From 2001 to 2003, field collections of wild potatoes (Solanum Section Petota Solanaceae) were made in the north of the Department of La Paz, Bolivia, with the aim of determining their current distribution in this region. The collection embraced sectors of five provinces: Omasuyos, Larecaja,…
Responsable de la investigación: Laura Soria. El acceso de las mujeres a los derechos democráticos no sólo trae consigo la posibilidad de elección de sus representantes, sino que tiende a modificar, o por lo menos cuestionar, las bases mismas del sistema democrático. Es aquí donde creemos que…
El año 2006 se caracterizó por la continuidad del ciclo expansivo de las economías andinas que continuaron beneficiándose de las favorables condiciones del escenario internacional, reveladas sobre todo en la creciente demanda de importaciones de la subregión. De acuerdo a estimaciones realizadas…
As cities expand, a key challenge is securing water supplies for urban populations and disposing of pollution while minimising impacts on peri-urban communities and the environment. This book describes the conflicts, dialogues and negotiations underway in peri-urban areas of many cities in the…
This document reports on findings from learning groups relating to water management in Bolivia, India and Mali during 2005-2006. The groups analysed specific topics with the aim of improving the current and future development strategies of Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM). In each of…
There are many options for enhancing food production from fish in managed aquatic systems.The most appropriate technology, however, will vary from place to place, and the conditions under which one technology is prefered over another are still not well defined.
The present water report is the final product emanating from efforts by FAO, IWMI and others to document and understand the implications of the irrigation sector embarking on a wide reform process. It is intended to be a knowledge synthesis document that captures the global experiences…
Este manual de formación se centra en cómo gestionar y resolver conflictos sobre los derechos de tenencia de la tierra, la seguridad de la tenencia y el acceso a la tierra en el campo del desarrollo rural. Resulta de las actividades complementarias realizadas con el Programa de apoyo a los…
L’application des lois forestières suscite une attention croissante sur la scène internationale car des volumes importants de bois sont abattus, transformés et négociés illégalement chaque année. La coupe illicite et le commerce qui en découle sont un problème complexe qui a de profondes…