing with the following subjects…
Meeting Name: FAO Regional Conference for Europe (ERC)
Meeting symbol/code: ERC/12/INF/15
Session: Sess. 28
Our region is food insecure and a net importer of foods. It produces much less food than it requires due to many factors, such as limited arable land and shortage of water resources, and below world average agricultural productivity in many cases. In addition, the region suffers from excessive…
En un mundo cada vez más poblado y con unos patrones de consumo cambiantes, la humanidad aún puede hacer mucho para planificar y gestionar la futura evolución de los recursos hídricos y del suelo. Después de varias décadas de inversiones escasas, gestión inadecuada y falta de gobernanza…
En la 10.a edición de El estado de los bosques del mundo se desarrolla una verdad fundamental: los bosques, la actividad forestal y los productos forestales contribuyen de forma decisiva al desarrollo sostenible. El estado de los bosques del mundo se publica cada dos años. A lo largo de…
This tenth edition of Doing Business sheds light on how easy or difficult it is for a local entrepreneur to open and run a small to medium-size business when complying with relevant regulations. It measures and tracks changes in regulations affecting eleven areas in the life cycle of a business…
This tenth edition of Doing Business sheds light on how easy or difficult it is for a local entrepreneur to open and run a small to medium-size business when complying with relevant regulations. It measures and tracks changes in regulations affecting eleven areas in the life cycle of a business…
En esta tesis se describe y explica el proceso de deforestación del área ocupada por los bosques de algarrobo en el oeste de La Rioja y Catamarca, entre 1850 y la actualidad. Este proceso está asociado al desmonte y a los cambios de uso del suelo originados por diferentes y sucesivos procesos…