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Journal Articles & Books
Novembre 2015

The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples was adopted by the UN General Assembly on 13 September 2007. Since then, the importance of the role that indigenous peoples play in economic, social and environmental conservation through traditional sustainable agricultural…

Journal Articles & Books
Novembre 2015

This publication is a revised and updated version of World Soil Resources Reports No. 84 and 103 and presents the international soil classification system. Every soil in the world can be allocated to one of the 32 Reference Soil Groups as defined in this document, and can further be…

Journal Articles & Books
Novembre 2015

El presente documento es la segunda actualización del informe original de la FAO sobre este tema. Ofrece información sobre la contribución del sector forestal a las economías nacionales a nivel mundial, regional y nacional. Este estudio ofrece la situación y las tendencias en la contribución del…

Journal Articles & Books
Novembre 2015

Ce double numéro d’Unasylva se propose de sonder les relations complexes existant entre les forêts, les arbres et les catastrophes, et d’examiner comment il est possible de gérer au mieux les forêts et les arbres à la fois pour résister aux chocs et pour protéger contre les chocs. Les forêts et…

Journal Articles & Books
Novembre 2015

This guide has been developed in response to concerns regarding large-scale land acquisitions and the need to increase investment in agriculture. The guide supports application of the <a></a…

Journal Articles & Books
Novembre 2015

This paper introduces a Special Issue of Forest Ecology and Management that includes a collection of analytical results from the 2015 Global Forest Resources Assessment (FRA 2015) covering 25 years of forest change (1990–2015). FRA 2015 builds on a series of global assessments that began in 1948…

Journal Articles & Books
Novembre 2015

This double issue of Unasylva aims to tease out the complex interrelationship between forests, trees and disasters, and to examine the ways in which forests and trees can best be managed both to resist shocks and to protect from shocks. Forests and trees can act as natural buffers against…

Journal Articles & Books
Novembre 2015

本指南阐述如何对世界粮食安全的几种主要作物, 即玉米、稻米和小麦 , 实际应用粮农组织的作物生产可持续集约化 "节约与增长" 模式 。书中列举非洲 、亚洲和拉丁美洲的事例 , 阐明以生态系统为基础的耕作系统如何帮助小农提高谷物单产 , 改善生计 , 减少对环境的压力 , 增强对气候变化的抵御能力 。本指南将成为决策者和发展工作者在实现全球向可持续粮食和农业转型过程中的宝贵参考手册。

Journal Articles & Books
Novembre 2015

This thematic issue on land tenure and disaster risk management (DRM) stems from the recent work done at FAO on normative aspects of land tenure governance that address natural disasters through the DRM framework. The Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land,…

Reports & Research
Novembre 2015

Session: Tenure &amp; Fishing Rights 2015

Journal Articles & Books
Novembre 2015

Genetic resources for food and agriculture play a crucial role in food security, nutrition and livelihoods and in the provision of environmental services. They are key components of sustainability, resilience and adaptability in production systems. They underpin the ability of crops, livestock,…