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Conference Papers & Reports
Février 2017

Internationally there are an alarming number of violations of indigenous peoples’ land and human rights. Brazil is currently under the spotlight as the heightening of the political crisis that led to the impeachment of Dilma Rousseff brings national and international concerns over the…

Conference Papers & Reports
Février 2017

The article aims to evidence existing gap between the declarations for ITR and the amount that should be collected. To better understand its limitations, a historical backgroung is outlined along with its mechanisms and known frauds. All legal and regulatory changes were presented as well.…

Reports & Research
Février 2017

A adaptação da arquitetura e do urbanismo ao clima local significa proporcionar aos indivíduos ambientes confortáveis termicamente e trazer bem-estar para população. Tendo em vista o clima tropical quente e úmido da cidade do Recife, deve-se buscar nessa região, ambientes ventilados e sombreados…

Reports & Research
Février 2017

This report presents results from nationally representative surveys with 1,000 residents aged 15 and older in eight countries — Brazil, Colombia, Egypt, Greece, Indonesia, Nigeria, Peru and Tanzania — and with 3,000 residents in India. Each survey attained comprehensive coverage of both urban…

Journal Articles & Books
Février 2017

Conscientes do colapso civilizacional com que nos defrontamos como espécie humana e inspirados pela Campanha da Fraternidade deste ano, cujo tema é Fraternidade: Biomas Brasileiros e Defesa da Vida e que tem como lema Cultivar e Guardar a Criação (Gn 2,15), a edição de número 500 da revista IHU…

Journal Articles & Books
Février 2017

As Unidades de Conservação cobrem 22% da Amazônia Legal e são uma estratégia eficaz para conservar animais, plantas e serviços ambientais, conter o desmatamento e manter o equilíbrio climático do Planeta. Contudo, as taxas de desmatamento em UCs vêm aumentando – em 2015 já superava a de 2012 em…

Journal Articles & Books
Février 2017

A Agricultura Brasileira se destaca entre as maiores do mundo e representa uma fonte de alimentos e de matéria prima para muitos países. Nela estão presentes diversos modos de fazer Agricultura, entre os quais a produção Agrícola Familiar, encontrada em extensas e importantes regiões do país. A…

Conference Papers & Reports
Février 2017

Entre os dias 14 e 16 de setembro de 2016, foi realizado o IVº Encontro Internacional pela Terra e Território, no Casarão do Vale do Guapiaçu, Serra Queimada, município de Cachoeiras de Macacu, Rio de Janeiro – Brasil, promovido pelo Laboratório de Estudos sobre Movimentos Sociais e…

Reports & Research
Février 2017

Expansion and development of urban areas require acquisition of land, which, in turn, often requires physical relocation of people who own or occupy this land. Land acquisition and resettlement may also be required to improve the lives of the more than 1 billion people who currently live in…

Journal Articles & Books
Février 2017

Expansion and development of urban areas require acquisition of land, which, in turn, often requires physical relocation of people who own or occupy this land. Land acquisition and resettlement may also be required to improve the lives of the more than 1 billion people who currently live in…

Manuals & Guidelines
Janvier 2017

A ciência do solo e a agricultura urbana

Reports & Research
Janvier 2017

Amid the realities of major political turbulence, there was growing recognition in 2016 that the land rights of Indigenous Peoples and local communities are key to ensuring peace and prosperity, economic development, sound investment, and climate change mitigation and adaptation. Despite…