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This Act concerns operations on and regarding public land. It assigns to the Minister responsible for works and engineering the charge and management of public works including: public water supply and public sewerage systems; public water supply, public sewerage systems, parks and highways; and…


This Act concerns survival of actions upon the death of a person for the benefit of his or her estate. The Act also concerns actions in tort against estate of deceased person.


This Act regulates certain aspects of trusts, i.e. a legal relationship created, either inter-vivos or on death in which assets are placed under the control of a trustee for the benefit of a beneficiary or for a specified purpose. Matters regulated include: governing law; capacity to create…


This Act regulates inheritance by will of real estate and other property. The Act concerns, among other things: the drafting and interpretation of wills; the capacity to make wills; property disposable by will; validity of wills; and devise of real estate to more than one person.


The present Act provides for the designation of areas to be parts of provincial parks and provides for the management of such parks. The Act covers also the appointment and powers of park wardens, the protection of flora, prospecting and mining and enforcement measures. The text consists of 23…


The present Act lays down provisions relating to the establishment of a Planning Appeal Board. The Board is responsible for hearing property assessment appeals, appeals of land use and planning decisions from throughout New Brunswick and hearing appeals of local heritage review Boards decisions…


Article 1 of the above-mentioned Act establishes that where a sale of lands, or interest therein, is to be made and an advertisement or a notification of such sale is necessary this shall be published in one regular issue of the Royal Gazette within twenty days from the first publication of such…


The present Regulation enacts the Sale of Lands Publication Act (RSNB 1973, c S-2). The Regulation provides a form entitled “Notice of Sale” to be duly filled in by whoever shall sale a parcel of land. The text consists of 3 sections.
Implements: Sale of Lands Publication Act (RSNB 1973, c…


The present Act lays down provisions relating to land survey in the province of New Brunswick. In particular, the Act sets out details of land surveying procedures. Section 2 establishes that the Service New Brunswick shall establish and maintain a system of plane rectangular coordinates for…


This Act prohibits the removal of topsoil from a site or the move of topsoil from a parcel unless with the proper permit. Under section 4, no person shall transport topsoil in, on or by a vehicle on a highway except in accordance with the regulations. The Act provides for inspections,…


This Act released the restrictions made on any grant issued by the Crown prior to January 1, 1990. Restrictions may affect clear, cultivate, seat, enclose, dyke, repair or maintain dykes, improve, sow, plant, sow or plant specified crops or drain the land; dig a stone quarry or other mine or cut…


The present Act lays down provisions relating to consumer protection in general. For the purpose of this Act “goods" mean chattels personal other than things in action or money, and includes emblements, industrial growing crops and things attached to or forming part of the land. The text…