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Juin 2012

This study looks at the experience of integrated urban upgrading in a low-income neighborhood of Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. Infrastructure and social investments have been made in the community through a government program, with community participation playing a major role in the design and…

Juin 2012

Through an analysis of selected topics,
this study aims to offer inputs for a successful recovery
strategy for the city and the metropolitan region of Sao
Paulo (MSRP) in Brazil. The study first presents an analysis
of the…

Juin 2012

The authors examine the determinants of Brazilian city growth between 1970 and 2000. They consider a model of a city that combines aspects of standard urban economics and the new economic geography literatures. For the empirical analysis, the authors construct a dataset of 123 Brazilian…

Juin 2012

Through an analysis of selected topics,
this study aims to offer inputs for a successful recovery
strategy for the city and the metropolitan region of Sao
Paulo (MSRP) in Brazil. The study first presents an analysis
of the…

Reports & Research
Mai 2012

O estudo oferece uma ampla visão sobre o processo de reorganização do sistema não contributivo da seguridade social do Brasil entre 2003 e 2012, a partir das normas da Constituição Federal de 1988.
O estudo é resultado de uma cooperação frutífera que se efetivou através da parceria entre o…

Reports & Research
Mai 2012

Portugués Uma das questões mais sensíveis   justa distribuição dos encargos e benefícios decorrentes do plano urbanístico está diretamente relacionada   decisiva participação do Estado na formação do valor solo urbano, destacando-se os investimentos públicos em infraestruturas e equipamentos,…

Mai 2012

Environmental concern in developing
countries has risen rapidly over the past decade. At the
same time, decentralization and civic participation in
environmental policy-making have also burgeoned. This paper
uses data from…

Reports & Research
Avril 2012

Esta tesis de maestría investiga el proceso de reconocimiento identitario de las comunidades del bajo río Tapajós en el Estado del Pará1, municipio de Santarém2, región norte de Brasil. Como problema central, el reconocimiento identitario es una demanda que emerge como fenómeno social en la…

Reports & Research
Avril 2012

Full paper presented at the "ANNUAL WORLD BANK CONFERENCE ON LAND AND POVERTY" The World Bank - Washington DC, April 23-26, 2012. Prepared based on the Land Regularization experiences of Habitat for Humanity Brazil and Centro Dom Helder C¢mara de Estudos e Ação Social Cendhec, in…

Reports & Research
Avril 2012

Presentation of the Paper prepared for presentation at the "ANNUAL WORLD BANK CONFERENCE ON LAND AND POVERTY" The World Bank - Washington DC, April 23-26, 2012. A study developed by HFH Brazil and Cendhec implementing partners of the Empowering Women and Vulnerable Groups to Exercise…

Reports & Research
Avril 2012

O estudo de 2012 foca na atuação do sistema judiciário estadual de Pernambuco em ações de regularização fundiária acompanhadas pelo CENDHEC na cidade do Recife, Brasil, revelando obstáculos que dificultam a implementação do usucapião especial (coletivo) e, consequentemente, os direitos de…

Reports & Research
Avril 2012

Extended abstract. Habitat for Humanity Brazil (HFH) and The Center Dom Helder Camara CENDHEC are partner implementers of the Empowering Women and Vulnerable Groups to Exercise their Rights for Inclusion and Secure Land Tenure and Property Project. In Brazil around 40% of families living in…