<blockquote>Estudio de caso sobre la lucha de de mujeres que fueron protagonistas de la defensa del ambiente y el derecho a la tierra de varias familias campesinas en la provincia de Salta, Argentina. Forma parte de la serie Situación de riesgo y estrategias de autoprotección.…
This edition of Unasylva comes in the wake of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, Rio+20,which, among other things, produced a document called The Future We Want. In it, world leaders renewed their commitment to sustainable development and stated that “the wide range of…
The critical role of forests in climate change mitigation and adaptation is now widely recognized. Forests contribute significantly to climate change mitigation through their carbon sink and carbon storage functions. They play an essential role in reducing vulnerabilities and enhancing…
La FAO ha presentado a título de contribución a la Conferencia de las Naciones Unidas sobre el Agua un documento de base titulado "Agua para la Agricultura" (DOC. E/CONF.70/ 11). Este documento pasa en revista los aspectos técnicos, económicos y sociales del agua en la agricultura y…
Este estudio ha tenido como eje identificar, localizar y cuantificar la disponibilidad y el consumo de los recursos biomásicos en la provincia de Buenos Aires, con el fin de promover el desarrollo de la energía renovable. En este sentido y siguiendo criterios de sustentabilidad, se realizó un…
In 2012, the Argentine government expropriated 51% of the shares of Yacimientos Petrolíferos Fiscales S.A. (YPF) from the Spanish company Repsol S.A. The YPF was nationalized without prior compensation, violating Argentina’s own laws and, consequently, the institutional framework in force in the…
For centuries, farmers, herders, fishers and foresters have developed diverse and locally adapted agricultural systems managed with time tested, ingenious techniques. These practices have resulted in a vital combination of social, cultural, ecological and economic services to humankind. “…
This new guide describes the application of spatial technology to improve disaster risk management (DRM) within the aquaculture sector. DRM requires interrelated actions and activities to ensure early warning, prevention, preparedness, response and recovery for a wide range of natural,…
This new guide describes the application of spatial technology to improve disaster risk management (DRM) within the aquaculture sector. DRM requires interrelated actions and activities to ensure early warning, prevention, preparedness, response and recovery for a wide range of natural,…
Goal 5 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) “Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls” recognizes the fundamental role of women in achieving poverty reduction, food security and nutrition. Target 5.a aims to “Undertake reforms to give women equal rights to economic…
Este boletín contiene información sobre conferencias internacionales organizadas por las Comisiones Nacionales de Álamos de los diferentes países miembros, así como otros eventos de interés relacionados con la producción e investigación en álamos y sauces. Este boletín también informa y revisa…
The Soil Organic Carbon Mapping cookbook provides a step-by-step guidance for developing 1 km grids for soil carbon stocks. It includes the preparation of local soil data, the compilation and pre-processing of ancillary spatial data sets, upscaling methodologies, and uncertainty assessments.…